Read Books Novel

The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(25)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Great. Are you going to see him?”

“No. He’s too busy with work and everything.” The excuse was sloppy, but I hoped she hadn’t heard everything in my conversation.

“Oh. Well, it’s good he’s okay.”

“Definitely.” I glanced at the clock. It was seven. I crawled out of bed and got ready for the gym. I figured I’d save my run for later. I was positive I’d need it.

“Going to work out?” Juliet asked. Cara still hadn’t woken. She was such a deep sleeper.

“Yeah. I need to get out this nervous energy, you know?”

“You’re crazy, but that’s why I love you.”

I laughed as naturally as I could muster. “Same goes for you.”

I finished getting dressed and found my headphones. “Try to go back to sleep.” I headed down the stairs and over to the gym.

I jumped on the treadmill and turned up my music. Thirty minutes later, I headed into the weight room. There were a surprising number of people there for so early in the morning. I was doing some chest presses when I noticed Colt. I watched him lift, my eyes glued to his biceps.

I finished and moved on to the free weights. “Hey.” I paused my music and picked up some light weights.

“Mallory, hey.” He put down the free weight. “Any news? Is he okay?”

“Yeah. And before you ask, I’m not heading up. I’ll see him soon.”

“You sure?” He furrowed his brows.

“Absolutely.” I carefully hid every ounce of emotion from my face. I didn’t need him worrying about me.

“Glad to hear he’s okay. What are you going to do today?”

“I’m not sure. Are you still interested in working on our project?”

He shifted his weight from foot to foot. “We don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. I need to get my mind back on school, you know?”

He nodded. “Okay. Where and when?”

“Let’s do the Starbucks on King Street at nine.”

“Could we do nine thirty?” He glanced over his shoulder at the clock on the wall. “I’m going to be here a while.”

“Sure. Nine thirty works.” My eyes zeroed in on his arms again. “I don’t remember you being this into working out.”

He shrugged. “I wasn’t.”

Was this all because of Kappa? Admittedly, those guys did spend an inordinate amount of time at the gym. I couldn’t deny that Colt looked good, but then again he’d always looked good.

“I’ll let you enjoy more of your Backstreet Boys.” Colt grinned.

“I’m not listening to the Backstreet Boys.” I put a hand on my hip.

He took one of my earbuds and pressed play on my iPod. “Who is this? One Direction?”

“Is listening to boy bands a crime?”

“No, but it’s definitely worthy of making fun of you for.”

I stuck out my tongue at him. So what if my guilty pleasure was listening to boy bands when I worked out. Some people listened to heavy metal to get them moving. This was just my version of it.

“Quit teasing me with your tongue. If you want to kiss me, just do it already.”

I pushed his arm before getting back to my weights.

I worked on my arms a while longer before heading home for a shower. I needed to get my thoughts in order. I wasn’t going to let my dad get to me. He was the one missing out. He’d regret writing me off eventually, and I’d make him proud one day. I’d make sure of it.


“I think we should focus on the downfall of the Mayans.” Colt had his tablet all set up. I hadn’t bothered with a computer, and I sat with a notebook and pen.

“That’s fine with me. I’m really open to anything.”

“Maybe you could do the history and I’ll discuss how it relates to other civilizations, and we’ll do the analysis section together?” He sipped his coffee.

“That sounds great. Thanks for being so organized.”

“Not a problem. I can be a good partner.” The way he said partner let me know he didn’t just mean for school assignments.

“Thanks for being there for me last night. You know it’s not like me to melt down like that.”

“Of course. I like being here for you.” He moved his chair an inch closer to mine. “You have to know how much I care about you.”

“Thanks. I’m fine now though.”

“I know. You’re strong.”

“I try to be.” I straightened my shoulders.

“By the way, you’re not mad I told Tanner, are you?”

Tanner. Damn, I’d never called back. “Oh. That’s how he found out. I haven’t talked to him yet.”

“Really?” Colton didn’t hide his surprise or a certain amount of happiness about my admittance.

I quickly made an excuse. “I wasn’t really up for talking last night, and it’s still pretty early.”

“Gotcha. You still going out with him tonight?”

“I hadn’t thought about it. I guess so.” Dad didn’t want me visiting him, so there was no reason to stop living my life, right?


“What are you doing?” I asked mostly out of politeness, but I couldn’t deny a certain amount of curiosity.

“I’m not sure. Maybe checking out a party with some of my friends.”

“Cool. Well, I guess we’re done here. I’ll see you on Monday?”

“Sure, but give me a call if you need anything.”

“I won’t need anything, but thanks.”

He shook his head. “Accepting the help of a friend isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t make you weak.”

“I know. But I don’t need it.”

“Okay.” He packed up his stuff. “Hey, Mallory?”

“Yeah?” I put the strap of my bag over my shoulder.

“Take care of yourself.”

“I will.” I walked back outside into the sunshine.

Chapter Thirteen

Tanner showed up ten minutes early for our date. I’d finally called him back after leaving Starbucks. He sounded relieved I wasn’t cancelling on him.

He was pacing the porch by the time I walked outside. “Hey.”

“Hey. Sorry. I kind of scheduled my prep time down to the minute.” I never liked to seem overly anxious for a guy. Making them wait just made your entrance that much better. Even if I wasn’t trying to impress him, some habits are hard to break.
