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The Darkest Pleasure

The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3)(53)
Author: Gena Showalter

At least he didn’t feel the need to jump from the fortress roof again.

"So what’s a guy have to do to get some action around here?"

Reyes’s head whipped to the side at the sound of that unknown voice. One of his daggers was soaring through the air a second later.

An unfamiliar warrior lounged in the plush red recliner, legs extended, the very picture of tranquility. He captured Reyes’s weapon without a blink and studied the hilt. "Nice work. You make it yourself?"

Recognition suddenly dawned. "William." Anya’s friend. Not many people could make it up the hill and into the fortress without setting off Torin’s traps and sensors. But Torin had turned them off for this man, and Anya had warned everyone in the house to leave him alone or suffer the consequences.

"Yep, that’s me. I know, I know. You’re humbled I’m here, feel like throwing rose petals at my feet, blah, blah, blah. No need, though. Just try and think of me as a normal guy."

Reyes rolled his eyes. Anya had failed to mention the immortal was an arrogant ass. "Yes, I made the blade. Why are you here?"

Frowning, William tangled a strong hand through his black-as-night hair. "Boredom, my friend. Boredom. Everyone just took off, no welcome party for me or anything. I decided to watch some TV, but the only movies you’ve got are  p**n  and as I’ve been without a female for the past few weeks, they’re just making me jealous."

"The movies belong to Paris," he said.

A laugh. A shake of William’s head. "Say no more. I met the man."

"I did not mean, why are you in this room. Why are you in Budapest? Why are you in this fortress?"

William shrugged those big shoulders. "Answer doesn’t change. Boredom. Well," he added after a moment’s thought, "maybe it changes a little. Anya came to visit me not too long ago and put me in a tight spot with the new god king. I failed him, so he burned my home to the ground – even though he got what he wanted anyway. I’ve got nowhere else to go and Anya owes me big-time."

Reyes stiffened, every muscle in his body going on alert. "If you came to hurt her, I will – "

"Relax." The warrior held up one hand, palm out. His blue eyes twinkled as he raised his shirt with the other. "I couldn’t hurt her even if I wanted to, and believe me, I’ve wanted to. She stabbed me right here."

His gaze lowered to the man’s stomach. A long, thick scar slashed through his navel. "Nice."

"Girl always has been good with knives." William dropped the shirt and grinned.

Except for the scar, looking at William was like beholding the most perfect being ever created. Perfect skin, tanned and smooth. Perfect nose, sloped and straight. Perfect teeth, perfect cheekbones, perfect jaw. He was leanly muscled and exuded confidence. Reyes did not want the man anywhere near Danika.

Thinking of Danika caused his stomach to knot. "You said you desired a woman?" Reyes asked him.

William sat up, his features practically glowing with anticipation. "Have one in mind?"

"Meet me at the front door. Fifteen minutes."

Without another word, Reyes marched from the room and into his chamber. Danika stood in the exact same spot he’d left her, still lost in her painting. She hadn’t even begun adding colors yet, but was still sketching the outline.

"The Darkest Pleasure"

He didn’t know much about the process, but suspected she would be at the task for hours more. His body was on fire, more so than before, and he needed pain. Taking matters into his own hands had not helped, had only managed to shock Danika and embarrass him.

Tomorrow they would be traveling and in close proximity. He would smell her sweet scent constantly. He would hunger for her desperately. And he might not be able to cut himself as he would need. If he didn’t completely sate himself tonight, he could end up hurting or scaring Danika. Pain might try and force her to do things she wouldn’t want to do. Things that would haunt her for the rest of her life. That, Reyes would not tolerate.

Perhaps he would take another woman.

The idea plagued him as he showered. Clean and dry, he strapped weapons all over his body, pulled on a fresh shirt and leather duster. As he tied his boots, he watched Danika work. Bedding a woman was dangerous, and could quite possibly be disastrous. How many lives had he already destroyed?

Maybe it won’t be like that anymore. Maybe enough time had passed to dilute the demon’s power so it would no longer affect his partner. Maybe. Besides, Reyes had better control now. But the thought of being with another woman sickened him. He wanted this one. He wanted her body underneath him, her legs wrapped around his waist, squeezing him, her pleasure moans in his ears.

But he couldn’t have her, and he knew it. Not now. Not yet. If the woman he bedded tonight showed no signs of bloodlust…maybe. All he could do was breathe Danika in deeply – gods, that sea-storm scent drove him wild – and stalk from the room.

William was already at the front door, pacing. When he spotted Reyes, he stopped and grinned. "Where we going?"

"Club Destiny." Before Reyes could talk himself into staying home, he strode past him, out the door and into the daylight. The air was slightly chilled, rain clouds in the muted sky. Several rays of sunlight seeped from the canopy of trees.

"Anyone going to be there?" William asked, keeping pace beside him. "It’s only midday."

"Someone will be there." Many someones. "Paris visits the club at all hours of the day and night, so women stay there, waiting for him."

William rubbed his hands together. "Humans, right?"

"Yes." He maneuvered around the thick base of a tree, careful of its limbs. One touch, and poisoned darts would be released, slamming into his chest.

"Not into human females?"

He flicked the warrior a glance. "What do you mean?"

"There was disgust in your voice just now."

Oh, yes. He was disgusted. With himself. "I like human females. Be careful of that rock," he added without pause. "A pit waits on the other side of it."

They steered clear, already halfway down. Wind rustled the leaves and whistled through the stones. "Why all the traps up here?" William asked, clearly intrigued. "I mean, I noticed the trip wires, the poisoned darts and the hanging stones on my way up."

"Hunters once came knocking."

"Ah. Say no more. Let’s get back to the blonde."

Reyes’s hands fisted at his sides, bereft without his blades. He felt as though unseen gazes were boring into him, spotlighting his flaws, his mistakes. Judging. Condemning. This might be the wrong decision, leaving her, but he didn’t know what else to do. He wanted her so badly, had to have her, but couldn’t until he’d proven she was safe from his demon. Which meant being with another woman.
