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The Darkest Lie

The Darkest Lie (Lords of the Underworld #6)(25)
Author: Gena Showalter

She shrugged, deceptively cavalier. “I told you one thing, as you asked. That’s all you get.”

Damn it. The story had only whetted his appetite for more. “Seems like you haven’t endured a lot of pain to be with me. Why would you not do that?”

“None of your business.” Once again, she didn’t pretend to misunderstand what he was saying and his respect and admiration for her grew. Along with his frustration.

“Don’t tell me, and I won’t give you a boon. Anything you don’t want.” Without a doubt, she’d ask for liberation. He’d give it to her, because damn, he just couldn’t lie to her anymore, and then he would catch her again. Lock her away as planned.

It was necessary, he reminded himself. She was dangerous, could destroy him and everyone he loved. He’d remind himself of those facts until the word necessary was simply a part of him, as vital as breathing.

Her interest perked. “A boon to be named later?”


She tugged her foot from his clasp and gave him the other one. He tried not to smile as he set to work, massaging this arch in turn. So quietly demanding. So adorable.


“All right, yes,” she said. “I’ll tell you.” She licked her lips, averted her gaze and peered up at the heavens. “Just…give me a minute.”

“A minute” turned out to be eleven. Not that he was counting every damn second.

The suspense was killing him, though he suspected what she was going to say. I risked punishment because I loved you. Part of him wanted to hear the words, even if that made him a sadist. The other part of him really wanted to hear the words. Even if that made him a masochist. She didn’t feel that way now, and it wouldn’t end well for her if she did. A thought that left him hollow and sick.

Fucking necessary.

“Are you sure you want to know?” she finally asked, hesitant yet hopeful. “The knowledge will change you, and not for the better.”

Couldn’t be “I love you,” then. Her expression was so troubled, he’d never seen its like. Dread coursed through him and his fingers stopped moving. He sat up straighter, his gaze trying to burrow into her soul. “No. Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me now.”

She gulped. “Gideon. We…you and I…we had…a son. We had a son, and his name was Steel.”


AMUN, KEEPER of the demon of Secrets, lounged in a plastic lawn chair in the middle of the thriving green forest surrounding his home. He had a battery-operated mister in front of him and a cooler of ice-cold beer beside him. Alcohol didn’t do much for immortals, but he liked the taste anyway.

Overhead, the sun was shining so brightly, a few thousand amber rays managed to seep through the thick treetop canopy and directly onto his skin. And yeah, he had a lot of exposed skin. He’d come out here clad in his swim trunks and a smile.When he closed his eyes, it was easy to pretend he was on a beach. Alone. He did this as often as possible; it was his time away from people and the secrets they could never hide from him, no matter how hard they tried. Secrets his demon was always desperate to unearth, always prowling through their heads to find, listening to their thoughts. Thoughts Amun then heard himself.

That was hard enough, but bearable. If that had been his only ability, he thought he might have been able to live a normal life. But his demon could also steal those memories, each new voice joining the thousands of others already floating through his head, increasing in volume until finally blending with his own, so that he could no longer distinguish which were truly his.

It was as if he had lived the life of the person whose memories he took. Whether that life was good—or utterly horrific.

Swiping thoughts was something Amun hated to do, but sometimes it was necessary. Learning what your enemy knew and had planned could win a battle. Making that enemy forget could win a war. So, though he hated it, he would use his demon in that way without hesitation. And had, over and over again.

A woman’s giggling snagged his attention, and he opened his eyes. He didn’t have to see her to know who was approaching his hideaway. Olivia, the angel. Aeron was in hot pursuit of her.

Amun could already hear their thoughts.

Gods, her laugh is sexy as hell.

If I use my wings, he won’t be able to catch me, and I really want him to catch me. Almost…got…her…

He’s almost got me!

A panting, grinning Olivia broke through the bush, spotted Amun and grabbed the dagger strapped to the outside of her thigh beneath her robe. When she realized who he was, she stopped, relaxed and waved.

Not expecting her sudden pause, Aeron rushed through the bush a second later and slammed into her, propelling them both to the ground. Aeron twisted midway, taking the brunt of the fall. But Olivia’s glorious white wings spread and flapped, easing their momentum, and they settled gently on a bed of leaves.

“Got you at last, sweetheart,” Aeron said with a mock growl, attempting to kiss her.

“Aeron,” Olivia protested, gaze darting to Amun. “We have company.”

“Company?” The warrior popped to his feet, already reaching for his own weapon, as well as flipping Olivia to her stomach, doubtless to protect her vital organs. When he saw Amun, he, too, relaxed. And, if Amun wasn’t mistaken, he blushed. “Hey.”

Hey, Amun signed. He would have loved to greet his friend properly, would have loved to talk with him, but Amun knew too well the dangers of opening his mouth while all those voices fought for release. One word, and they would overrun him. They would smash through his defenses and become all that he knew. Everyone around him would then hear what he was forced to listen to on a daily basis.

He loved his friends too much to subject them to such poison. Besides, he was used to it. They were not.

Aeron helped Olivia to her feet and brushed the leaves and twigs from her gleaming white robe. “What are you doing here?”

Again, Amun signed his reply.

Aeron just watched him blankly. The warrior was learning the language, but wasn’t proficient yet. “Slow down, please.”

“He said he’s on a mini-vacation,” Olivia supplied.

Amun nodded to let Aeron know the female was correct.

“We’ll go, then,” Aeron said.

Stay. Please. Olivia had no secrets, no sins, something Amun adored about her. She was the most open, honest and innocent person Amun had ever met. And Aeron, well, Amun already knew all of his secrets. They were nothing new to his demon, therefore his demon remained dormant while in the warrior’s presence.
