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The Darkest Pleasure

The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3)(14)
Author: Gena Showalter

But for every second he resisted, the demon would grow louder and louder. Reyes knew that well. He would become more and more distracted. That was the bane of his demon-curse. He needed to cut himself, but in the end he weakened like any other being when injured, albeit temporarily.

"What were you saying?" he asked Lucien.

Every gaze shifted to him.

Lucien rolled his eyes. "The girl is being held one street over. Innocents fill the area, so we will have to be careful."

He didn’t care about innocents. Cold and callous of him, but then, he’d never been a soft, easy man. Well, that wasn’t true. In the years before his pairing with Pain, he remembered laughing and joking with his friends. "How many Hunters are with her?" A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought of the suffering she might even now be enduring.

Whatever was done to Danika, Reyes would retaliate a hundredfold when facing the Hunters. He might hate his demon for the torment he constantly endured, but he wouldn’t hesitate to hand over the reins of control so that the creature could unleash its powers. Not today. Pain could look into a human’s soul, find every vulnerability, even the tiniest chink, and systematically scrape each one with poisoned arrows until the human was screaming, writhing, clawing at his skin to stop the agony.

"Earlier today," Lucien said, "there were twenty-three in the building."

"They multiply like rabbits." Sabin grinned, and the sight of it was pure wickedness. "Could be a hundred more by now."

Lucien motioned to the far window, his dark hair swaying at his temples. "We have several hours until nightfall. I will flash to the building, remain in the spirit world and listen. Observe. We need to know what she’s told them, and we need to know what they’re planning."

All Reyes heard was "several hours." "We’re supposed to stay here?" he growled. "Do nothing?"

"Yes." Lucien eyed him now, those mismatched orbs swirling once more. "If they are monitoring the area, I will disable their computers. Then, at dark, when humans are less likely to notice your height, your build and your weapons and send policemen after you, you will walk there. I’ll be waiting for you in the shadows outside."

More inactivity. More waiting.

The knowledge was both emotionally and physically painful for him. Reyes wanted to lash out, punch something, and that he couldn’t…the demon fed off that corporal agony and demanded more. Wanted control.

Soon, he promised.

This was one of the many reasons Reyes had sent Danika away and one of the few reasons he should not be here to rescue her. She roused him and the demon as surely as if she were rattling a stick against a hungry animal’s cage.

"The Darkest Pleasure"

If he gave his demon free rein as it craved, he would lose control of his actions. What if he hurt Danika? What if he enjoyed hurting her? Smiled while beating her bones to powder? What if he killed her, the very act he’d locked his best friend away for even contemplating?

He wouldn’t be able to live with himself, knowing he’d destroyed something so…precious. Yes, he realized then. She was precious to him. She was the angel to his demon, the good to his evil. The pleasure to his pain. And she was inside a Hunter stronghold, bound, helpless…suffering.

Once again red winked over his vision and rather than welcome it he now fought it. Damn this! There could be no giving over to his demon side, then, not even to battle the Hunters. Reyes would have to maintain command.

Someone slapped him on the back, jostling him from his musings. "Save it, my friend," a female said.

Calm, settle. Reyes turned his head and found himself staring down at Cameo, keeper of Misery and the only female Lord. He quickly looked away. With her long black hair, silver eyes and skin like peaches and cream, she was beauty incarnate. She was also a strong, fierce warrior despite her delectable little body. It was hard to face her, though, when all of the world’s unhappiness seemed to seep from her pores and into his heart.

"We’ll retrieve her safely," Cameo said, meaning to comfort him but only managing to make his chest ache. "Don’t worry."

Gods, her voice. He tried not to cringe while the demon inside him sighed, liking the pain she unwittingly inflicted. Why couldn’t Reyes have been attracted to her? Would have made his life easier.

You’re hurting now only because the subject being discussed is Danika. Much as his demon enjoyed physical pain, Cameo represented an avalanche of emotional turmoil and dysfunction. So no, wanting her would not have been easier. Her tragic voice could drive any man to suicide and Reyes tried to kill himself enough already.

"Hunters once abducted a lover of mine," she said.

Reyes rubbed his chest. Someone had actually slept with her? "And you were able to save him?"

"Oh, no. He died horribly. They cut out his heart and mailed it to me."

Reyes blinked against a surge of panic, but didn’t face her again. That won’t happen to Danika. He scanned the building, breathing in and out, slowing his wild pulse, calming again. Lucien was already gone, and the others were sitting along the edges of the walls, polishing their weapons with lethal efficiency.

Finally, he trusted himself to speak without screaming. "That little story is supposed to soothe me?"

"Yes. They bested us once in this manner. We won’t allow them to do so again."

Small comfort. Even now, a fist could be flying toward Danika’s face, a foot toward her stomach. A whip arching toward her back. A knife sliding into her organs. She could be sobbing for him to save her. And here he was, close, but waiting, leaving her helpless.

The knowledge was intolerable.

He stalked away from Cameo. Back and forth he paced. Should he ignore Lucien’s command and attack now? Let him work. He knows what he’s doing. He’ll come for you if she’s placed in any sort of danger.

Even knowing that, time passed with agonizing slowness, every tick of the clock a torturous beat. Only when the sun began to wane, dulling from bright gold to hazy pink, from hazy pink to deep purple and finally blessed gray, did he relax.

"I’ve never seen you like this," Paris remarked. "Fidgety, distracted."

"Hopefully you won’t see me like this again."

"I’m sending a prayer heavenward that I never look that way," Sabin muttered. "Not that it’ll do any good. Still."

Strider grinned. "But you’re so pretty when you’re in love."

Sabin flipped him off.

Love? Was Reyes capable of such an emotion? "Night has fallen. Let’s go." He pounded toward the front door.

Anya latched on to his arm, her fingernails digging into his bare flesh. "Hold it right there, sweetness. You don’t know the way."
