Read Books Novel

The Ex Games 2

The Ex Games 2 (The Ex Games #2)(14)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Thieves? They look like they’re seven or eight.” I shook my head. “And they are stealing rotten food. I bet they’re hungry. Are you boys hungry?” I gave them both a warm smile and they nodded slowly. “You should be giving them something to eat, not chasing them off.” I glared at the manager.

“I’m not encouraging these hoodrats.”

“Everyone is a human being and should be treated with dignity and respect.” I glared at him, my voice getting louder.

“What’s going on out here?” Brandon’s arm slid around my shoulder and his voice sounded concerned.

“These two boys were going through the trash for food because they’re hungry and he won’t let them take the scraps.” My voice was passionate. “I think he should be getting them food from the kitchen and he’s not even letting them take the food in the garbage.”

“I have a business to run. I can’t feed every Tom, Dick, and Harry for free.” He glared back at me.

“These are kids.”

“I don’t care.” He turned around and walked back into the restaurant.

“Wait here with the boys.” I looked at Brandon and then hurried back into the restaurant. “I’d like to order four sandwiches, with four bags of potato chips, and four cookies and four bottles of water.” I marched up to the manager. “And I want them STAT.”

“Excuse me?”

“If you don’t want me to start shouting and letting everyone know how greedy and uncharitable this restaurant is, you will get them ready now.” I spoke calmly. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for the food.”

He stared at me for a few seconds but then turned around and put in the orders. I smiled to myself at my small victory and walked back outside with the bags of food as soon as I had them. The boys had huge smiles on their faces as they stood there with Brandon, and even wider smiles when I handed them the food.

“Thank you.” They grinned at me and Brandon and then ran off down the road. I watched them with slight worry. What was going to happen to them once the food was gone?

“You got them food.” Brandon pulled me towards him. “I’m so proud to be with you, Katie. You spoke up for those boys like a warrior princess and then you went back and got them food. You’re everything I want to be when I grow up.”

“Oh, Brandon.” I giggled as he kissed me. “I guess reading this book about inequality in France all those years ago and witnessing how it still goes on has gotten to me. Little kids shouldn’t be searching for food in the streets. There is something wrong with that in a country where we have so much and people are literally throwing good food away. Yet, those two boys aren’t even allowed to rummage for the leftovers. It’s wrong.”

“I completely agree.” He kissed the top of my head. “Never change, Katie. Never stop being my warrior princess.”

I sat up in bed as I remembered that day. I’d been a different girl back then. I’d been fearless. I had believed that nothing could or would stop me from achieving all of my dreams. My life changed after Brandon broke up with me. But it wasn’t his fault that I had lost a part of myself. I had made those decisions. I was the one who was in charge of my destiny and life. And he was right. I had worked hard in college and grad school to get a job like this. Granted, this particular company had offered extra perks, but I still wanted it. I still needed to prove myself. I had let Brandon win the game once before. I wasn’t going to let him win again and kick me off of the board. I jumped off of the bed and walked to my closet. I was going to go back to work. I was going to leave all my personal feelings at home. I was going to show Brandon that I was the warrior princess that he let get away.


Life is a funny thing. I went back to work the next day and Brandon wasn’t even there. All the pep talks I had given myself weren’t even needed. I felt tense almost all of the day until my immediate boss told me that Brandon was out of town. I didn’t ask where, or why, or with whom. I was starting to realize that the less information I knew, the better it would be for me. The next day he wasn’t there either, and then it was the weekend. By the time the next Monday rolled around, I was feeling more confident and sure of myself. Maybe he felt bad about what he had done and I would never have to see him again.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I sang along, with the song on the radio that one of the secretaries was playing, as I went through the sales figures from the previous week.

“Good morning, Katie.” Three simple words that stopped my heart. I looked up slowly and my eyes gobbled him in. He looked so smart and debonair in his navy pinstripe suit, with his crisp white shirt.

“Good morning, Brandon.” I nodded and smiled quickly. He walked into my office and closed the door.

“It’s good to see you.” His eyes surveyed my face, but I wasn’t sure what he was looking for.

“It’s good to be back. Sales are going great. Thirty-five percent increase over last year.” I mumbled on about work, hoping that we would keep it professional.

“I noticed.” He sat down in the seat in front of my desk. “You’re doing a great job.”

“I’m trying.” I nodded and looked down. “How is your son?” I groaned inwardly as the words slipped out. Why was I doing this to myself?

“He’s fine.” His eyes shone brightly. “Thanks for asking. He fell off of his bike and hurt his knee. Maria overreacted and took him to the hospital.” He shrugged. “I guess her maternal instinct kicked in.”

“I see.” My heart broke at his words. He was finally admitting it. Maria was Harry’s mother and so that meant that Maria and he had had sex before. He had lied to me. I stared at him and I wanted to shout. How could you lie to me like that? So easily. It burned in me that he had no shame about it and I realized that must have been the way he felt with me. Only a lot worse.

“He’s a good boy.” He stared at me intently. “A very handsome boy too. He has his mother’s eyes and my hair.” He laughed. “There’s no mistaking he’s my kid.”

“Why’s that?” I smiled weakly. “Because he’s so handsome?”

“No, because he’s into everything.” He laughed. “He wants to know everything and do everything.”

“He sounds like a good kid.”

“He’s the best. He’s my life.”
