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The Darkest Craving

The Darkest Craving (Lords of the Underworld #10)(72)
Author: Gena Showalter

She gasped. Her fingers shifted through his hair, tugging the strands. “Already done. Now give me more.”

“Always.” His lips returned to hers in a fierce meeting of mouths, dueling tongues, and nipping teeth. The passion…the utter rapture. The ecstasy.

“I want to touch you, too.”


Her hands roamed over him, exploring him, learning him, fisting his length, and that should have bothered him, but he was too relieved to be with her to entertain even a glimmer of reservation. The past fell away. There was only Tink and this moment and the pleasure and the light. Here, in her arms, surrounded by her, accepted by her, needed by her, the wounds inside his soul finally began to heal. Strength infused his bones, plumped his muscles. The blood in his veins became molten, his need for her too intense to ever again deny.

“I like this,” she said on a groan.


“I want…the rest…” The words ended on a groan. “Do the rest.”

“Soon.” He took over completely. Awed by her—mine, she’s mine, and I can have her, can have this, as many times as I desire—he did everything in his power to prepare her for his invasion. His mouth, on her body. All over it, lingering. Her taste, down his throat. Like honey. His fingers, between her legs. Rubbing, playing. She moaned, again and again, and the sounds were like music.

He liiicked. Sucked. Kneaded. Played again. Worked his fingers in slllowly…picking up speed…faster and faster…all while he whispered to her, praising her sweetness.

“I’m going to…something’s happening…”

“Let go, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

She erupted, the pleasure hitting her, making her spasm and gasp. And when she came back down to earth a few minutes later, he started up all over again.

Panting, she said, “That was…that was…”

“Next time I’ll be in you, and it’ll be even better.”

“Yes,” she said, a plea, barely discernable. “Please. If you don’t…I’m going to…oh, I need that again…please.”

Yes. Now. No more waiting. She was his. He needed to claim her. Brand her from the inside out.

He donned a condom and moved into position, settling between her eagerly opened thighs. Concern for her was the only power strong enough to stop him from immediately thrusting home. “It’s going to hurt at first. There’s nothing I can do about that, but it’ll get better. I promise it’ll get better. But I’ll stay still until you’re ready, okay?”

“Hurts now. Just. Do. Something.”

He surged inside her, roaring, the reins of his control instantly shredded, the power of the joining utterly overwhelming him.

She cried out, the sound laced with pleasure and pain.

Mine. She’s all mine now. Claimed. Possessed.

He remained still, as promised. Sweat poured from him. His heart thundered at the incredible pressure inside him. Pressure he resisted with all of his might.

Any second, he would break apart.

“Want me to…pull out?” he panted. Please, don’t want me to pull out.

“No. Go! Finally doing…what I…need.”

He almost laughed. Almost.

He slid backward, and she squeezed at him, trying to hold him inside. Then, he slammed forward, giving her more, giving her harder, all hope of regaining control gone. He utterly ravaged her. His need for her was too great, and she liked it, was still grasping at him, once again begging for more, and more, and more.

“You feel so good,” he moaned. He told her how much he wanted her, needed her, had to have her, and she responded with soft mewls. “Don’t think I’ll ever get enough.”


“Tink, my Tink.”

His already frenzied rhythm quickened, and when she gave another cry, this one high-pitched and broken, a testament of her release, the pleasure utterly consumed him. He roared with the sublime satisfaction of his.

When the last of his shudders subsided, he collapsed on top of her. Drained. Sated.


Panting, she said, “That was…that was…”

“Awesome and wonderful.” He rolled onto his side, freeing her from his weight. “Like you.”

She kissed the hammering pulse at the base of his neck. “No wonder you did it so many times before coming after me.”

No condemnation. Still no judgment. Was there any woman like her? “Sweetheart, nothing has ever compared to this.”

She snuggled against him, a content little kitten, rubbing her cheek against his chest. “Husband?”

Oh, he liked the sound of that. “Yes. Wife.”

“Let’s do it again.”

* * *

WHEN MORNING DAWNED, Josephina was once again snuggled against the warmth of Kane’s body. She hadn’t slept, had been too busy marveling. The man wanted by all others wanted her. The man who couldn’t tolerate the touch of others had yearned for hers. Now, he held on to her as if he couldn’t bear to let her go. As if she meant something to him.

What a wonderful life she suddenly lived.

And what a wonderful man at her side. He’d experienced the worst life had to offer, was still hurting inside, might always carry the scars, but he’d turned to her. He’d found a measure of peace with her; she would cherish him all the days of her life.

A strange vibration tickled the skin of her cheek, and she frowned. “What’s happening—”

“It’s from my ring,” Kane said with a sleep-rich rumble. “It’s been bugging me all night, shaking my arm, creating some kind of heat.”

“That’s not exactly normal ring behavior.”

“I know. Apparently, William is some kind of collector, and he was willing to trade this one for a bag of Skittles. Don’t ask me where he found it. I don’t know.”

“Hmm, Skittles,” she said with a moan of longing.

He snorted. “You’d trade your rock for the candy, wouldn’t you? Never mind. Don’t tell me. I’ll only want to Super Glue the thing to your finger.”

She held the ring to the light, the jewel sparkling majestically. “Even though it’s size giant, I won’t take it off.” It was a symbol of their commitment to each other.

He kissed her temple, gentle and sweet and almost boyish. “Are you hungry, wife?”

Wife. Was there a more beautiful word? “I’m starved, actually. Husband.” Oh, yes. That one. She might never get tired of saying it.

“Me, too,” he said, his voice going low, “but I doubt we’re talking about the same thing.”
