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The Billionaire's Game ~ Kade

The Billionaire’s Game ~ Kade (Billionaire’s Obsession #4)(55)
Author: J.S. Scott

Asha watched as her sister hurriedly rose to her feet as quickly as a woman who was carrying twin babies could get up. Popping to her feet, Asha grabbed Maddie’s arm and helped her straighten. “What are you doing? You’re supposed to be resting,” Asha scolded, knowing Maddie was really starting to feel the effects of carrying twins.

“We need to see if you’re pregnant,” Maddie said excitedly, waddling out the kitchen door without another word.

Asha followed quietly behind her, putting a hand to her flat belly. No! She wasn’t even going to consider the possibility. “Maddie…I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I know I’m not.”

Stopping in the downstairs bathroom, Maddie ignored her, rifling through her medicine cabinet until she had what she wanted. “Asha…no offense…but your ex-husband was the lowest scum on earth. Do you think he wouldn’t lie?” She handed Asha the two pregnancy tests she had in her hand and waved at the toilet. “Pee. Now.”

Asha grasped the pregnancy tests to her chest, her heart starting to gallop like a herd of wild horses. What if…

“I’m not pregnant,” she told her sister again obstinately.

A small smile formed on Maddie’s lips as she pushed Asha lightly into the bathroom. As she closed the door she said softly, “We’ll see.”

Alone in the bathroom, Asha pulled the first test out of the packaging. She was completely familiar with the tests. She’d used plenty of them early in her marriage, sad that she couldn’t conceive, but secretly relieved every time they came back negative. But it would be different this time. Now, she’d give anything to see a positive result, even though the chances of that were pretty slim.

Gathering her courage, she tested twice.

Kade beat her home that evening. As Asha let herself into the house, she could smell something delicious in the air.

A man who cooks!

Kade’s culinary talent might be limited, but he tried, and he’d even gotten some easy recipes from Sam.

Asha stood at the entry to the kitchen, silently watching her fiancé with awe. How had she ever gotten this lucky? Just a few years ago she’d been a battered wife, and now she was the cherished fiancée of the most wonderful man in the universe. With his wealth, looks, and personality, Kade could have had any woman of his choosing, yet he wanted her.

You are worthy. You are worthy. Asha chanted the mantra in her head, not completely sure she entirely believed it yet, but Dr. Miller said that acceptance would come with time. Right now, she just felt damned lucky.

Kade’s head whipped around suddenly, as though he felt her presence. “Hey beautiful…I didn’t hear you come in,” he greeted her happily, his blue eyes reflecting nothing but love.

“I had a great view of your ass. I didn’t want to ruin it,” she told him jokingly as he swept her up in his usual hug, picking her up by the butt and kissing her as though he hadn’t seen her in months. In reality, it had been just this morning.

“Get naked with me, and I’ll be glad to let you look all you want,” Kade whispered low and seductively against her ear.

Asha nearly let him take her away. Right now, the only thing she wanted was to be as close to Kade as she could get. “Dinner,” she reminded him playfully, her arms around his neck, hugging him closely to her body. She could already feel the very hard proof that he could back up his promise quite easily.

“Okay. I do need to feed you first,” he rumbled, letting her body slowly slide down his until her feet were back on the ground. “How was work?”

Asha rolled her eyes, wondering if Kade would ever get over wanting to feed her until she nearly popped. “I rescheduled the job for next week,” she informed him carefully.

“So where were you, then? Found another guy already?” Kade’s words were teasing, but his eyes were serious.

“I went to see Maddie this morning. And then I went to an appointment. It took awhile.” Asha gnawed on her lip, not quite sure how to tell Kade what she needed to tell him.

“You okay?” The worry in his eyes increased.

“I’m fine.” Asha put a palm to his stubble-covered cheek and smiled. “But I have something I need to talk to you about. Something important.”

Kade took her hand from his cheek and kissed her palm. Flipping all the controls off on the stove, he grabbed himself a beer and sat a bottled water on the table. Pulling out her chair, he motioned for her to sit. She sat, and Kade flopped down in the chair on her right. “Talk,” he said gruffly, all of his attention on her. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out. As long as you aren’t planning on telling me you won’t marry me or you’re leaving again, I can figure anything out.”

“I’m pregnant.” Asha blurted the words out before she could think about it. They had been bottled up inside her all day, and she needed the support of the person who mattered the most to her in the world. Seeing the incredulous look on his face, she babbled on. “I went to see Maddie this morning and I mentioned a couple of symptoms. She made me take a test. Two tests. Both positive. She made a few calls and got me in to a friend of hers, an OB doctor. She did a bunch of tests. My reproductive system appears to be fine and I’m pregnant.” She buried her face in her hands. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry, Kade. I didn’t know he’d lied. I didn’t know I could get pregnant. I know you said you weren’t sure you wanted—”

Kade snatched her out of her chair and had her in his lap so fast that it stopped her pathetic speech. Tears poured down her face, every emotion that had been tumbling around inside her suddenly bursting from her body at the same time.







And so many other feelings that Asha wasn’t able to identify. “This should have been something we talked about, something we decided together,” she told him regretfully.

Kade lifted the edge of his t-shirt and dabbed at her tears. “I think it took both of us to get you pregnant, Asha,” he said gently. “Please don’t cry. You don’t want this baby?” He sounded unsure, a hint of hurt and confusion in his tone.

“I do want it. I want our child so much it hurts. But we had plans. And you said you weren’t sure you wanted a child of your own. I should never have had sex with you until I knew the truth about why I wasn’t able to conceive. Turns out that I can. Apparently Ravi lied.”
