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The Collar

She knelt down at his feet on the soft plaid blanket he’d spread out, unable to suppress the sigh of contentment she found at doing so. He reached out and pulled his fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes. His touch was so gentle, so reverent. Again he stroked her hair, but then his hand slipped under her chin and lifted her head.

His dark eyes seemed darker than normal, and they were filled with the intensity of emotion she knew he felt at that moment. “I love you, Angel.”

Tears stung her eyes. No matter how often he said it, it always struck her body to the innermost depths. She parted her lips to tell him how much she loved him, but he stopped her by placing a finger over her mouth.

“Not yet. Stand up for a minute, please.”

She stood up, unsure of his intentions.

He took her hands in his. “When I collared you six years ago, I did it because I wanted to claim you as my submissive. I don’t want that this time.”

Her heart, already pounding, picked up speed. What?

“I want more,” he said simply. “I want more than your body. I want your sharp mind, your passionate soul, and your beautiful heart. I want all of you, and I’ll give you all of me in return. Though, admittedly, I’m getting the better deal. I know the way I’m going about this is a bit unorthodox, but Dena, Angel.” He took something out of his pocket and dropped to one knee. “Marry me?”

The something was a gorgeous diamond solitaire. She didn’t even have to think. The answer slipped effortlessly from her. “Yes.”

He stood up, slid the ring on her finger, and leaned forward to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back, suppressing a giggle. Only Jeff would propose during a collaring ceremony. She was his. Her arms tightened around him. His.


He pulled back. “I have something else I want to offer you.” He bent down and opened a box at the corner of the blanket. A thinly braided black leather collar was in his hands when he made it back to her. Something in the collar glinted in the moonlight. She looked closer and saw silver entwined with the leather.

“To remind us both,” he said, running his finger along the metal.

“Remind us both of what?”

“To treasure what we have and for that reminder to bind us together forever.”

She couldn’t believe how perfect the collar was. “I love it.”

“If you agree to wear this, it won’t be like last time. My collar is as binding as the ring I just gave you. I want you to wear it always.”

“Nothing would make me happier.”

He nodded. “Then take the dress off and kneel before me, please.”

He’d told her to come outside wearing something she could easily remove. She’d remembered Julie and Daniel’s collaring ceremony and had known she wanted to wear a white dress like Julie’s. She loved its simplicity and what it symbolized. Even more, she loved standing in front of Jeff and taking it off.

His eyes were hungry as he watched her draw the dress over her head and then kneel in front of him.

“I wish to claim you as mine,” he said, once she’d settled. “To be your Master.”

Though she knelt at his feet, she looked up as she answered. “I want to be yours. To wear the mark of your control.”

“Be certain of what you ask for, Angel.” There was a warning in his voice, but she couldn’t determine what it related to.

“I am, Sir.”

He didn’t question her again. He simply took the collar and placed it around her neck. With the soft click of the lock, Dena felt her world settle into place.

“You are mine,” he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

“Yes.” Silent tears ran down her face. “Thank you, Master. Thank you.”

“Show your Master your appreciation.”

She bent to kiss his feet, wetting them first with her tears before her lips could brush their tops.

“Yours,” she whispered against the right.

“Forever,” she promised the left.

The evening air held just a teasing touch of the cooler weather to come with autumn. For the long minutes after she resumed kneeling, Jeff simply stood and watched her, and she grew increasingly aware of the colder temperature. Her tears cooled against her skin and her nipples pebbled. Even still, she felt the warmth of his love and protection.

“I think I could stand here and look at you all night,” he finally said. “Simply stand and delight in seeing you wear my collar once again.”

“Maybe we should try that someday, Master.”

He growled. “Say it again.”

“Master,” she repeated, knowing what he wanted to hear.



He pulled her to her feet and, without saying anything, crushed his lips against hers in a demanding kiss. She leaned in to his embrace, thrilled by the possessiveness in his touch. He was rough and hard and demanding and she loved and craved every second of it.

When he pulled back, they were both panting.

“I decided against candles tonight,” he said.

“I look forward to experiencing what you have planned.”

He seemed decidedly devious when he spoke again. “Go stand between those two trees.”

Looking at the spot he indicated, she wondered if she’d spoken too quickly. He’d obviously been busy earlier, because ropes hung from the branches, ready for his use. She stood in place while he came up behind her and slowly and efficiently cuffed her wrists and ankles, effectively binding her spread-eagle between the trees.

“How do you feel, Angel?”

She pulled experimentally against the rope. There wasn’t much give. “Like we should have done candles, Master.”

He chuckled and dipped a finger between her legs. “But your body betrays you. You’re excited about this.”

It was true, so she didn’t see the point in saying otherwise.

“Your earlier statement—what was it? You want to wear the mark of my control.” He moved so he stood in her line of vision, making certain she saw him as he removed a pocketknife and cut a small switch from a nearby tree. He sliced it through the air a few times and then struck his palm with it. “The group play party is tomorrow night. You’ll no doubt still be wearing some of my marks. What’s your safe word, Angel?”

“Wings.” She didn’t feel aroused anymore, but she tried to relax anyway.
