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The Darkest Craving

The Darkest Craving (Lords of the Underworld #10)(85)
Author: Gena Showalter

As he patted at his throat, finding no external obstruction, he spotted Lucien, Anya, William and Tink sitting in front of the fire. He stopped. Tink’s black hair was brushed to a glossy shine, her skin scrubbed clean, and her clothes in perfect condition. She was safe. Relief and joy intermingled, a potent combination that managed to chase away the worst of his panic, opening his lungs and allowing him to suck in a measure of oxygen.

William eyed his boys, who were still lying on the ground. “They’re not dead. Only a beheading will kill them.”

Kane moved forward, intending to deliver the final blow.

“Don’t,” William said, stopping him. “I’ve changed my mind. They’ve learned their lesson. They’ll never approach your woman again. I’ll make sure of it.”

Very well. Kane didn’t need to see them dead—he just needed the reassurance that his mine was safe from them.

He faced Tink.

She stood, wiping her hands against her thighs. Nervous? Or frightened of him? He was covered in blood, after all.

“Kane,” she said.

He took a step toward her. “You’re free. That was fast.”

William shifted. “Yeah, so, I was mistaken about the chain and key. Anya got her out. Go figure.”

“She was bound by rope, nothing more, and I somehow managed to cut her loose,” Anya said drily. “Imagine my surprise.”

William had tried to trick him, just to gain possession of the ring. Kane wanted to care. He didn’t care. His gaze remained locked with Tink’s. She approached him. A second later, they were running at each other. She threw herself in his arms, and he spun her around.

“Told you I’d be here by morning,” he whispered.

“Thank you.”

“Welcome.” Now, he could get her out of here. Couldn’t tolerate another minute inside these jagged walls. “We need to—”

“Disaster,” a female screeched in the distance. “Disaster is here!”

“Where? Where is he? I must have him!”

Every muscle Kane possessed knotted. The minions had sensed him. The minions…the minions who had…had…NO! Sickness returned to his stomach, churning viciously. The females wanted to bind him and cut away his clothing. They wanted to touch him and taste him and steal his seed.

They’ll have you, Disaster said with a laugh. Over and over again.

Going to vomit.

“And now it’s time to bail.” William unsheathed a Sig Sauer from the waist of his pants. “I can only flash myself. Lucien, you take care of the others.”

Lucien nodded and flashed a protesting Anya to safety. He reappeared a few seconds later, grabbed a now trembling Kane and Tink, and flashed them away, too. The last thing Kane saw was William running forward, grinning with delight. And when he next blinked, he was standing inside the walls of the fortress he’d never thought to revisit, once again barely able to breathe.


The Realm of Blood and Shadows

JOSEPHINA TOOK IN as much of the fortress as possible as Kane dragged her down a hall and up a flight of stairs. “I almost can’t believe I’m in your home. I mean, I’m actually in your home. I’m living every Fae woman’s dream.”

The portraits on the walls caught her attention. Each contained a Lord of the Underworld in the buff, his manhood shielded by something feminine. A ribbon. A teddy bear. A scrap of lace. Then there were the portraits of the delicate blonde, the epitome of what Fae males found attractive. In one, she wore a ball gown. In another, a negligee. In yet another, black leather.

“She’s pretty,” Josephina said, trying not to compare herself to the beauty. “Does she belong to one of your friends?”


The sharpness of his tone startled her. She studied the stiffness of his back, the jerkiness of his stride. “Kane? Is everything all right?”

He ignored her. He even ignored the people they passed.

“Kane, is that really you?” said a male with black hair and violet eyes. Josephina recognized the infamous keeper of Violence. He was close enough to touch.

A baby girl was cradled in his arms. Oh, sweet mercy, he had a child? Why had the scribes not delivered such a juicy tidbit?

Silent, Kane dragged her past the pair.

“So wonderful to meet you,” she called. “I’m Josephina, and I absolutely love—”

Kane jerked her around the corner.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were on your honeymoon,” said Strider, coming out of a bedroom.

“So lovely to see you again,” Josephina called.

A petite redheaded lovely moved to his side, and she elbowed him in the stomach.

“What’d I do now, baby doll?” Strider asked with a grimace.

“Honeymoon?” the redhead said with a stomp of her foot. “He got married and you didn’t think to tell me?”

“Hey, Paris and Torin wouldn’t happen to be here, would they?” Josephina asked Strider. “I might die of a heart attack, but it would be worth it—”

Kane pulled her in front of him, and slapped his hand over her mouth. “That’s enough out of you.”

He stopped her in front of a door. A bedroom, she realized when he got her inside. He released her and shut them both in. Awed, she drank in every nook and cranny. The chamber was spacious, with distressed walls of stone and a cracked marble floor. The furniture was antique, worn but chic. There were no pictures, though, no personal touches of any kind.

“I need to—” Kane scrubbed a hand down his face. “I…need to go,” he said, his gaze anywhere but on her.

She spun to face him. “You’re leaving me?”

“I’ll be back,” he rushed to add. “And I’ll introduce you to everyone. I’ll give you a tour. Whatever you want.”

“I want…you.”

She was no longer the passive girl he’d first met. She’d been through too much, had survived too much. They’d survived. She’d decided to stand up for her rights, and that hadn’t changed. She would fight for what she wanted, would even fight Kane himself. “What’s going on, Kane? What’s wrong with you? Tell me. Don’t push me aside. Not this time.”

“My head’s messed up,” he said in a tortured voice. “The weeks in hell…the demons…”

“I’m so sorry. I should have realized.” She closed the distance between them, placed her palms on his chest. His heart drummed fast and erratic. Being there had reminded him of all he’d endured, and yet still he’d come for her. Such a precious man. My man. “Let me help you. Please.”
