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The Darkest Passion

The Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld #5)(53)
Author: Gena Showalter

You’ll have to make it enough.

“All right,” she said with a sigh, and stepped from the stall. Going with him now would also grant them more time together. And she supposed she wouldn’t torture him with what he’d never have, she thought sourly, hating to abandon so sweet a revenge. She supposed she’d offer her br**sts and her needy mouth—and anything else he wanted—without restraint.

In between the offerings, she could protect Aeron, as she’d vowed to do, should anyone or thing threaten him.

“All right what?” he asked, confused.

There was a toothbrush on the shower ledge, along with a tube of minty paste. Having seen humans perform the task a thousand times, she knew what to do and managed to brush her teeth without incident. “All right, I’ll show you where Scarlet lives.”

Mouth fresh and clean, she grabbed the brush on the counter. The bristles caught on several tangles, making her grimace, but she didn’t stop until her hair was smooth. Next time, she’d remember to bring her robe with her even if she didn’t plan to wear it.

“What changed your mind?” Suspicion dripped from each word.

“Arguing with you is a waste of precious time.” True, if somewhat misleading.

“A rational female. Who would have guessed?”

She tossed the brush into the sink. “An insensitive male who won’t get a kiss if he keeps that up.” Again, true. And shocking. This vengeful side of her…she liked it.

Silence greeted her. Did that mean he craved another kiss? Despite her new affinity for tormenting, she tried not to hope too intently.

“I haven’t hurt Legion, you know,” she said. “Even when she hurt me.”

“Actually, angel, she hurts whenever you’re near. Or she used to, when you had wings. But I never did, nor did the other warriors, and we’re just as demonic as Legion is. Why was that? Were you doing it on purpose?”

“Of course not. Though it’s true demons hate to be around angels, you’ve managed to humanize yours. At least somewhat.” Now. Enough talk about Legion, even though Olivia had been the one to bring her up this time. “Do you want to know how to capture Scarlet or not?”

“Sorry,” he muttered. “Yes. I do.”

She fought a grin. Another apology. Just as grudging, but just as sweet. “Here’s what I know. Because she’s possessed by Nightmares, she’s weakened during the daylight hours.” As she spoke, Olivia studied herself in the foggy mirror. There were bruises under her eyes and her cheeks were a bit hollowed. She only ever wanted Aeron to see her at her best, not like this, but it couldn’t be helped. “She’s like vampires in that regard. She sleeps during the day, her body too frail even to walk.”

Aeron took a moment to absorb what she’d said. “We’ll capture her today, then, while she’s sleeping.”

“Why the urgency? And what do you plan to do with her?”

“Hunters are in town. We’ve found their hideout, and we now know they’re being aided by Rhea, the god queen. We want to ask Scarlet a few questions, prevent her from helping the Hunters.”

“I could have told you they were in town, but you refused to listen to me.”

“I know, I know, and I’m sorry about that, too. So what do you know about Rhea?”

Yet another apology from him. The man deserved a reward. “I know that she titled herself Mother Earth, and that she’s aiding the Hunters,” Olivia said, even though all she could think about was giving Aeron that reward. “I know that she was weakened inside Tartarus, all the Titans were, and that’s how the Greeks were able to get the demon of Strife to possess her.”

“I can’t believe I had the information at my fingertips all along,” he muttered. “If her demon is taken from her, will she die? Like us?”


“So why is she helping the Hunters?”

“For the same reason Galen is leading them. They plan to kill you, and save themselves, then use your demons for their own gains. In Rhea’s case, taking over the heavens and destroying Cronus once and for all.”

If he had more questions, and she was sure that he did, he didn’t allow himself to ask. Did he plan to go to his other source, whatever—or whoever—it was? And he did have a source. That much was clear. He hadn’t been this knowledgeable before. If he did, he wouldn’t need Olivia, and she hated the thought of that.

“Thank you for the information,” he said gruffly.

“You’re welcome.” Push him. Be confident. Aggressive. Show him that he needs you for more than answers. “I accept payment in the form of kisses. And anyway, I believe I owe you two. You apologized for your insensitivity, after all.”

Aeron cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I never said I’d pay you. Or accept payment. We, uh, need to leave.”

Disappointing man. “Just let me—” Olivia glanced at the towel. If she donned it, she would be giving up, and she wasn’t ready to give up.

She bit her lip as Gideon’s words drifted through her head. Well, her translation of his words. Men liked naked women. Men had trouble resisting naked women. So no towel, she mused, nearly humming with anticipation.


“Never mind,” she said throatily. “I’m ready.”

Arching her back to lift her chest—he did like her br**sts—she gripped the doorknob and flung the door open fully. Confident. Aeron was leaning against the wall and had his back to her. His arms were still crossed over his chest. Unfortunately, he was still dressed.

Aggressive. They’d just have to change that.

Naked and wet, she stepped in front of him, her heart drumming harder and faster than when she’d considered touching herself. When he spotted her, his jaw dropped. His nostrils flared. His pupils practically exploded, the violet irises completely obscured.

Olivia almost moaned. Well, well. Gideon had been right. Aeron did like looking at a naked woman.

Push harder. The ache…she needed him to assuage the ache… “What do you think of my outfit?” she asked, twirling.

Strangling sounds left his mouth.

She might never wear clothes again. “I’m human now and humans always demand payment for their services.” Could he hear the excitement and nervousness in her voice? “So, if you want any more information from me—and believe me, I have a lot to offer—you’ll have to earn it.”
