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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(87)
Author: Emma Holly

“It’s been a while,” he explained, grinning.

“Not since Showergate,” she agreed.

Trey laughed and opened the folding gate. Feeling like a femme fatale, Rebecca sauntered into the car. The walls were dark wood with art deco detailing. She pressed her back to one age-tarnished handrail and dropped the shoes she’d been holding.

“Please join me,” she said to the men.

Zane stepped in cautiously, like he thought she might bite. “You sure you don’t want to wait until we get to our bed?”

“I have elevator fantasies.”

“Trouble,” Trey repeated, his eyes twinkling.

Now that she had the men’s attention, Rebecca shimmied the bottom of her short skirt to her hips, where the velvet’s slight stretch held it. For the first time in her life, she wore honest-to-God silk stockings and a lace garter belt. She’d found both in the stash of clothing Zane bought for her. Her tiny black panties matched, though she wasn’t flashing that much of them.

Zane swallowed at the visual. “You have the best girl thighs in the world,” he swore.

She grinned, appreciating the distinction. Trey had nice thighs too, after all. She noticed Zane’s tuxedo jacket was slung over his forearm.

“Please give that to Trey,” she said.

Neither man seemed to mind catering to her whims. Trey accepted Zane’s jacket. “Shall I shut the door?” he offered.

She nodded, and he closed them into the wood-lined space. He knew better than to take them to the third floor. They weren’t leaving here just yet. Already caught in the spell, Zane couldn’t look away from her. He wet his sumptuous lips, seeming nervous and excited. If she had her way, she’d turn the heat up under both reactions.

“Unzip,” she said, the order husky, “but don’t unbutton.”

Wincing at the trickiness of the task, Zane lowered his zipper tab. His pleated shirt was tucked in. His big erection pushed a stretch of white through the slit.

“Reach back for the railing,” Rebecca said. “Don’t let go unless I tell you.”

Behind her, Trey’s breathing hitched and then sped up. He liked this game where she was the boss as much as she’d hoped he would. Lips turning up with pleasure, she stepped toe to toe with Zane. His eyes went dark as she dug through his shirt and into his briefs for the hot silk of his organ. His arm muscles bulged in his sleeves as he restrained his impulse to move them.

“Nice,” she said when she found and stroked his erection.

She pulled it gently through the opening in his trousers. She knew Zane enjoyed that, but he controlled himself.

“This isn’t f**king each other silly,” he pointed out almost evenly.

“Fucking each other silly is the main course. This is the appetizer.”

Because her dress’s skirt was already hiked, she had no trouble kneeling in front of him. The carpet was soft and padded, like it had been designed for mischief. She wrapped her fingers around Zane’s base, her thumb on the bottom to rub the raphe. The dark veins that fed his stiffness created a very masculine image.

“You’re too tall for me to suck comfortably,” she observed. “Please plant your feet wider.”

He moved his long legs apart, his breathing going ragged in synchrony with Trey’s. The sympathy between the men thrilled her, the fact that arousing one stirred up the other. She sensed Zane looking at his friend across the enclosed space.

“I want him down there with you,” he said, more request than demand. “I’d like him teasing you while you’re teasing me.”

His manners earned him consideration. She glanced back around at Trey. He was a hot picture too. He had one hand clamped around his hard-on, like it needed extra confining.

“That would gun my motor,” he admitted.

The rasp in his voice heated her pu**y to overflowing. “You won’t take control?”

“No,” he promised, then broke into a grin. “Zane and I will save that for dessert.”

She couldn’t repress her shiver. Green eyes gleaming, Trey sank to the floor behind her. He yanked down his zipper, shoved the nice trousers to his hips, and took hold of the wall rail. He slipped his second hand down the front of her silk panties.

“Mm,” he said, rubbing her outer folds with two fingertips. “You’re all plumped up and hot.”

The light strafing tingled more deeply rooted nerves, making her pu**y clench. He brushed the tip of her clitoris, and she sucked in her breath sharply. She was swollen and sensitized. Each glancing touch felt incredible. He must have known. He took her bud between his thumb and finger and pinched gently.

“Trey,” she gasped as sensation shot through her.

He bent to nip her earlobe, growling with enjoyment. “Better suck him now,” he advised. “Before I destroy your concentration.”

He could destroy it. His arm had shoved the blue dress higher, while his hand pushed her panties down. His c**k throbbed hot and thick along the cleft of her bottom cheeks. He felt heavy, the aliveness of him exciting her. She suspected Zane saw him there.

When Zane licked his lips, she knew he did.

“Please,” he said, hands fisted around the rail. “Rebecca, put your mouth on me.”

She put her tongue on him first. Up the head she licked, lap after lap, until he quivered uncontrollably. Her lips were next, their nerve endings perfect for savoring how soft the skin that wrapped him was. She wasn’t as bold as Trey, but she didn’t neglect the ring where excitement had drawn back his foreskin. When she finally opened her mouth for him, he moaned like he was dying and pushed inside.

Trey chose the same moment to slip one finger inside of her.

Her lovers were both so careful and yet so tense with longing. She closed her eyes and took Zane’s c**k further, as if he were a delicious dish whose ingredients she needed to analyze. Thickness slid across her tongue. Heat. Strength that pulsed like a heart. She creamed around Trey’s gently stroking finger.

Moved by that, Trey’s body pressed harder against her back.

“Don’t,” she said when Zane’s hand came to cup her head.

He’d forgotten himself. He returned his grip to the brass railing.

She sank down his shaft and drew up again, tightening her lips, working him with her tongue. Sweet fluid oozed from him.

“Christ,” he said, his h*ps wriggling helplessly.

Rebecca pulled free and looked up his tall body. His eyes weren’t exactly focused, but he looked straight at her.
