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The Darkest Pleasure

The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3)(70)
Author: Gena Showalter

Stefano’s nostrils flared. "Liar! She loved me! She would never have betrayed me. But you and your demon messed with her mind, changed her." His breath was sawing in and out with the force of his fury. "The last eleven years I’ve prayed and hoped you would take a lover so I could take her from you, but you never did and I’m through waiting. I’ll take your friends, your dignity instead. And ultimately, I’ll take your life."

"And such violence will make the world a better place?" he asked dryly. "What of peace and harmony?"

A tongue over teeth. A change of expression, from anger to composure, as if Sabin’s questions reminded him of his purpose. "Where’s the girl?"

"Maybe we sold her." Sabin straightened his fingers, and they brushed the tip of the knife. "Maybe cut her up and had her for breakfast." Sabin envied Gideon just then, hating that he himself passed out cold every time he tried to lie. Hated that the only way around it was speaking in terms of "maybe" and "probably." Anyone who knew him knew his tricks.

Stefano knew him. "Where is she, demon? She has to be nearby. You knew she’d been with us, and wouldn’t want her far from your side."

Another wave of dizziness swept the corridors of his mind. Don’t lose control of yourself. Don’t give Stefano the upper hand.

You’re wounded. He already has the upper hand.

His jaw clenched. Didn’t we talk about this? If you want to live, demon, you had better turn the waterworks on the Hunter.

He’s closed his mind. Needs a distraction. Make him think.

A distraction. "This brings back memories, doesn’t it?" Sabin asked. "We’ve been in this position before, only you were the one wounded. You and your men raided my home in New York, thought to sneak in and take us while we slept. You soon learned the error of your ways. Won yourself a personal introduction to my favorite blade. Got you in the stomach, yes?"

Stefano’s nostrils flared. "Yes, and you assumed I was dead. Packed up your stuff and moved on, leaving me there to heal, my hatred only growing."

Got him, Doubt crowed, then whispered into the Hunter’s mind, All this planning, the loss of men, the expense of firepower, but what if it’s not enough? What if the Lords escape unscathed once again?

"Tell me about the girl. The truth this time," Stefano barked. "You wouldn’t have killed her. She is the Eye."

"The what now?" He’d known the Hunters had learned of Danika’s ability, but now he wondered just who had told them. "Did you just say she was an eye? Her peepers were nice, but I wouldn’t define the girl by them."

Even as he spoke, Doubt continued to fill Stefano’s head. She could be leading the Lords to the third artifact even now. If they find the box first, there will be no way to contain the demons. Sabin will live, and you will one day die.

Stefano’s eyes narrowed, the hand holding the gun shaking. "Stop that!"

Sabin blinked innocently, fingers secretly wrapping around his blade. "Stop what?"

"Stop filling my head with those poisoned thoughts. Is that what you did to Darla? Is that how you killed her?"

"She killed herself." He had to be careful. He didn’t want to strike Stefano and cause the man to shoot him in the face. That kind of wound could maim him for eternity. Maybe even kill him. "You look as if your head is about to explode. Anything I can do to help? Like tell you you’re working for a demon?"

Stefano’s lips pulled back from his teeth in a snarl. "Play dumb if you desire. In the end, it won’t save you and it won’t save the girl. And don’t try to sway me with your filthy lies. My leader is an angel and our cause ordained by the heavens."

Sabin saw the muscles in the man’s finger twitch and knew the Hunter was only a heartbeat away from pinching the trigger. Angry as he was, he probably didn’t care about keeping Sabin alive any longer.

His next words confirmed it. "I don’t care what happens to your demon when you’re dead. I want you gone. Punished. Once and for all."

Nope, he didn’t care.

Sabin summoned a reservoir of might, twisted and rolled – and none too soon. A pop echoed, a bullet whizzing past his shoulder, burning, cutting, but thankfully not lodging. Before his opponent had time to squeeze another shot, he jumped up, kicked out his leg and connected with Stefano’s ankles. When the man stumbled to the floor, landing with a thud, Sabin booted the gun out of his hand.

Somewhere in the background, he could hear the scuff of shoes against marble. Enemy? Or ally?

Stefano scrambled backward. So badly Sabin wanted to stride forward, slam his palm into the bastard’s nose, cut his neck, something. But the last of his strength had all but deserted him. He was panting, still dizzy, and his muscles were clamping down on his bones, holding him immobile. He could only wait, praying it was his friends who would round the corner.

"We aren’t finished," Stefano spat, standing. He looked down the hallway and paled.

Thank the gods. That meant it was Sabin’s friends who were headed their way. Or one of them, at least. From his periphery he saw Gideon, who was in the process of raising a gun.

"Sabin," Gideon called. "Shit! I’m not here for you, man."

Obviously seeing no other exit, Stefano raced for the window and dove out. Unless there was a mat waiting for him on the ground, he would die when he hit. He was giving up? That easily?

Gideon didn’t stop and check on Sabin. He leapt past him and rushed to the window. Sabin grinned weakly. Trained him well, he thought, black falling over his vision. His knees finally gave out and he slid to the ground.

"I totally believe what I’m seeing. Fucker was not caught by our favorite friend and his feathered wings." Pop. Pop. Gideon emptied his gun until there was a click, click, click. "Great! Nailed him."

Sabin blinked until his eyes cleared, the immortal responsible for his torment coming into view. There Galen was, long white wings outstretched and flapping delicately as he hovered just outside the window. He was tall, strong and as handsome as ever – as if thousands of years hadn’t passed.

He was grinning.

Sabin thought he’d been prepared to see the warrior. Or as ready as he could be, given the shock of Lucien’s revelation tonight. He wasn’t.

"Now you know," Galen called, his voice as charismatic and empowering as Sabin remembered. "Now the real fun begins."

They were the last words Sabin heard before crumpling into oblivion.


THREE DAYS. Three damn days since Danika and Reyes had left the fortress. They’d traveled on and off, going from plane to stolen car to train, never remaining in one place for long. Just in case. Neither of them wanted to lead Hunters to her family. And as much as it stunk to be on the run again, it was a thousand times better because Reyes was at her side. Surly as he was.
