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The Darkest Pleasure

The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3)(38)
Author: Gena Showalter

"Do you still – " Indulge with those little hookers? she finished silently. "Do you still seek that kind of woman?"

"Not for many years."

The anger and the jealousy melted somewhat. "Do you want me to injure you?" Could she?

Surprisingly, he shook his head. Dark hair swayed at his temples. "I crave the pain, I will not lie, and I would love you to be the one giving it to me. But…" He licked his lips, looked away.

"But what?"

"I would never allow you to hurt me like that."

"Why?" The question burst from her before she could stop it. Not wanting to see pity light his features, she pulled her gaze from his face – and found herself staring at fresh cuts in his arm. He’d been slicing grooves this entire time.

Shaking, she wound her own arms around her middle. That’s what he needed, knives in his veins. She’d always assumed he was clumsy. She gave a humorless laugh. He wasn’t clumsy at all. How foolish she’d been.

"It would change you," he said, "and not for the better. You are perfect, just as you are."

Do not react. Ignore his words. The conversation was dangerous, and nothing good waited at the end. Either she would lose her mind, beg to be allowed to give him what he needed and be disgusted with herself for doing so, or he would continue to reject her, humiliating her. Get away from him.

"You said what you wanted to say. I – I need to speak with Aeron now. I’ve wasted too much time. I need to find my family."

A blank mask fluttered over Reyes’s face.

Her chest ached. For him? For her? For what could have been? She didn’t know. "What kind of person would I be if I continued to put myself above them? They might be in trouble, might be scared and worried about me."

"The Darkest Pleasure"

"I will talk to him again and you may listen," Reyes countered.

"But – "

"You saw how Aeron erupted at the mere sound of your voice. I will talk to him. Understand?"

She nodded reluctantly. The information Aeron possessed was too precious to stay here squabbling over semantics. "Will you let me go after them? If he tells us where they are?"

"I’m afraid I will never be able to let you go."

It was the second time he’d said that to her, but this time the words were whispered and she had to strain to hear. When his meaning registered, she nearly leapt off the bed and attacked him. Only the knowledge that he would like it held her in place. "Try and keep me here, then," she snarled. "See what happens."

"You misunderstand. I will help you find them," he said, "and I will escort you to wherever they are." If they are alive. The unspoken statement echoed between them. "In return, you will not betray my friends to the Hunters. Not even Aeron."

Every drop of heat leached from her cheeks, leaving them cold. He knew. Had probably known all along. "I – I – "

"You do not have to tell me what they said to you, what they asked of you or what you promised them. It doesn’t matter. My knowledge of it could get you killed." He turned, giving her his back. "Do you agree to the trade?"

The Hunters had vowed to help her find her family, protect them. But they were mortals, humans like herself. They hated Reyes and the other Lords, wanted vengeance against them and would do anything for victory. Even mow her down if she got in their way, she suspected.

They had asked for her help, for her to enter this fortress and collect information. So far, she had not lived up to her vow to help them. There hadn’t been time, and she hadn’t had the inclination. Reyes had distracted her.

Now he was asking her to switch sides completely and trust the enemy.

"Do you agree?" he demanded.

"I agree," she said, but she wasn’t sure she spoke truthfully. She had a phone briefing scheduled with Stefano tonight, and she would do whatever was necessary, use anyone, to find her family. To keep them safe, she would have every single one of Reyes’s friends killed if necessary.

And ruin Ashlyn’s life. Anya’s, too. Her stomach churned with sickness. God, the equation worsened with every hour that passed.

She’d already proven she couldn’t destroy Reyes.

And that was okay. He wouldn’t hurt her family. Or would he? If she conspired against his friends, he could very easily morph from sweet protector to murderous demon. Which meant he would have to die, as well.

Damn it!

"You will not betray us, even if your loved ones are gone?" he pressed her.

Were her intentions flashing all over her face? She closed her eyes. "I agree, okay?" she said again, and this time the words were choked. The coming days might prove to be the worst of her life, dashing her hopes, ruining her family…and devastating this man she both wanted and feared.

Reyes nodded soberly. "Then let’s do this."



"Didn’t work out last time," Reyes said. He was standing inside the cell as he had yesterday, but Aeron noted his old friend remained a safe distance away. "I thought we’d try again."

"No. I think you’ve returned for more." Aeron stared at Reyes, who looked every bit the warrior primed for battle. When didn’t he, though? "I think you liked my hands on you."

A muscle ticked below each of Reyes’s dark eyes.

"A few years ago I asked if I could whip you, beat you. Something. I would have stabbed you, even. I didn’t want to do it, didn’t want to hurt you any more than you wanted to kill Maddox each night, but I knew you needed the pain so I was willing. I loved you enough."

"And I loved you enough to say no. Remember that?"

Aeron ignored the question, because he did remember. Thinking of it could deflate him. He petted Legion’s bald head when the creature settled on his lap, saying, "I’m still willing to help you. If you want to hurt, give me your woman." He laughed, even as fury clouded his friend’s face. "One slice, that’s all it will take. She’ll fall, and your heart will literally break. Pain for eternity will be yours. My gift to you. You can thank me later."

The tip of Reyes’s tongue slid over his teeth. A show of aggression. Well, a need for aggression. Yet Reyes remained in place. Unlike Aeron and Maddox, he rarely erupted. He was a man who waited, then struck when his enemy least expected it. "You’ve changed. Once you were desperate to let her go. What happened?"

"I simply realized I cannot win against the bloodlust. I’ve given myself to it, and I’ve never been happier," he said.

"Liar. You hate what you are. I know you do." Reyes sighed when Aeron didn’t respond. "Tell me where her family is. Please."
