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The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(48)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

He grinned.

“Colt, you’ve got about five seconds to get to work before I’m out of here.”

“Are you threatening to leave?”

“Yes.” I had no intention of following through with it.

“I really don’t like leaving you waiting.” He thrust into me. “Especially when you’re so good at welcoming me back.”

I wrapped my legs around him, keeping him close. He correctly deduced I wanted it hard and fast. I could barely contain myself as he moved.

Right before I reached the edge, he rolled us over so I was on top. I happily took over. I was in that position when the door burst open. We’d been so in the moment that I’d missed the sound of the key turning.

“Damn it, ass**le,” Colt hissed as I tried to cover myself.

“Sorry, I forgot something.” Joe grabbed something off his desk and left.

I rolled off Colt and hid under his covers. It was like a splash of cold water. What was I doing? Was I really ready for an actual relationship with Colt? The doubt set in again. I thought about my dad’s warning which only put me less in the mood.

“Where were we?” Colt slipped under the covers next to me.

“Nowhere.” I rolled over.

“Uh uh. No way. You can’t go from being on fire like that to icing me out.”

“You can thank your roommate for that.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to barricade the door next time.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “Come back over here.”

“I’m not in the mood.” All the fear was back. I’d been on such a high, could I really be right back where I started again?

“I can fix that.” His lips went to my neck and then moved down. I rolled over, giving him access to my body.

Within moments, I was right back where we were before the interruption. Colt had this uncanny ability to relax me. He was also impossible to resist. “I’m getting back on top.”

“Be my guest.” He smiled, happily rolling onto his back and easing me down onto him. “I happen to love this view.” He rested his hands on my hips, moving me. I leaned my head back. I was so free with him, so willing to try new things. He brought out a side in me I didn’t know I had.

I yelled out and he held onto me tighter. He released, and I fell down on top of him.

He stroked my back. “And to think you were worried I had a small dick.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I kind of assumed some things ran in the family.”

“Wait. Are you trying to tell me Jack…”

“Yeah. Don’t tell him I said anything, but I kind of assumed that’s just how it was.”

Colt laughed. “He was always such an ass to me when you guys were together.”

“He knew how I felt about you. I get that now.”

“Really? So you’re admitting you liked me before?”

“Oh yeah. I had such a crush on you.” I left tiny kisses on his chest.

“But Jack was older.”

“And he asked me out. You didn’t.”

“Because I didn’t think I’d have a chance.” He kissed my shoulder.

“Think of all the drama we could have avoided if you’d just gotten up the nerve.”

“Like you would have said yes.”

“I would have.”

“So all this crazy no younger guys stuff is since college?”

“Since Jack.”


“He dumped me because I wasn’t good enough. I needed to feel good enough.”

“Because good enough and dating a guy a few months younger have something to do with each other? And besides…” He stopped.

“Besides what?”

He shook his head. “Never mind.”

“No. Tell me.”

“I can’t.”

“Colton.” I pushed his arms and rolled over so I could look at him. “Tell me.”

“No. I’m not ruining this. I’m not ruining tonight.”

“Why’s it going to ruin anything?”

“Because it will.”

“Not telling me will ruin it too.”

He nodded as though he was thinking to himself. “How about this?”


“I’ll tell you next weekend if you still want to know.”

“What’s next weekend?”

“Fall Fest.”

I sighed. “Oh. Can’t we skip that?” Colton and I were finally making a go of things, and going home could ruin it. Jack hadn’t come home for the town festival the last few years, but what if he decided to? How could I face him? Would it be awkward for Colt?

“No. We have to go. My family is expecting me. Yours is too.”

“You can go without me.” It would be easier for everyone.

He gently rubbed my back. “No, I can’t. You’re my ride.”

“You can just take my truck.”

“Nope. We’re going together. I always dreamed of going to Fall Fest with you on my arm.”

I nudged him. “You’re full of it.”

“It’s going to be good for us. Just trust me on this.”

“Fine. I’ll go.”

“Good. Now how tired are you?”

“Not very.” Colt had done an amazing job waking me up.

“Even better.”

“What are you thinking?” I asked even though I had a pretty good idea about it.

“Give me a second.” He pushed a bookshelf in front of the door. His completely naked body was a sight to watch. He looked so damn good.

I was out of bed before I knew what I was doing. I put my arms around his neck and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Missed me that much?” He leaned his forehead against mine.

“Yeah. Kind of sad, huh?”

“Kind of awesome.” He carried me over to the bed and lay me down. “But you don’t have to miss me anymore tonight.”

Chapter Twenty-One

“What’s Fall Fest exactly?” Juliet asked as she sat cross legged on my bed.

“Just this small town festival.”

“Oh my god. It’s like the Harvest Festival on Gilmore Girls!” Cara said excitedly. She was so obsessed with watching reruns of that show.

“Yeah, sort of.”

“We’re coming!” Juliet stood up. “I’ll call Reed.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said anything about that?” Taking my friends home to Gasden? Not exactly. And their boyfriends? Forget it.
