Read Books Novel

The Enticement

“They’ll be fine. I’m so hard, this won’t take long.”

With that, he pushed into me and thrust so deep, I had to bite the inside of my cheek so I wouldn’t cry out. His hands came over mine as he withdrew and entered again.

“Love fucking you against a wall,” he panted. “I get so deep. You feel so good.”

He could keep it up for hours, too, while keeping me on the edge. It wasn’t impossible for me to come without it, but by holding my hands against the wall, there was no way for me to touch my clit.

I wiggled my hips, but his only response was to thrust harder. He rocked against me, pushing my lower body forward. I whimpered. I was so close, but unable to reach it without my hands.

“Please,” I begged.

“I know what you want,” he said. “I’m just not ready to give it to you yet. Enjoying this too much.”

“I need,” I panted.

“You don’t need. You want.” He picked up his pace. “There’s a difference.”

“So close.”

“I know.” He went faster and harder. “I know.”

I kept quiet then. Sometimes begging worked. This wasn’t one of those times. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the feel of him, the strength, the drive, and the power. If he just touched me, I’d come so fast. But his hands remained where they were.

His hips shifted and he hit a different spot within me, making my eyes widen in surprise. “Oh my God!”

“Come,” he said with a hint of smugness.

Though it happened for me so rarely I thought it nearly impossible, with one more thrust inside me he made me come simply by being inside me. I shuddered around him, my climax sending tremors through my body.

“Shit,” I managed to mumble. “How’d you do that?”

He didn’t say anything, but stiffened behind me as he reached his own release. He was still breathing heavy when he withdrew and pressed a kiss to my back. “Just wanted to show you my moves.”

“I’m thinking about calling Linda back,” I said.

“Oh?” He took my hands and I stood up.

“I may not survive a week in your collar.”

“Incoming!” Jackson picked up one of his three-year-old twin sons and flew him like an airplane around the living room. The child he held airborne was either Levi or Luis. From my angle on the couch it was difficult to see the tiny birthmark above Levi’s eyebrow that made it possible to differentiate the two identical twins.

Felicia sat on the couch across from me. Her feet were propped on a stool and she rubbed her pregnant belly. “I’d tell him to watch out because he’ll break something, but he won’t listen to me when the boys want to play airplane.”

The other twin stood in the doorway, bouncing up and down. “My turn! My turn! My turn, Daddy!”

Jackson swept across the room again, making a whoosh sound as he turned the corner where Elizabeth and Lucy, their five-year-old daughter, sat playing with dolls.

“That’s dangerous, Uncle Jack,” Elizabeth said. “If you drop him, he might break his clapacal.”

“Clavicle,” said Maddox. He was approaching ten, in a bad position, really, being too old to play with the other children but too young to be interested in the adults’ conversation. He sat in a chair by himself, reading a book.

“That’s what I said,” Elizabeth explained patiently before turning her attention to Lucy. “Did you bring a bathing suit? Want to go swim? Mommy?”

I shook my head. “Too late tonight. We haven’t had dinner yet and you have school tomorrow.” Granted it was preschool, but bedtime was bedtime and we tried to keep it consistent. “We’ll have everyone over soon for a swim date.”

Laughter floated down the stairs, making it to the living room before Nathaniel and Todd. The two men entered, smiling. Nathaniel walked over to me and ran his arm along my shoulder before sitting down and talking to Maddox about what he was reading.

Elaina returned from where she’d been in the bathroom and sat beside Felicia. Though they’d tried repeatedly, she and Todd hadn’t been able to conceive since Maddox was born. They’d looked into adoption, but nothing had worked out.

I turned my attention to Nathaniel. Maddox was explaining something in the book. It sounded like a fantasy novel. Nathaniel must have read it or heard of it because Maddox became very animated over whatever it was he said.

A timer went off in the kitchen and since Linda was changing Henry, I motioned to Elaina and we went in together to take care of it. I took the roast out of the oven while Elaina grabbed the plates and silverware.
