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The Darkest Secret

The Darkest Secret (Lords of the Underworld #7)(83)
Author: Gena Showalter

There was a beat of static, then a shuffle of footsteps as if he was pounding away from the intruder. In that moment, Haidee knew that he was sleeping with someone. Might have been sleeping with someone else even while they were dating. She couldn’t bring herself to care.

Had he ever wanted her, though? With her, he’d been content to keep things mostly hands-off. She hadn’t wondered why because she’d been happy with the status quo. But if he hadn’t wanted her, why had he stayed with her?

“If you’re alive, that means you’re helping them.” She didn’t have to ask who “them” was. And he didn’t even address the fact that a woman had spoken. “Otherwise, they would have kil ed you by now.”

“Yes,” was al she said on the subject. Let him take that answer however he chose. “I just wanted to cal and tel you that we’re over. I don’t want to date you anymore.”

Amun, she noticed, had tensed, his fingers digging into his thighs and probably leaving bruises. He had no idea what Micah was saying, no idea why she’d said yes to the man.

Yet he wasn’t interfering.

He was trusting her, she realized.

“Now you listen to me, you f**king bitch,” Micah suddenly growled, and there was so much hatred in his tone she was momentarily speechless. “You tel me where the hel you are, who you’re with and what you’re doing. I’m going to find you and take back what’s mine. Then I’m going to cut your f**king throat and dance in the blood. You don’t deserve—”

Click. Haidee severed the connection before he could finish berating her, shocked, at last upset, and unsure what had just happened.

Amun’s gaze final y met hers. He didn’t ask questions, just took the phone and tossed it over his shoulder. Then, without another word, he lifted her hips and stripped the panties from her, pul ing her legs in front of him, one at a time. Mouth set in a grim line, he tossed the panties beside the phone. He repositioned their bodies the way they’d been.

Tears suddenly burned her eyes. How could Micah have said those things to her? Fucking bitch. Cut your f**king throat. Bitch, bitch, bitch. He’d been her friend. Hadn’t he?

And yes, she had expected the Hunters to turn on her, but not that quickly. Not that violently.

You’re that distressed to lose him? Amun asked, and though the words were soft, she heard the fury—and even the insecurity—behind them.

“No.” She was the one who couldn’t meet his eyes this time.

“He—he cal ed me a terrible name, said terrible things.”

And she didn’t want Amun to ever think of her that way.

Even though he, more than anyone, had the right.

Like what? What name?

Amun hadn’t been furious before, she realized then. Now he was furious. If Micah had walked into the cavern, Amun would have kil ed him without hesitation. “Do you think I’m a…a bitch?”

No, he answered without any hesitation. His expression softened, gentled. I think you’re perfect, sweet…mine. And now I also think he can’t be related to me. He’s an idiot.

“Real y?” She swiped her watery eyes with the backs of her wrists. “You don’t think badly of me, I mean.”

Real y. We’re together, now and always, remember?

“I remember.” The hurt inside her eased. She was with the man she loved. That was al that mattered.



As she final y met his gaze, her heart skipped a beat. His expression was heated, his gaze heavy-lidded, his brows a determined slash. His lips were red, as if flushed. Did his blood race as swiftly as hers?

Wonderful y dark skin pul ed taut over the muscles of a warrior. She couldn’t see his butterfly tattoo, but she vowed to trace every inch with her tongue one day soon. Between his legs, his c**k stretched past the waist of his pants, the head already beaded with moisture. Her mouth watered.

She knew his taste, would forever be addicted to it.

“I want you,” she whispered.

Then by gods, you’l have me.

Yes. Final y, they were going to make love. The restriction she’d so foolishly placed on their physical relationship had been vanquished. But even if she hadn’t spoken to Micah, she stil would have given herself to Amun this night.

Such a pretty pink, he said, gaze moving to her sex. So wet for me already.

Even his words were a turn-on. “I ache for you. There, everywhere.”

His hands slid to her inner thighs, and he spread his fingers, almost, but not quite, brushing her where she most needed. Soft. One finger, two, glided up her slit, and she quivered, whimpered.

Like silk.

She wanted those fingers on her again, gliding yes, but lingering, too. Pressing. She lifted her hips, silently beseeching. He gave her what she wanted—sort of. He traced between those pouty lips, and he did linger, but not where she so desperately needed. He al owed one fingertip to push past her opening, but not deeply. He pushed just enough to swirl and stoke her need higher.

Play with your br**sts. Let me see how you like them touched.

Not for a single moment did she consider objecting. She plumped them, kneaded them, pinched her ni**les while he watched. The heat inside her grew…grew… “I want you to take me the rest of the way now,” she gasped out. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take. “Please.”

A long moment passed in silence before he nodded. He didn’t fal on her, licking and sucking and tonguing between her legs as she expected, thought she wanted, but leaned forward, pressing them together. Since her thighs were draped over his own, the action spread her wider, brought her core into contact with his pant-clad erection, rubbing, creating the most delicious sense of friction between her legs and on her br**sts. Her ni**les rasped his chest.

“I thought you were going to…”

I am. First, though, I’m going to prepare you.

She gasped, hands sliding around his neck, nails sinking into his back. His head lowered, and his mouth opened up on one of her ni**les. The heat was nearly unbearable, so much greater than what swirled inside her, but so necessary she didn’t even think about trying to shove him away. Then he was at last licking and sucking and tonguing her there, shooting startling sensation after startling sensation through her entire body.

She knew he was a big man. How could she not? He probably outweighed her by more than a hundred pounds and was nearly a foot tal er than she was. But just then, the width of his shoulders practical y engulfing her, she felt almost…dainty.
