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The Blade of Shattered Hope

“Still in one piece,” Master George answered from a few feet in front of him. Tick couldn’t see his face very well. In fact, he couldn’t see much except for the trees and the dark shapes of his fellow Realitants.

“Fine,” Paul grumbled. “At least it’s not hot here. My pits are in desperate need of some deodorant.”

Sofia sighed. “Pleasant as always.”

“Okay, so where are we?” Paul asked.

“Yes, Atticus,” Master George added. “No more time for hasting about until you answer some questions. Where are we? What’s behind all this?”

Tick felt surprisingly calm despite the clock winding down inside his mind; he didn’t have the heart to look at his watch. He knew the calm wouldn’t last long. He knew terrible things lay ahead.

“Tick?” Paul prodded. “Speak up—can’t hear ya.”

“Alright, listen,” Tick began. “I’ll explain everything, but then we gotta get going. Jane screwed up the whole universe with her dark-matter tree—that stupid Blade of Shattered Hope. The barriers keeping the Realities whole and bound together are fragmenting, breaking apart. Right now there’s a lull, but the Haunce says in twenty-something hours from now, it’ll all snap, blow up, disintegrate. In no time at all, everything will cease to exist. That’s how the Haunce put it.”

“I feared the worst,” Master George whispered, a deathly rasp. “However, this is beyond even what I cooked up in my head. But if the Haunce told you as much, then it’s true.”

Tick nodded despite the darkness. “It thinks we can fix the problem somehow, but it’ll take me, Mistress Jane, and the Haunce itself together in the biggest Chi’karda spot in all the Realities. Which is this Factory place a few miles to the east of here.”

“Oh, goodness gracious me,” Master George said. The others stayed silent, maybe too shocked for words.

“Anyway,” Tick said, “we can talk more about the details, but the Haunce wants me to do a quick job first.” Tick reached into his pocket and pulled out the short metal message tube Master George had given him earlier. “First, it wants me to send an important note to somebody—wink it, actually.”

“Wink it?” Sofia repeated. “You mean . . .”

Tick held up the tube between his thumb and forefinger, barely able to see the silver shine of its smooth surface. “Yeah. The Haunce wants me to wink it with my so-called powers. Called it . . . practice.”

Chapter 33

Sending a Message

Tick finally remembered that he’d packed a flashlight before leaving his house. He swung his backpack off and pulled it out, then clicked it on. The light reflected off the silvery surface of the metal tube, making it look like a valuable piece of jewelry.

“Atticus,” Master George said as he moved closer and put a hand on Tick’s shoulder. “Listen to me carefully. I want you to describe what the Haunce looked like. Once I’m absolutely sure this all came from our strange and powerful friend, I promise I won’t doubt another word you say.”

Tick let the flashlight tip downward until it illuminated the leaf-strewn forest floor. “It was a big, silver-blue oval of pulsing light, with hundreds of faces replacing each other in the middle of it, their mouths forming the words as it talked to me. Creeped me out big time.”

Master George nodded as his eyes focused on the ground. “Indeed. Indeed. It’s hard to put into words what it means that the Haunce visited you, Atticus. There’s no longer any doubt that there is something special about you, something extraordinary. Especially if the Haunce thinks you can wink this message away without the use of a Barrier Wand.”

“Yeah, well, we’ll see,” Tick said. He shone the flashlight under his chin to make his face look scary. “You both can think I’m special all you want, but let’s see if I can actually do it.”

“You are special,” Paul said, not bothering to hide his sarcasm. “You’re so special.”

“He is,” Sofia snapped. “Be quiet and let him concentrate. Do it, Tick. Show him. Show us what you can do.”

Paul snickered, evidently thinking his joke was hilarious. “I’m just playin’, man. Sheesh. What’s the note in there say, anyway? And who are you sending it to?”

“It’s for Sally—” Master George began, but Tick cut him off.

“No, it’s not.”

“What do you mean? You changed it?”

Tick shone the light on the silver tube still clasped in his other hand. “Had to. The Haunce said we had no chance of getting all the Realitants together in time to help us. They’re spread all over the place, dealing with the earthquakes and junk that happened when everything went wrong.”

“Then who’s it for?” Sofia asked.

“It’s a note for someone who already has a bunch of people gathered, ready to fight the first bad thing that walks in front of them.” Tick paused, needlessly adding drama to the revelation, just for kicks. “It’s for Sato.”

Sato ignored every word spoken to him and every tap on his shoulder until he heard the voice of Lisa.

“Sato?” she asked. “You okay?”

He looked up to see she’d maneuvered her way through the tightly packed crowd. She stood in front of him, leaning down with her hands on her knees, looking at him with concern creasing her pretty face. The fact that she cared one whit made him feel a little better.

“I guess so,” he replied. He swept his eyes across the tall people of the Fifth who were packing in tighter and tighter around him, still gawking and pointing. “I just don’t know what they want. I’m not who they think I am—they have to know that! What do they expect me to do? Pretend I’m their leader raised from the dead?”

Lisa knelt down, the movement causing her blonde curls to bounce on her shoulders. “We all thought it was kind of cute until you put your head down and ignored them. Why don’t you come over and sit with my family? Maybe that’ll make them leave you alone.”

Sato shook his head slowly as he considered her offer. How stupid was this? These people fawning over him were the least of his worries. Where were they and how were they going to get out of there?

“Sato?” Lisa asked. “You want me to—”

“No, no, sorry,” he said. “I was just thinking that we need to figure out what’s going on around here. I need to talk to Rutger and Mothball. Figure out if we can get in touch with the other Realitants somehow.”
