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The Billionaire's Ultimatum: His Absolute Need

The Billionaire’s Ultimatum: His Absolute Need(39)
Author: Cerys du Lys

I kissed him, needing to feel everything he felt for me. His words, his emotions, the slight doubt in the back of his mind and the surety, despite it all, that everything would work out in the end, it shifted from him to me. Our lips acted as a conduit, some amazing miracle of thoughts and sensations. I’d never felt this way before, never kissed anyone like this before, and it overwhelmed me. I needed it so very very badly.

The elevator doors closed on us sometime during our kiss. Maybe a second ago, or a few minutes, but when we paused and he held me close and I looked, the elevator car had passed us by.

"We missed the elevator," I said, smiling.

Reluctantly leaving a part of our embrace to stretch his hand out, Asher pressed the button again. We watched the numbers above the door, waited for the elevator to greet us once more.

"Do you want to miss it again?" he asked.

I laughed. "Asher!"

Needless to say, when the elevator dinged its second arrival, Asher and I were otherwise preoccupied.

Asher was tired, but he couldn’t let it get to him.

Pizza was delicious and dinner went splendidly. Jeremy played an excellent role in all of that, and when Asher gave him a slight nod at the end of the evening while the movie credits rolled, he politely excused himself and went back to the main house to rest for the night.

"I really like that movie," Jessika said. She curled against him, the warmth of her back heating his chest.

"Pan’s Labyrinth is a wonderful movie," Asher said. His lips pressed against her neck, kissing up and along her jaw to her earlobe. He blew lightly and whispered into her ear, "Very thought-provoking."

Jessika laughed a little and cuddled closer to him. She twisted and turned until she faced him over her shoulder and looked at him with such love and affection that he thought it was strong enough to break him into pieces.

"I always worry about the little girl, though. Do you think… do you think it was all in her mind, or…?"

Asher shook his head. "Everything worked out," he said. "You can never know exactly what happened, but everything worked out in the end. She was happy."

Jessika nodded, willing to believe it. She looked better now, more comfortable. Asher tightened his embrace, squeezing her against him, feeling the softness of her stomach and the way her body molded perfectly against him with the way he held her.

He thought she was perfect before, but he thought she was even more perfect when he had her in his arms.

I dreamed of something. I don’t know exactly what it was, and the ideas flitted away from my mind as soon as I woke. I think perhaps I dreamed of today, and what would happen. Asher, Jeremy, and I hadn’t discussed anything too thoroughly while we sat on the couch in Asher’s guest home, eating three different kinds of pizza, but we’d talked a bit; we’d talked enough.

Asher would confront Beatrice and Solomon and tell them he knew everything. It would all—Oh!

I felt something—a delightful something—warm and urgent in the core of my body. A whisper of breath teased against the bare skin between my thighs. I was sure I’d put on pajamas before going to bed, but apparently I’d lost them sometime in the night. Or was this a dream, too?

I’d asked Asher to make love to me, but he said no. We’d kissed for hours and I kept reaching for his hard c*ck trapped behind his pajama pants, but he just smirked and eventually moved my hand away. One quick stroke, then two, but he unwrapped my fingers from around my prize and went back to kissing me.

I remember growing more frantic near the end. I tried to stuff my hand in his pants and pull out what was mine, straddle atop him and convince him with my moist feminine wiles at the center of my body, but he denied me. He lifted me off him like I was nothing more than a pet and placed me on my back on the bed and lay atop me and… was he going to? Yes, finally? But, no, he’d trapped me beneath his body and kissed me and while I loved every single moment of it, I’d wanted more.

I opened my eyes, groggy, squirming when something licked lightly at my feminine folds. Looking down, finding myself open and available with the blankets completely gone, I saw Asher with his head between my thighs. His tongue, light and delicate, lapped at my sex.

I was too worked up to put up with his gentleness. I moved my hands to grab his head and pull him up atop me so he could claim my body properly, but…

Why wouldn’t my hands move?

Asher grinned at me as I struggled against my bindings. In a panic I glanced towards my wrists. While I slept he must have moved my arms up and above my head and tied me to one of the rungs of the headboard with a silken shirt. Nothing too sturdy, and if I really tried I could probably rip it into pieces and free myself, but it would take some effort. Effort that I didn’t have at the moment since I was still in somewhat of a daze from having just woken up.

"Asher," I whined.

"Shh," he said.

"Ple~ase?" I asked. I wasn’t even sure what I was asking for, but I’d know it when he did it.

His tongue licked along my labia, flittering back and forth, moistening either side of both my lower lips. I gasped and struggled with the bonds, hoping to slip my hands free and escape this erotic torture.

"If you’re good," Asher said, pausing to caress his tongue from the bottom of my slit up to my clit, lingering, "I’ll give you what you want."

"I think I was good last night!" I said, exasperated and horny.

He laughed. "What do you mean you were good? You wouldn’t stop trying to make me have sex with you."

"You want to do it, too!"

"That’s besides the point. I can be patient. There’s no need to rush things."

He went back to the task at hand, slowly teasing his tongue across my slick folds. He lapped up my arousal, tasting it with the tip of his tongue. This was worse than yesterday when he’d fingered me and told me to relax and chastised me for writhing and bucking my h*ps against his hand. This was…

His tongue flicked against my clit, hard and fast but gone so soon, like a gentle tap from the end of a whip. I wanted to scream, but instead I tried to remain calm and "good," as he said. Relatively, anyways, but I still couldn’t help but struggle against the silken shirt binding me to the headboard.

"How long?" I asked.

"Hm?" he said, looking up at me.

"How long do I have to be good before you’ll stop this?"

"Oh, you want me to stop? If you really do, I’ll go downstairs and make breakfast. I can bring it up to you when I’m done. I can’t untie you, though, because I’d rather you didn’t masturbate while I’m gone. Not right now, at least."

He said it so simply, so matter-of-factly. I couldn’t let this happen!

"No!" I shook my head, fast. "No, no. I don’t want you to leave or stop, but I want you. Inside me. I…"

"Say it," he said.

"Asher…" I whimpered.

"We’re both adults here, Jessika. If you want something, you need to let me know."

It made sense, and yet… I remembered Beatrice the other day, and the conversation I overheard while she talked with Solomon on the phone. Their dirty, raunchy sex talk, and… ugh, the thoughts of it. And yet… this was different, too.

I sighed. Slow, deliberate, I said, "I want your long, hard c*ck deep inside…"

"Yes?" he asked, prompting me further.

"Deep…" I hesitated, but Asher goaded me further with a compelling lick from his tongue. "I want your long, hard c*ck deep inside my p**sy," I said, embarrassed, rushing the words out in one hasty breath.

"Sixty seconds," he said. "If you remain calm and still for one minute, I’ll do everything you want."

"I want to be on top," I said quickly.

Asher lifted one brow, smirking. "Alright. Deal."

I endured. Asher licked at my folds, languorous and with no real goal in mind. He liked to tease me, it seemed, and watch me squirm, but, oh no, I wouldn’t give him the joy of it. I counted down the seconds in my head, being generous with my estimation.

He circled his tongue around my clit, then just barely teased at the hood and the center of my pleasure spot. I bit my lower lip, focusing on the the numbers and counting and praying that the slightest twitch from my leg didn’t count against me.

Halfway to my goal, Asher grew more frantic. Not much, nothing over the top, but he licked in longer strokes, flattening his tongue and touching more of me all at once. This was cheating or something, and I wanted to yell that out to him, but then what? He’d make me start all over again, probably! Argh.

With ten seconds left, Asher abandoned his initial plan. He kept his tongue on me, tempting me, but he added two fingers. Probing inside me, slow at first but picking up speed, he played with me like some fascinating toy. My God, if he just let me, I’d happily let him wind me up and watch me bounce around the room(or on top of him, as it were), but I doubted he’d accept that offer so easily.

Five seconds. Deeper. Three seconds. His fingertips tweaked at my g-spot. One second. He never relented and was one-hundred percent trying to make me lose this game.

Except now it was over. "I won!" I shrieked. At that same moment, Asher must have decided the exact same thing.

This time he didn’t tease me, but was full-on coaxing me to orgasm. In my desperate attempt at staving off my pleasure, I didn’t realize how pent up I was. Or, I’d realized it, but I really really needed to forget about it and play his game or I knew he’d keep teasing me forever. But, now? Oh, no, I’d won alright.

I thrashed on the bed against Asher’s mouth. He had a smug, annoyingly attractive look on his face, like he thought he’d won this game instead of me. Maybe in a way he had, or perhaps we both did. I didn’t quite care at the moment.

My pulse quickened and my breath came out in sharp, shallow gasps. I pleaded with him and begged him not to stop, or to untie me, or wait no, if he stopped to untie me that was…

My back arched as the first wave of pleasure slammed into my body. Asher never stopped, continued licking at my sex, and whenever he flicked his tongue against my oversensitive clit, I reeled in shock. My inner walls clenched against his fingers, trying to suck his hand inside of me, but he kept his motions firm and insistent upon my rugged, inner pleasure point.

During my orgasm, squeezing my hands into fists and unintentionally pulling against my bindings, I ripped the silken shirt in two and freed myself from the headboard. Enough, not enough. Oh God.

Not even knowing what came over me, I grabbed Asher’s face and pulled him away from my crotch. He looked surprised, but impressed. In a frenzy, I pushed at him and told him to get on his back, to… why did he have pajama pants on still? I pulled them off, delighted when his hard c*ck popped free in front of me. Asher watched me, smiling, and I shimmied atop him and centered myself over his erection.

I moved down, fit myself onto the head of his cock, and then pushed hard against it, taking all of him inside of me in one go. Everything beyond that was a mess of sensation, sweaty and sticky and pure, unadulterated bliss.

I lay on top of Asher, panting. He was panting, too. He finished inside of me, but I didn’t want to get off him, so I kept him in me while the aftereffects of our sexual romp settled inside me. I felt so glorious and glowing and like this was the way everyone should wake up every day. Oh my God, I was physically tired, but now completely awake.
