Read Books Novel

The Candy Shop War

Summer pretended to pay and accepted the package of gum.

“Nate, these jawbreakers are Ironhides. Four in a bag. While they last, your body will have a durability that surpasses tempered steel. You’ll be no heavier or faster or stronger, but you’ll be very difficult to hurt. As with all enchanted consumables, don’t mix any of these treats with other magical edibles. Use one type at a time.”

“What are we supposed to do?” Nate asked, pretending to pay and accepting the four jawbreakers bundled in yellow plastic netting.

“Ever since William P. Colson founded this town, the Colson family has maintained a weighty presence here. They have amassed a fortune through mining and real estate. Their donations keep the town museum afloat and account for our fine public library. The Colson clan has provided the town with five mayors, including Todd Colson, who currently holds the office. His wife, Victoria, inherited a model clipper ship in a bottle called the USS Stargazer. We need that ship. Hanaver Mills hid the map to the treasure inside.”

“Where do they keep the boat?” Summer asked.

“I don’t know,” Mr. Stott said. “Two of Hanaver’s model ships are on display in the town museum, but neither one is the Stargazer. Todd and Victoria Colson live in the North Ridge area on 14 Sunset Lane. Handsome house, big gate out front. Their two children are grown, so they live alone, along with whatever staff they retain. Victoria holds no day job; you should be able to find her at home.”

“Do you think it’s in their house?” Pigeon asked.

Mr. Stott’s eyebrows jumped. “Very likely. Of all his models, Hanaver was fondest of the Stargazer. The ship probably resides in a place of honor.”

“Should we break in?” Nate asked.

“You should perform reconnaissance first,” Mr. Stott said. “But be quick about it.”

“North Ridge is far,” Pigeon said.

“You’ll figure something out,” Mr. Stott said. “Did Belinda give you a Sweet Tooth or two? Might be an opportune time to use one. We’ve already been talking too long. Bring the ship to me once you have it. I’ll keep investigating the Haags. Call if you need me.”

The Candy Wagon pulled away, music bleeping.

Nate looked at Pigeon. “This sounds like a job for Sweet Teeth and Brain Feed.”

Pigeon folded his arms and shuffled his feet. “Both of my candies are good for reconnaissance.”

“Think you could pose as an overeager student?” Nate asked. “Go bug the mayor?”

“Nobody would buy Pigeon as an eager student!” Summer joked.

“I don’t know,” Pigeon said. “Sounds risky.”

“Or you can give me some of your candy and I’ll do it,” Nate said. “I think I could act studious in an emergency.”

Pigeon pressed his lips together. “No, it’s my candy, I should do it. If I act like it’s for a school report, nobody can get angry. I can call my cousin. He’ll give me a ride on his motorcycle.”

“You sure?” Summer said.

Pigeon nodded. “I can’t let Trevor down. If things go well, maybe I’ll come back with the Stargazer. Worst case, I’ll at least learn where it is.”

“Okay,” Nate said. “Call when you know something, or when you need us. You can do this, Pidge. It’s right up your alley.”

“Hey, if you’re going to be on a motorcycle, you can finally get some use out of that jacket,” Summer said.

“No way,” Pigeon said. “Today, I need to look as nerdy as possible. I know just the sweater.”


Nate leaned against his bathroom counter, scrawling in a notebook. He held up the page to show Trevor.

The Stargazer is a ship in a bottle owned by the mayor of Colson. Pigeon is going to try to find out where he keeps it.

Trevor pointed at himself and shaped his hands into binoculars.

The mayor lives in North Ridge. Pigeon acted like it was far.

Trevor frowned and nodded.

Guess what? Denny, Eric, and Kyle are now working for Mrs. White. Might not hurt to spy on them if you get the chance.

Trevor looked astounded by the news, then connected his thumb and forefinger to make an okay sign.

They used Shock Bits on me today at school. Summer shocked Denny, and used a Sweet Tooth to get him to ask out Mandy Meyers. Mandy totally denied him!

Nate could not hear the sound, but Trevor laughed hard.

“Somewhere over the Rainbow” started playing. Nate answered the cell phone. “Hello?”

“Glad I reached you, Nate,” Mr. Stott said. “I need you to come to my house right away. There is someone I want you to meet, and something I want to give you.”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“See you soon.”

“ ’Bye.”

Trevor stared at Nate curiously.

I have to visit Mr. Stott. I guess he forgot to give me something. I’ll be back in a while.

Trevor pointed at himself, made a walking motion with two fingers, and raised his hands to his eyes like binoculars.

Yes, go and spy. Later.

Trevor saluted and jogged out of view.


Pigeon held onto Nile, trying not to cling like he was scared as they leaned around a corner onto Sunset Place. Pigeon loved the exhilaration of riding a motorcycle, but cornering made him feel off-balance. Nile accelerated down the road, the sudden increase in speed making Pigeon’s insides lurch.

All of the houses in the North Ridge community were remarkable structures with professionally landscaped yards, but number 14 at the end of the cul-de-sac was the most impressive of them all. A brick driveway flanked by white planters led from the black iron gates to a wide mansion made splendid by numerous turrets, chimneys, and balconies.

Nile came to a stop at the gate, dropping his feet to steady the motorcycle. “You want me to go up with you?” he asked.

“For this to work, I need to seem nerdy and pathetic,” Pigeon explained. “You’re too cool.”

“All right,” Nile said. “I’ll keep an eye out until you get inside, then I’ll check back every ten minutes or so. If I loiter too long in a neighborhood like this, somebody might call the cops.”

Pigeon hopped down off the bike and removed his helmet. He wore a sky-blue button-down sweater and khakis. “Do I look pathetic?” he asked.

“No comment,” Nile said.

Pigeon had told Nile that he was working on a report for school, and that he hoped the mayor might let him take some old Colson artifacts into his class. When Nile had come to pick him up, he had spotted a box of white fudge on the table and snuck a piece, confiding that he had become mildly addicted.
