Read Books Novel

The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(10)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Before we headed downstairs I quickly sent a text to Jade. Made it in one piece. Girlfriend’s kids are actually cool.

Yay! Keep me posted!

I pocketed my phone. It was time for my first peppermint latte of the season.

Chapter Five


After sleeping in the next morning, Laney, Dalton, and I headed out to the mountain. I’d slept surprisingly well, and I was once again glad I had a day’s worth of clothes even without my bag. We waited in line for the gondola. My board was heavy in my hands, but I couldn’t wait to get onto the slopes. Nothing would clear my head like the rush of the wind and the snow beneath me.

“Excited yet?” Dalton asked from next to me. “Nothing like the first run is there?”

“Can’t wait.” I was glad they knew how to snowboard too. Not that I would have minded going by myself or with my Dad, but hanging out with Dalton and Laney was more fun than I expected.

We finally got close to boarding the gondola, and we moved under the covered area which helped cut the wind.

Laney tugged on my sleeve. “Hot guy alert.”

I laughed to myself. Did I ever sound like that? I glanced up. “Who?”

“That one. His back is to us. In the blue jacket.”

The only guy in my line of vision wearing blue was one of the people running the gondola. I waited for him to turn around, wondering if Laney and I had the same taste in men.

“How many?” The guy turned to us.

And my chest clenched.

“Savy?” Glen’s voice cut through me. But what the heck was he doing working the gondola?

I looked away. “Let’s squeeze onto that one.” I pointed to a crowded gondola.

Dalton looked at me like I was crazy. “Or we can wait a minute more and not squish those people.”

“I’ll see you guys up there.” I darted to the gondola car that was just about to cross the no loading zone. I secured my board and hopped on. Laney and Dalton followed.

Dalton grabbed my sleeve as soon as he got on. “Do you know that guy?”

I looked away, hoping he’d drop it since we were packed in with a family.

“Savy? Can we talk?” Glen called out after us.

I shook my head. “There’s nothing to talk about.” The door shut, and we started up the mountain.

“Ok, what’s the story there?” Laney grinned. “And hot or not, I get he’s off limits.”

“He’s not off-limits.” I had no hold on Glen. Clearly I wasn’t what he wanted.

Laney rolled her eyes. “Yeah….”

I sat forward so I could look out the window at the snowy landscape. The gondola car was hot and stuffy, but I knew I was overheating for another reason. I’d been worried about running into Glen in the lobby, but not like that. Why was he working here?

“You don’t have to tell me about it, but I’m here if you want to talk.” Laney unzipped her jacket slightly. The stuffy car must have been getting to her too.

“Thanks.” I didn’t want to take my stress out on her.

“But you do have to tell me.” Dalton crossed his arms.


“Because I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

“I don’t need your help.” I looked back out the window.

We reached the top of the mountain and our car moved inside. We got off. I pulled on my hat as we walked out from under the building.

Dalton didn’t waste a second before jumping in again. “Come on. Who is that guy? Has he bothered you before?”

“Bother isn’t the right word.” I ran my gloved hand over my board. “Let’s go.”

“If he bothers you, you’ll tell me, right?” Dalton asked.

“Your little sister is standing over there. Don’t confuse us.”

“I can still worry about someone harassing you.”

“He’s not harassing me.” I adjusted the strap of my bindings. “Let’s go.”

Although I sometimes liked to challenge myself with a black diamond, I was more of a blue slope person. I wanted to be able to enjoy the ride without worrying every second of the way.

My dad had been right about the weather. The sun was shining, and the wind was manageable. I enjoyed every second of my ride down the slope. The beautiful mountains were a change of pace from the palm trees of Charleston.

We spent the rest of the morning snowboarding while using the chairlifts and avoiding the gondola at all costs. To his credit, Dalton hadn’t given me a hard time about it. Finally, a little after noon we went all the way back down to the base of the mountain.

I grabbed my board and met up with the others. “Anyone hungry?”

“Starving.” Laney put a hand on her stomach.

“Let’s go over to Bart and Yeti’s. They’ve got really good sandwiches. Hopefully the wait isn’t too long.” I glanced over my shoulder and saw him. “On second thought why don’t we just eat back at the condo.”

“Why?” Dalton followed my line of vision. He shook his head. “No. You are not allowed to let that guy dictate what you do.”

“You guys enjoy lunch. We can meet up later.” My stomach churned as Glen came closer. He’d seen me, and he wasn’t turning around.

“No.” Dalton put a hand on my shoulder. “Running from a problem never fixes it.”

“You sound like my dad.”

“And your dad’s a smart guy.”

“Please, I’ll see you guys later.” I shrugged Dalton off.

“Savy!” Glen called out as he got closer.

Dalton gave me a look, and I sighed. I turned around and waited for Glen to catch up.

He stood right in front of us. “Hey.”

I swallowed hard. “Hi.”

“How are you?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You never said goodbye.”

Was he serious? Was that how he was going to handle this? “You said it for both of us.” I fought the tears that wanted to spill.

“Savy. Come on. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Why? Your friends always call you Savy.”

“Emphasis on friends.”

Laney coughed.

Glen finally looked at the others with me. “Can we please talk? I’ll buy you lunch.”

“No thanks, I’ve got lunch plans.” At least I had an excuse.

“We need to talk.” He reached out a hand to me.

I stepped back. “There’s nothing to say.” Finally I decided to ask the burning question. “Since when do you work here?”
