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The Billionaire's Game ~ Kade

The Billionaire’s Game ~ Kade (Billionaire’s Obsession #4)(7)
Author: J.S. Scott

“She needs her vision checked,” Max answered drily. “What’s she like? Does she look like Maddie?”

Kade paused for a moment, tossing the towel into the laundry pile. “No. She doesn’t look like either one of you, but she’s beautiful. Her father was an Indian immigrant, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still be related. Her mother was American.”

“Does she have a birth certificate?” Max asked, obviously anxious to find out more about Asha.

“I don’t know. We didn’t have a chance to talk much about her past before she almost did a nosedive to the carpet. She collapsed almost from the moment I met her. Let me get her well, Max,” Kade answered irritably, not happy that Max didn’t seem to understand his main priority was to get Asha healthy. “I’ll get her to come to Tampa.”

“Thanks,” Max answered gratefully. “I don’t mean to push. I guess I’m just anxious to know. I’m glad you finally found her. I owe you.”

Kade was glad too, but for totally different reasons than seeing if Asha was related to Max. “I’ll remember you said that. I’ll keep in touch. I’ll get her to Florida as soon as I can.”

“How’s your leg holding up?” Max asked, the concern in his voice evident.

“It’s fine.” Actually, it ached like hell, but Kade wasn’t about to admit it.

He hastily ended his conversation with Max before his brother-in-law could pry any further. Or worse yet, put Mia on the phone to try to wangle more information out of him.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Kade’s eyes went instantly to the bed. Asha was still sleeping, but she was tossing restlessly. The sheets were tangled, thrown from her body, probably during a period when her fever had made her overly warm. He climbed onto the bed, touching the back of his hand to her cheek. Her face was slightly damp, but cool, her fever probably under control from the drugs he had given her before she’d fallen asleep.

Her body started to shiver, and Kade grabbed the sheets and blankets that had been kicked to the bottom of the bed. As he went to draw them back up, his eyes caught a small patch of red on the top of her right foot. Looking closer, he could see that it was actually an intricate pattern, a stylized butterfly trying to emerge from the confines of its cocoon. Kade knew tattoos, and as he traced the pattern lightly with his fingers, he wondered exactly what it meant. It was henna, the rendering already lightened with age, but he could still make out every detail.

“Ow! Shit!” Kade quickly jerked his fingers away and moved back as Asha drew back her foot and kicked him in his bum leg. Her eyes were still closed, and she was still asleep. The action had been reflexive, a subconscious reaction to his touch, but it still hurt like hell. Rubbing his leg, he moved back to the head of the bed.

Asha tossed her head, her hair sliding along the fine cotton of the pillow. “I need to get out! I need to get out! I can’t do this anymore.” Her voice was raw and frightened.

Kade quickly shucked his clothes, leaving on his silk boxers, and slid into the bed beside Asha. Her panicked, scared ramblings tugged at him, lured him closer. She could go ahead and kick him again. He didn’t give a shit. All he wanted to do was comfort her, make her feel safe. The need to shelter her from anything unpleasant was stronger than his physical pain, and Asha tapped into emotions that Kade hadn’t even known he possessed.

“Kade?” Asha murmured softly as he gathered her close to him and covered them both with the blankets, his arm wrapping around her waist. She squirmed until her head was resting comfortably against his shoulder. “I need you,” she murmured softly.

Kade’s heart squeezed and he gulped. Hard. Those three little words undid him, as did the soft sigh that came from her lips as she melted into his body. Her breathing evened out, and her body relaxed, trusting him to keep her safe as she slept.

I need you.

When was the last time anyone had ever needed him? His grip on her tightened reflexively, his need to protect her so strong that he had to force himself not to clutch her too hard.

Asha Paritala was still a mystery to him, yet he was drawn to her as he’d never been drawn to a woman before in his entire life. She burrowed into his side, seeking his body heat, nearly making him groan with frustration. He wanted her closer, yet he needed to move away to keep his sanity. She tested his control in ways that scared the shit out of him. When she sprawled on top of him, he gritted his teeth, but his arms wrapped around her and cradled her body over his, knowing he’d warm her. His body was on fire, and probably throwing off heat like a furnace. The thin nightgown she was wearing was an ineffective barrier between them, but Kade still wanted it gone. He wanted to be skin-to-skin with this woman in the worst way.

She’s sick. She’s vulnerable.

Those thoughts made him grip her just a little bit tighter.

I need you.

He could still hear her words echoing through his head in her husky, plaintive voice. Inhaling deeply, he let her jasmine scent fill every one of his senses.

She’s mine!

Kade shook his head at his wayward thoughts, but the gnawing in his gut just kept getting stronger. Every primitive instinct inside his body was screaming that this woman belonged with him. It was like everything had clicked into place—she had clicked into place—joining them together in an irrevocable way.

I don’t even f**king know her.

Problem was, something inside of him did recognize her, a part of himself that had been aching to find something or someone to relieve his emptiness. For the first time in forever, he wanted to stop running and enjoy the sensation of the woman in his arms, be intoxicated by her scent. Even though his body was clamoring to have her carnally, he also felt…at peace.

Kade shut down his brain and simply enjoyed the feel of her body on top of his, her slim, naked legs entwining with his more muscular limbs. He couldn’t shake the sense of rightness, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to lose it. Needing to investigate the strange reaction he felt toward her, Kade decided a few things then and there:

One: Asha was coming back to Tampa with him, even if he had to take her kicking and screaming to do it.

Two: He didn’t give a shit whether she was related to Max and Maddie or not.

Three: Once she was well, he was going to f**k her until neither one of them could move.

Four: For the first time in his life, he was going to become a hero, slaying every dragon and demon that plagued her.

Five: He was going to make her smile…a lot. Her stoic demeanor told him she hadn’t had much to smile about in her life.
