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The Darkest Craving

The Darkest Craving (Lords of the Underworld #10)(83)
Author: Gena Showalter

“The specialest.”

A laugh bubbled over. “I know it didn’t seem like it at the time, but I would have picked you above all men.”

“Even Torin and Paris?”

“Especially Torin and Paris. You are, without a doubt, the sexiest man ever created. I just didn’t want you to regret what we were doing.”

“I’ll never regret my time with you.” He kissed her, a sweet meeting of lips more about comfort than passion. But oh, the passion was there, too. Always it was there. “What you said…thank you, Tink. I was always the warrior left behind. My friends didn’t want to risk the trouble Disaster would cause and I couldn’t blame them. It’s nice to be wanted.”

He understood her pain, she realized. Their circumstances might have been different, but the outcome had been the same: a deep sense of rejection. He’d probably longed for acceptance all the days of his life. He’d probably hoped and dreamed of helping his friends, only to be crushed time and time again when they overlooked his amazing battle skills.

“There’s no one else I’d rather have fight for me,” she said truthfully.

He graced her with another kiss. “You are a treasure. I hope you know that.”

She beamed at him. A compliment she hadn’t had to give to herself. Was there anything sweeter? “Where did you go when we were running from the Brother Husbands?”

“The Moirai summoned me.”

“Oh.” Oh, no. “What happened?”

“I did what was necessary, and it might take the witches a few years to recover,” he said flatly. “Where are the Brother Husbands—is that what we’re calling them now? Where are they keeping you?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

“What do you remember seeing?”

“Well, I remember being on the street, then engaging the boys, then…nothing until I woke up inside a tent. I don’t know what’s outside it—I would have looked, but I’m bound to a post.”

He arched a brow. “You consider their binding you to a post doing their best to romance you?”

“They only bound me after I threw Green’s specially prepared food in his face—a fourth time. Anyway. The air is hot and smells of patchouli. There are four fur beds on the ground, and I think I hear screams in the background.”

A dark curtain fell over Kane’s features. “I know where you are. I’ll be there before sunrise.”

* * *

HE HAD TO return to hell.

The moment the fog disappeared, taking Tink with it, Kane stopped projecting his image and rose from the bed. His legs shook. His stomach twisted.

A hand here…a mouth there…so helpless…

A whip across his legs. A dagger along his ribs.

Hot breath on his wounded skin…kisses…

Panic threatened to fell him. He wouldn’t let it. Whatever his body’s reaction, he had to do this. He couldn’t leave Tink in hell. Wouldn’t leave her. He knew the things that happened there. Oh, yes, he knew, and now had to race to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach.

He rinsed out his mouth and stared at his haunted reflection. Tink could be stolen from the Rainbow Rejects and tortured by minions. If that happened, she would stop wanting to live and once again start wanting to die. She would never smile or laugh again. He couldn’t fathom a life without her smile. She needed him, and he’d vowed to protect her, no matter what, even if he had to face his worst nightmare to do it.

He forced himself to stalk to the side of Lucien’s bed, and, with a trembling hand, shook the warrior awake. “I need you to flash me to…hell.” He described the camp Lucien was to find, doing his best not to vomit. This had to be done.

The pair asked no questions. They stood. Lucien tucked Anya in his right side, and wrapped his left arm around Kane’s shoulders. Used to be, he could only flash one person at a time, but his power was increasing.

Kane fought the urge to jerk away. Ignored the thought that he’d rather die than return. For Tink, he would suffer anything.

Lucien flashed to the rocky entrance. Then deeper inside. Screams of agony filled the hot, sulfur-scented air. Disaster hummed with approval, loving how close he was to his minions.

Kane almost fought his way out of his friend’s hold. The worst of his memories played through his mind, picture stills, a flash of one, then another, images of pain and suffering, somehow all the worse because he now saw them in black-and-white—except for the blood. Scarlet dripped from his many wounds.

Deeper inside the cave. Deeper still…

The next time Lucien paused, Kane hunched over and dry heaved. The warrior didn’t release him—perhaps he knew Kane would have bolted. When he finished, he straightened and wiped the moisture from his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Just a little farther, I think,” Lucien said, and flashed again.

“I can make it.” Maybe.

At last the warrior stopped at the top of a smoky cliff.

Kane croaked out, “Here.” Patchouli saturated the air, a scent he knew far too well.

Still battling the urge to run, he crouched and peered down at a land littered with jagged rocks and black dirt. There were trees, but they were gnarled and without any sign of life. In the center was the tent Tink had mentioned, big and flesh-colored—Kane knew the Rainbow Rejects had skinned people to make it.

Tink was inside. Bound to a post. Helpless.

Fury overshadowed the worst of his revulsion. The men themselves sat around a fire pit, roasting marshmallows, utterly at ease. Probably strategizing the best way to “romance” Tink.

My Tink. No one romances her but me.

“What are you guys doing here?” a familiar voice demanded from behind.

Kane twisted while palming a dagger. He came face-to-face with William.

“Willy Willy Boo Bear!” Anya said with a grin. Her beautiful face lit with delight. “I’ve missed you like crazy.”

“Well, I haven’t missed you, brat.”

“Have, too.”

“Have not.”

A slap fight broke out.

Normally Kane would have been amused. Now? His nerves were too frayed.

“Enough,” Lucien said, and the ridiculous fight of the she-cats stopped.

“I’m going to kill your boys,” Kane said. And fast. He wanted out of this place.

“Funny, but I’m going to kill my boys,” William gritted, taking the spot beside him. “They actually left me for dead in Séduire. And good thing, too, because the Phoenix burned down the king’s gardens, and someone has to face punishment. He’s picked your Tinker Hell, because, apparently, she’s to blame for everything. He’ll be sending a contingent of soldiers after her.”
