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The Darkest Night

The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld #1)(23)
Author: Gena Showalter

A dangerous haze shuttered over his eyes; his own, all his own, but the demon liked it. Kill him. He means to take what is ours. Yes, he needed to kill. His blood heated to a boil. His skin stretched over his bones.

"He’s not listening," Aeron said to Lucien. A muscle ticked below the man’s eye, and he gave Maddox a rough shake before severing contact between them. "Are you listening to me?"

"Yes," Maddox gritted out.

"Just how long do you plan to keep the woman here?"

As long as possible, his mind answered of its own accord.

As long as needed, he corrected.

Keeping her in the fortress was dangerous. For her. For him. For the other Lords. He knew that, but he wasn’t going to set her free. He had neither the will nor the desire. Nothing was more important than discovering the delights her body promised. Nothing. Would she be hot and wet for him? Would she purr his name? Beg for more?

Suddenly a fist connected with his nose, whipping his head to the side. Pain exploded in his temple, loosening fury’s grip. Arousal, too. Maddox blinked in confusion and frowned over at Aeron. "Why did you do that?"

"Your face was not your own, but Violence’s." Lucien shook his head, suddenly in front of him, his expression weary. "You were about to erupt."

"Get yourself under control, man." Aeron expelled an exasperated sigh. "You’re like the Sword of Damocles, ready to drop at any moment and slice us all."

"That’s funny coming from you," Maddox said dryly. He might charge swiftly into seemingly unprovoked bouts of violence, but Aeron had been known to charge into rampages, too, spreading his vengeance as far and wide as possible.

"Where’s the girl now?" Lucien asked.

At first, Maddox did not answer. He didn’t want them to know, for they might go to her. "My room," he finally said, his tone so dark they couldn’t mistake his unspoken warning: Visit her and feel the sting of my demon.

"You left her alone in your room?" Aeron’s exasperation reached a new high, and he threw his arms in the air. "Why don’t you give her a knife, tell us to line up and let her stab us one by one?"

"I locked her in. She cannot cause trouble."

"She might have picked the lock." Lucien massaged the back of his neck. "She could be sneaking Hunters inside this very second."

"No. I killed them."

"There could be more."

Lucien was right. Maddox knew Lucien was right. He ground his teeth together, and his battered jaw ached in protest. "I will check and make sure she is where I left her and alone." He spun on his heel.

"I’m coming with you." Determined, Aeron flanked him.

Lucien followed suit.

Maddox kicked into motion. If Ashlyn had escaped, had brought Hunters into their midst, the warriors would demand her head.

He wasn’t sure he could give it to them, no matter her crimes. In fact, every cell in his body shouted with the need to protect her. Me? A protector? His blood heated with it, burned.

When – if – the time came, would he be able to do what was necessary? Maddox didn’t know the answer. He liked to think he would, but…

They rounded a corner, and their steps harmonized into a hard battle drum. Thump. Thump, thump, thump. Thump. From the corner of his eye, he saw Aeron shake his arms at his sides. Two small blades fell into his waiting hands.

The man hadn’t lost himself to the demon during their fight, after all, Maddox realized. Otherwise, Maddox would be in tatters right now, his skin nothing more than a fond memory.

He experienced a twinge of guilt. Had Aeron fought him only to help him?

"No one touches the girl," he said, his guilt increasing. He should be more loyal to his friends. "No matter what we find, she is mine. Understood? I’ll deal with her myself."

There was a pregnant pause as each man weighed his response.

"Fine," Lucien said on a sigh.

Still Aeron remained silent.

"It’s my room. I can go in alone and leave you out here to – "

"Fine," Aeron finally snapped. "She’s yours. Not that you’ll do what you should. Hunters, though, will be executed on sight."

"Agreed." On both counts.

"What has she done to command such loyalty from you?" Lucien asked, genuine curiosity rather than snide disgust in his tone.

Maddox didn’t have an answer. Didn’t even want to think about it. He deserved disgust, though. That, he couldn’t deny.

"I think our friend’s forgotten that sex is sex." Aeron twirled one of the blades with menacing flare. "Who’s offering it doesn’t matter. This woman is nothing special. None of them are."

Suddenly caught in another dark web of anger, all hint of guilt overshadowed, Maddox shot out his leg, tripping Aeron and jumping on top of him before the man even hit the ground. He used the warrior’s surprise to his advantage, swiping one of the knives and holding the tip at Aeron’s throat.

But, having realized what was happening midway into his fall, Aeron had the other blade poised at Maddox’s throat at the same time. Maddox felt the apex sink past skin, nicking a tendon, but he did not back down.

"Do you want to die?"

Undaunted, Aeron arched a pierced black brow. "Do you?"

"Let him go, Maddox," Lucien said, the calm eye of the storm.

He pushed the weapon deeper, his gaze never leaving Aeron’s. Fire sizzled and crackled between them. "Do not talk about her like that."

"I’ll talk however I please."

He scowled. I like this man. I admire him. He’s killed for me, and I for him. Yet he knew, deep down, that if Ashlyn were mentioned in such a derogatory manner again, he would snap. The speaker didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except her. He hated that fact. He didn’t understand it, but was helpless against it.

"For whatever reason," Lucien said, "the girl is a trigger. Tell him you won’t talk about her again, Aeron."

"Why should I?" was the grumbled reply. "Last time I checked, I had a right to voice my opinions."

Deep breath in, deep breath out. That didn’t help. Maddox could feel himself gearing for another attack. Damn it! I have to get myself under control. This was utterly ridiculous and wholly embarrassing. He’d never had less influence over his own actions.

"Aeron, you have to be tired of cleaning blood off the floors," Lucien said. "Think how much there will be if Hunters are even now trying to invade our home and we do not stop them from getting inside. Tell him."

Aeron hesitated only a moment before removing the knife from Maddox’s neck. "Fine," he spat. "No talk of the girl. Happy now?"
