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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(73)
Author: Emma Holly

She saw Trey grin around his cock. She imagined Zane felt his lips curving.

“Fucker,” Zane responded, very locker-room jocular. “Jesus, you’re good at that.”

His trick of tugging down his balls won him a few extra minutes of oral enjoyment. He didn’t let go of her as he neared his limit, but his arm began to tighten spasmodically.

“Okay,” he finally said. “Enough.”

Trey was already pulling off him. He came to his feet with an assist from the marble wall. Inspired by what he’d been doing, his erection was as big and upright as Zane’s—though shaped differently at the head. Zane touched the broad silky surface with the hand that wasn’t holding her. The skin of Trey’s glans appeared to grow redder behind the swipe of Zane’s thumb.

“God, you’re beautiful,” Zane breathed as a bead of pr**cum squeezed from Trey’s slit. He smoothed the fluid around until Trey shivered. When he looked up at Trey, both their gazes were laser hot.

Trey kissed him, slow and tender and deep. Almost as tall as Zane, he only had to stretch up a bit.

“I love you,” he said after he pulled back, his goldy green eyes swimming with emotion. “You’ve brought more sweetness into my life than anyone could deserve.”

A rivulet rolled down Zane’s cheek that wasn’t shower water.

“Trey,” he murmured, caressing the other man’s trimmed stubble. His eyes said he loved Trey back, something Trey obviously knew.

Seeming amused that he didn’t say the words, Trey broke into a brilliant grin. “Better bend over, baby. This rocket is ready to launch, and I’m thinking you’d like it firing up your ass.”

Zane’s jaw fell with surprise. Trey didn’t give him a chance to make an objection.

“Oh no, boyfriend,” he said, wagging his finger from side to side. “You took me in front of her already. It’s my turn to show off.”

“Your turn to— I wasn’t— I didn’t—”

“Doesn’t matter why you did it,” Trey said. “Fair is fair. Plus, you know I’ll make you like it.”

His fingers trailed down Zane’s front, over his pectorals, around his navel, gathering up Zane’s c**k and stroking. He handled his friend’s equipment with firmness and confidence, a confidence that was justified. Zane’s face twisted with pleasure, the expression deepening as Trey squeezed and rubbed his glans. Over the course of the week, Rebecca noticed he liked playing with Zane’s foreskin. He used his palm as well as his fingers, which earned him a sharp gasp from his victim. Satisfied he’d made his point, Trey let go with a smirk.

“Fine,” Zane surrendered. “But you’re not making me scream this time.”

“We’ll see,” Trey said, pausing to wink at her.

This time? Rebecca thought, her insides liquid and pulsing. Trey had made Zane scream before?

“Why don’t I, uh, grab supplies from the cabinet?” she said hoarsely.

Trey beamed at her like she was the cleverest woman ever.

By the time she returned, Zane faced the shower’s longest wall, the one with the bench she used for leg shaving. He’d grabbed a pair of vertical metal handles that were anchored into the marble, maybe five feet off the floor. She’d wondered if the holds were there for sex, as Zane’s action seemed to confirm. He was bent forward, butt out and back twisting sensually as Trey massaged it and licked his spine. The view of Zane’s long clenching legs was pretty spectacular.

Trey was laughing at Zane’s curses. “She’s coming back,” she heard him assure Zane over the water. “Don’t be so impatient.”

“Then don’t tease me.”

“I have to.” Trey nuzzled his tailbone. “Making you crazy is too much fun.”

Rebecca was a little sorry to interrupt. “Here,” she said, holding out the lube.

The laughter in Trey’s eyes settled into warmth as he accepted it. “Thank you.”

She bit her lip, incapable of saying more. Smiling, Trey squeezed the stuff down Zane’s crack. When the stream reached the spot he wanted, he pushed it gently in with both thumbs. Zane’s knuckles whitened on the handholds.

“His nerves like this,” Trey said in a quiet voice. He moved his thumbs slowly in and out, essentially f**king him with them. “He has a lot right around his entrance. In the right context, the stimulation is very sexual.”

This context seemed to qualify. “Christ,” Zane said, unable to resist arching his rear closer.

Trey fulfilled the wordless request with more stroking, seeming to enjoy massaging him. Only when Zane whimpered did he pull away. He washed his hands in the shower, then held out his palm to her. Rebecca supplied a condom, thrilling to the sight of him rolling it down his big erection.

He didn’t look at her again. Letting her play voyeur, he reached up and wrapped his right hand beneath Zane’s on the wall handle. He settled the other on his hip, presumably to steady him.

“Ready?” he asked his friend.

“For God’s sake, get on with it,” Zane snapped.

Trey grinned, taking this as praise and not insult. Since the bench was handy, he swung one bare foot onto it. This put their respective parts at the perfect level. With a casualness that stopped her breath, Trey prodded Zane’s anus with his cock, adjusted, and then pressed smoothly in.

“Fu-u-ck,” Zane moaned, pleasure stretching out the word.

“See how good . . . waiting makes this?” Trey said.

Zane groaned and twisted his ass around Trey’s intrusion. “Do it,” he ordered. “Fuck me now, or I’ll squeeze it off.”

Trey laughed and began to swing.

She didn’t think they forgot she was there, but after a point they lost their self-consciousness. Maybe pleasure simply overwhelmed them, and they had to give in to it. She loved watching both their faces. Trey’s shoulder-length hair was wet and twisted behind his neck, Zane’s too short to obscure his expression. After a bit of Trey rolling in and out, Zane shifted one of his grips from the wall handle onto Trey’s buff arm. Trey got more serious then, which Zane seemed to appreciate. Relying on groans and broken words, he pleaded with him to go faster.

The evidence of the men’s strength enthralled her. No matter what they were doing, they were definitely male.

“Yes,” Zane said once Trey had achieved a certain pace. “There. Deeper.”
