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The Executive's Surprise Baby

The Executive’s Surprise Baby (The Garrisons #6)(6)
Author: Catherine Mann

She rested her hand on her stomach. “I’m excited about the baby, don’t get me wrong. But the news certainly frightened me at first.” She didn’t have much in the way of positive role-modeling for motherhood.

“I wish you would have told me.”

“The thought of doing that really sent my heart pounding.” She pulled out the pins from her French twist and shook her hair loose in the ocean breeze.

“I’m that scary?”

“I wouldn’t say scary, exactly.”Intimidating. “Pushy.” That sounded nicer.

“You’re as diplomatic as the rest of your family,” he answered wryly.

Actually, she was usually the family diplomat. “I don’t believe you mean that as a compliment.”

He stayed silent, his executive face in place as he studied her for a lengthy moment while seagulls scavenged along the talcum-white shore for a late-day snack.

“So clue me in to what I have done to warrant such great fear. You don’t tell me about our baby for months. After being left out of the loop about my own child, I come to you directly—calmly, I might add.”

He had a point. She stared at her feet, guilt pinching as much as her shoes. She kicked off the heels and wiggled her toes. “Uh, I’msor —”

“Wait, hold that thought. I’m not finished.” He held up a hand. “Then I do the heinous, awful thing of proposing marriage. And when you crush my spirit by turning me down, I ask you out on a date.” He thumped himself on the forehead.

“Damn. I sure am one helluva jackass.”

Laughter bubbled inside her. “Okay, okay, you’ve made your point. You’ve been more than fair, and I was wrong not to tell you sooner. I apologize, and I really mean it.

This is simply something I’ve needed time to become accustomed to myself, but I’m here with you now. No matter what happens with these dates of ours, you will be a part of our child’s life if that’s what you want.”

“Don’t doubt that for a second.”

His steely determination sent a shiver up her spine and her arms around her swelling waistline protectively.

“When Emilio told you about my pregnancy, did you let him know about us?”

He shook his head, leaning back in his chair, water glass tapping against his knee. “I wanted to speak with you first.” His eyes widened. “So your whole family doesn’t know I’m the father yet. Not even your twin. Damn. You’re a good secret keeper. I could use someone like you in my company.”

“That’s why I didn’t want to go out tonight. I’ve kept the baby news under wraps by wearing bulky clothes and staying away from the social scene for the most part, but my stomach has really popped these past couple of weeks. Once you and I are seen out in public together, people will make the logical connection. I need to tell the family about us first.”

“Let’s do it then. Call a family meeting.”

He had to be kidding. He actually wanted to be there when all the Garrisons heard she’d hooked up with Jordan Jefferies? Of course, she would have to inform her family sometime.

“Actually, we all gather every Sunday for dinner so that would be the easiest, most logical time.”

“All right, if you think this is the best way. They’re your family.”

The problem was, there would be no best way to tell them about Jordan Jefferies—the head of her family’s rival company. A rivalry that still existed even though somewhat softened since Emilio entered the fold.

She stared up at the stars just beginning to wink at her and willed her heart rate to slow. After all, she needed to keep a level head. She still had a whole weekend of date nights to get through with Jordan before the big family confrontation.

And for now, just making it back out Jordan ’s door without glancing in the direction of his bed seemed like a Herculean feat.

Chapter 3

Guess who’s coming to dinner?

The phrase kept clicking through Brooke’s head during the drive to her family’s estate late Sunday afternoon.

The words only drummed louder as Jordan pulled past the security gates up the brick drive toward the ambling stucco mansion with a red tile roof—her childhood home. She suffered no delusions that this would go smoothly. The boardroom hatred between her family and Jordan was longstanding and deep.

She still could hardly believe they’d accepted Emilio into their family, in spite of his partnership in Jefferies Brothers, Incorporated. It said a lot for how muchBrittanyloved Emilio. However, there wasn’t love present this time, and she feared her family would sense that.

Jordan slid the Jaguar into Park behind the line of other luxury cars.

Apparently her siblings had already arrived.

She was lucky to have been born into her family’s wealth, and she worked her tail off managing the Sands Condominium Development to prove she deserved it.

Still, that hadn’t stopped some from labeling her a silver-spoon, trust-fund baby.

It also hadn’t stopped many two-faced people from wanting something from her.

Brooke rubbed the goose bumps along her arms in spite of the temperateMiamiDecember afternoon.

Jordan rounded the hood to open Brooke’s door and lead her up the stairs to the massive mahogany and glass double doors.Garlandand bows draping the entrance reminded her of a holiday she hadn’t found time to begin preparing for.

Before they even made it to the top step, the doors swept open to reveal an older lady in a starched blue dress and white apron. “Good evening, Miss Brooke.”

“Hello,Lissette . Could you please let them know in the kitchen that there will be one more for dinner?”

“Of course, Miss Brooke, we’ll have yours out directly.”

Noise rattled from the dining room, clinking silverware against china.Requests for passing this and that, a normal sounding family dinner.

Little did they know…

Jordan glanced down at Brooke. “Your face is pale. Are you all right? Do you need to sit down? We don’t have to do this today. We can keep right on with our apartment dates—”

She squeezed his arm. “I’m fine.”Although she had enjoyed their simple dinners at his place and hers. How she wished they could keep it simple, and yes, hidden, for a while longer. “But thank you for worrying.”

He winked.

Her heels clicked along the tile floors as she made her way across the foyer past the winding staircase, the click, click echoing up to the cavernous ceiling. A Christmas tree—at least twelve feet tall—twinkled. Perfectly wrapped gifts lay beneath. The decorations were beyond lavish this year sinceBrittanyand Emilio would be celebrating a Christmas wedding in three weeks with the reception held here.
