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The Darkest Pleasure

The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3)(76)
Author: Gena Showalter

His head tilted to the side, but he didn’t obey her.

Fine. He wanted to avoid the subject of his self-inflicted torture, then she’d give him something worse to ponder. Maybe then he’d beg to talk about his newest wounds. "Listen up. You come when you’re with me, but from what I can tell you only hurt yourself a little. Nothing close to what the other women had to do to you. That has to mean your demon is tamer when you’re with me. True?"

He hesitated, his eyes suspicious, nodding stiffly.

Surprise filled her, because she’d merely been guessing. If the demon calmed for her and no other, that had to mean something was going on. Was she a portal? "If I am the Eye and I am a portal, it stands to reason I would send your demon somewhere when you’re inside me."

His mouth fell open.

"I wonder where the demon goes. Who knows, maybe it travels to hell to visit its buddies. Want to test the theory?"

As if he were in a daze, he staggered backward. "I – I – "

"This is good news." She stepped toward him. "Right? You can be with me without fear of destroying me."

"I do not dare hope," he whispered brokenly. "You know what happens when people hope."

Shit. She didn’t have a ready reply to that.

"You wanted to see my wounds." There was a heavy pause in which he remained absolutely still. Then he dropped the bag he’d been holding and gripped the end of his shirt. He jerked the material over his head, baring his chest to her view. "Look."

Her plan had worked. And yet, she realized she would have liked to continue the discussion. She’d made some excellent points. But then her gaze moved over him and she saw the scabs that covered the entire muscled expanse of his chest, some even marring the butterfly tattoo. They were long slashes and short slices, and all intertwined in a mess of pain.

"You did this to yourself?" she asked tightly.


Would he ever trust her to help him? Probably not, she thought next, disappointment flooding her. Unless…

One day soon, she would have to surprise him. If she was able to send his demon away, he would not need the pain. What he needed was peace of mind. Only stabbing him would prove that she could hurt him, could meet his needs and not mutate into a pain-hungry little hooker.

With that in mind, she flattened her palm on his chest and pushed. Though she was strong, he was stronger, and the movement wouldn’t have budged him unless he allowed it.

He allowed it.

"We’re done here," she said, and slammed the bathroom door in his face.

WOMEN. Would Reyes ever understand them?

He was doing Danika a favor, keeping her from the dark side of his life, yet she’d looked at him with absolute betrayal in her eyes. Even now, two hours later, that expression haunted him.

What if she’s right? What if Pain leaves you when you’re with her?

Did he dare try and confirm such a fantastical thought? Could irreparable damage be done if she was wrong? He just didn’t know.

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

She nodded. She was unusually quiet as they navigated the Oklahoma sidewalks, doing their best to remain in the shadows of the tall, redbrick buildings and out of the sights of other pedestrians. Cars and trucks buzzed along the road. He hadn’t spotted any Hunters, or even anyone watching them too intently.

"Just a little farther," he said, reaching for her hand. Earlier, Torin had e-mailed him the women’s location. They hadn’t moved, and they were still together.

Danika nodded again, her ponytail bouncing. Her features were pale and drawn and she pretended not to notice his hand.

Reyes hated seeing her like this.

He dreaded what would happen if – when? – she found that her grandmother had been killed and buried, and that was why the woman hadn’t moved. Would Danika rediscover her hatred for him? Would she rail at him or seek comfort from him?

Would she wish she had aligned herself with the Hunters?

Dread coursed through him. He should warn her, prepare her. But he opened and closed his mouth, and the words never left him. And then they were standing in front of the targeted building, a dilapidated structure with boarded windows and spray paint marring the brick.

"I’ll go in first," he said.

"No." A tremor of…dread? excitement? rocked her. "They’ll freak when they see you."

Reyes cupped her cheeks. Clouds shifted, turning the bright sky to murky gloom. When they shifted again, sunlight tossed a beam directly at her, paying her smooth, flawless skin the homage it deserved. Just then, she practically glowed. She didn’t look part of the earth, but something more powerful, something beyond.

I’ve had this woman, tasted her.

His body tightened, preparing to have her and taste her again. Not yet…Perhaps not ever again. The demon purred happily, and Reyes didn’t know if it was because he wasn’t going to allow himself to have her or because there was a chance he would ultimately cave.

Where had that purr been the last time he’d made love to her? Where do you go when I’m with her? he couldn’t help but ask the creature.


Fires. Hell?

Sometime soon, I have to let her go. It’s for the best, safer. For all the reasons he’d named before and a thousand more. Being with her opened that portal into heaven – which meant he might very well cause her to open the one into hell, as well. Also stood to reason that, if he traveled to heaven, she would be the one to travel to hell. Already her nights were plagued with terrors. She did not need more evil in her life.

Letting her go, though…His hands tightened into fists. One day, would she fall in love with a human who would not hurt her, destroy her or ruin her? A man who would give her children and –

Roaring sounded in his head. His. The demon’s. No man but him would touch her. Not without dying.

"Reyes, you’re hurting me."

Instantly his arms fell away from her. He jerked a hand through his hair, no longer having to wonder how the demon felt about her. "I am sorry, so very sorry."

She gave him a weak smile, reaching up and tracing a finger down his nose. "Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m fine."

She seeks to comfort me. I am not worthy of this woman. Though he wanted to push her against the wall, claim her lips with his own, drown in her scent and her flavor, he motioned to the door. "Are you ready to go inside?"

Indecision played over her lovely features. She lowered her lids, spiky shadows tumbling down her cheeks.

"What is the matter?"

"Why didn’t they want me here?"

"They – "

Reyes caught a glint of movement in the window just above them. Two boards covered two windows yet they didn’t quite meet in the middle, allowing a crack of visibility.
