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The Countess

The Countess (Madison Sisters #1)(25)
Author: Lynsay Sands

Christiana smiled uncertainly at the man and then gave a start as Richard took her arm. "Shal we?"

"Yes, of course," Christiana murmured, but felt some trepidation as he urged her to fol ow the pastor, who was making his way through the now parting people in the room. She was going to be married . . . Again. It hadn’t been that long since Christiana had vowed to herself that she would never marry again and yet here she was doing it, and while she knew they had to for several very good reasons, not least of which was that she might even now be carrying Richard’s child, she couldn’t help worrying that it would be her first marriage al over again. That the moment the ceremony was over, Richard, like George before him, would suddenly find her wanting and turn from the considerate kind man he’d proven to be, to a critical, cold stranger. The thought was a depressing one and she felt more like she was being led to the gal ows than to a wedding as they fol owed Reverend Bertrand out of the house and to the chapel with her sisters, Daniel, Robert and every last Radnor servant fol owing.

Richard, on the other hand, didn’t appear to be suffering the same misgivings, Christiana noted, glancing at him from under her lashes. He was rushing along, nearly treading on the pastor’s heels in his eagerness to get to the church. Weren’t men supposed to be the reluctant ones when it came to weddings?

"Here we are." Reverend Bertrand led them to the altar in the smal church and busied himself positioning Christiana and Richard where he wanted them, then took a moment to arrange everyone else before rushing off to col ect his bible. He was back almost before Christiana could take a breath. The service was a blur for Christiana and she gave her responses automatical y without real y taking in what she was saying. Her mind was on the worry of what would happen once it was done. In that state, she was taken rather by surprise when it ended, even giving a start when Richard kissed her. Before she could gather herself enough to kiss him back, he was straightening and urging her to fol ow the pastor to sign the marriage register. Christiana signed first, her hand shaking as she did, and then she stepped back to make room for Richard to sign and found herself surrounded by her sisters and the servants, al offering congratulations. She managed to smile and nod in response, but was distracted by the panic that wanted to claim her. She noticed that Daniel and Robert signed as witnesses, then the three men put their heads together with the pastor. She wondered what they were talking about when he suddenly nodded and then Richard turned to make his way to her as the pastor clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention.

"We shal go back to the house now and eat the fine meal Cook prepared for the arrival of the Earl and Countess and their guests. Come along. Let us head back to the house."

Richard took her arm as the servants al began to leave. "Did you and your sisters wish to freshen up before the meal?"

"I thought we were going to head straight back to London?" she said with surprise.

"The men convinced me to alter the plans slightly," he said quietly, urging her to fol ow the servants outside. "I’m sure you and your sisters would like to wash and change after the long journey today, and a meal would be nice too."

"I suppose," Christiana murmured as they started toward the house. It would be pleasant to have a quick wash and change of clothes, then a meal before setting out again. "But Richard, I have been thinking. You can’t pay this blackmailer."

"I don’t want to," he admitted, "And we wil do what we can to catch the blackmailer rather than pay, but I also won’t risk it getting out that George tried to kil me and married you in my name. The scandal would destroy you and ruin any chance of your sisters marrying wel ."

Christiana stared. His concern was for her and her sisters. He hadn’t suddenly changed . . . yet. Clearing her throat, she said, "That is very thoughtful, but I suspect if you pay him once, the blackmailer wil continue to demand money. And it just isn’t right that you should have to pay when al of this is George’s fault to begin with, especial y since you didn’t kil him."

"And you and your sisters shouldn’t have to pay by suffering the scandal either,"

he pointed out quietly, glancing around to be sure no one was close enough to overhear their conversation. "George was my brother. If anyone is going to pay, it should be me."

Christiana frowned. She didn’t want a scandal any more than he did. Her sisters would suffer horribly from it, but . . . She wasn’t foolish enough to think if they paid once, it would be done. The blackmailer would no doubt ask for more later, and then again, and this would hang over al their heads until they were al dead and buried.

Frowning, she asked, "Can we not take the body to the authorities, claim George didn’t die in the fire after al as we had al assumed, but that he was the one away in America this last year? That he left a letter to that effect when he departed, but it apparently burned up in the fire. We can say he returned because he was feeling unwel and that we found him dead in his bed this morning. The authorities can examine him, wil find he died of natural causes and al wil be wel ." She smiled widely, sure she’d found the answer. "That way there would be no scandal, and no way the blackmailer could blackmail us."

"Ah, wel . . ." Richard grimaced, and then sighed and admitted, "Actual y, Daniel and I suspect George was murdered."

"What?" she asked with shock and stopped walking.

"We smel ed bitter almond around his mouth when we went to move him the first night," Richard explained, urging her to walk again. Christiana stared at him blankly. "I don’t understand."

"We think he was poisoned." Richard glanced around as they reached the house and urged her to fol ow the others inside. "Don’t worry. We have a plan to catch the blackmailer."

"What is this plan?" she asked worriedly as he started to lead her upstairs.

"I’l explain later," Richard said rather than answer the question. He also started to move more quickly, urging her upstairs and along the hal to the master bedroom.

"You just go on inside and refresh yourself before the meal. Al wil be wel . I’l have Grace and your chest brought up. Would you like a bath?"

Christiana frowned. "No, that would take too long and I know you want to head back to London. A basin of water to wash with wil do."

"Right. I’l see it’s brought up," he assured her opening the bedroom door.

She started to automatical y walk into the room, but he caught her back, drawing her around to face him and then suddenly kissed her. It was no quick pressing of lips like the one in the church, but a hard, demanding kiss that quickly had her sinking against him with a sigh and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"To tide me over until we can consummate the marriage," he said with a sigh as he ended the kiss a moment later, and then he smiled crookedly and added, "You are now most definitely, and legal y, my wife."

Christiana managed a smile despite her reservations, and he urged her into the room. "I shal send up Grace and your chest. Take your time. I’m sure Cook wil need a bit of time to get the meal on the table."

He then pul ed the door closed, leaving her alone in the master bedroom.

Christiana sighed and glanced around as she moved further into the room.

She had never been in it before. When she and George had stopped on the way into London she’d been given the connecting room next door and never stepped foot in the room. She’d also cried herself to sleep wondering why George had been so short with her that day and why he hadn’t come to her that night. She’d cried herself to sleep many nights during the first six months of their marriage wondering the same thing. Shaking those memories away, she walked around the room, looking over everything curiously as she waited for Grace. It seemed to take forever for the woman to arrive with two footmen in tow carrying Christiana’s chest. Despite Richard’s tel ing her to take her time, she was quick about her ablutions and change of clothes. Even so, Suzette was stepping out of her room when Christiana left the master bedroom to head downstairs.

"I feel better," Suzette commented as the two of them started toward the stairs.

"As do I," Christiana murmured.

"I’m not looking forward to the ride back to town though."

"I’m sorry about this, Suzie," Christiana said. "I know you cannot welcome this delay. Perhaps you and Daniel should continue on to Gretna Green and leave us to deal with this other business."

"As if we would," Suzette said dryly and shook her head as they started down the stairs. "No, this is more urgent. We have some time yet. If things drag on and it’s necessary, Daniel and I can travel through the night, stopping only to change horses. We could make the journey to Gretna in a couple days that way and be back just as quickly. So as long as we do not delay much more than a week we should be able to make the two-week deadline Father was given."

"Thank you," Christiana murmured and wondered if Suzette’s marrying Daniel was even necessary anymore. Richard had said he’d make up for what his brother had done. Did that include paying off the gambling debt? He hadn’t said so specifical y, and he also hadn’t said anything to suggest Suzette and Daniel needn’t marry to gain the dower and pay the debt, but things had been a bit chaotic and confusing since the night of the bal . Perhaps he just hadn’t had the chance to say anything. Or even think about it real y. She would have to broach the subject with him the first chance she got just to be sure, Christiana decided. She didn’t wish to see Suzette forced into marriage, even if on her own terms, if there was no need.

"Wait for me!" Lisa cried out, suddenly appearing at the top of the stairs behind them. "I don’t know where the dining room is."

Suzette and Christiana paused, smiling at their younger sister as she rushed down to join them and then the trio headed up the hal to the dining room. Christiana had expected Richard and the other men to be there, entertaining the pastor when they arrived, so was a bit surprised to find Reverend Bertrand standing al by himself, peering out a window when they entered.

"Sorry we took so long," Christiana murmured as she glanced back up the empty hal in search of her husband.

"Not at al ," the pastor said at once, beaming at them as he turned from the window. "You are al three wel worth the wait." Moving toward the table, he began to pul out a chair and suggested, "Shal we sit down? I believe the meal is ready and the servants were merely waiting for your arrival to serve."

Christiana felt her eyes narrow at the words. "What about the men?"

"Ah." Reverend Bertrand, pul ed out a second chair and moved on to do the same with a third before saying, "They wished me to explain that they felt they could travel more swiftly with just the one carriage and thought you might be more comfortable waiting here with your maids while they dealt with matters in town."

"They left?" Suzette snapped with disbelief.

"Er . . . yes," he admitted, looking uncomfortable.

Christiana turned on her heel and started out of the room at once.

"Real y, my lady, I think you would do better to simply wait here as they wish.

They left some time ago, directly after seeing you ladies upstairs. You wil never catch up to them," the man argued, hurrying after them when Suzette and Lisa fol owed her.

Al three women ignored him.

Chapter Fourteen

They’re going to be very, very angry."

Richard grimaced at Robert’s prediction, knowing the man was right. But real y, leaving the women behind was the best choice. Christiana and her sisters could now relax and enjoy themselves together at Radnor and be out of harm’s way while he, Daniel and Robert hunted down their blackmailer. Besides, it seemed ridiculous to drag the maids, the chests, and al three carriages back to London when they would just have to make the return journey in a couple of days’ time for Suzette and Daniel to marry. And they could travel much more swiftly with just the one carriage. They had taken Woodrow’s carriage because it was the fastest. They were making good time. They’d stopped at three different inns along the way to change horses, but were stil more than three quarters of the way back to London and Richard was sure it wasn’t yet midnight.

"They wil get over their anger," Daniel said now, not sounding at al worried about Suzette’s reaction to their defection. Robert just shook his head. "Trust me. I have known the Madison sisters al my life. You wil not get off easily for this. Either of you." He let that sink in and then glanced to Richard. "I was glad to see Christiana stand up for herself and make you listen back at the house. It was a good sign."

"How so?" Richard asked curiously, recal ing his surprise when he’d placed her in the carriage and she’d suddenly snapped at him.

"She is being herself with you. It shows she isn’t afraid of you as I think she was with Dicky . . . er . . . George," he corrected himself. "The one time I saw them together after the wedding she was as jumpy as a cat. I feared he was taking his fists to her, but she assured me he wasn’t."

"Did you believe her?" Richard asked, frowning at the possibility that George may have beaten Christiana on top of everything else.

"Yes. Christiana is a terrible liar and I’m sure she was tel ing the truth, but she was stil afraid of the man." He shook his head. "Perhaps she just feared what would happen if he did lose his temper."

Richard scowled. No one should have to live in fear. A body should feel safe in their own home.

"That doesn’t matter now though," Robert said after a moment. "The good news is she doesn’t appear to fear you the same way. I think the two of you wil make a fine match."

"Thank you," Richard said dryly, but was secretly quite pleased with Robert’s words. Christiana was proving to be intel igent, passionate and capable. words. Christiana was proving to be intel igent, passionate and capable.

He liked the woman, and suspected he could more than like her with a little time.
