Read Books Novel

The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(5)
Author: Emma Hart

Aston calls for us to start playing again, and I get up, handing Maddie my water bottle with a wink. She half-smiles as she takes it, and I can feel her eyes on me as I go back to play. Kyle pulls his top over his head, and I know this has turned into a pissing contest.

It’s no secret to any of us that Kyle has his sights set on Maddie, and if I wanna complete the challenge the guys set, I gotta take it up a notch.

I glance over my shoulder, and her green eyes are on Kyle. Fuck no. I grip the bottom of my shirt and yank it over my head, stretching after and chucking it to Megan. She wrinkles her nose, and I laugh, noticing Maddie’s eyes are back on me.


Kyle narrows his eyes at me, and I smile a shit eating smile, knowing he looks like a ten year old boy compared to me topless.

We all get into position, and the game starts again. Kyle and I seem to come head to head more than often, and I know he’s trying to make me look like a prick. Fortunately, everyone already knows I am one and when it comes to football, he can kiss my f**kin’ ass.

He catches the ball, and I tackle him. He falls face first on the grass and curses.

“What the f**k, Braden?”

“Slipped. Sorry.” I grin.

“Slipped my ass!” He gets up and comes towards me.

“Woah, woah!” Ryan jumps in between as my muscles tense. “Turn the testosterone down a notch, guys. It’s just a game of football.”

“Yeah, Kyle, turn it down,” I goad him.

“If you’re tryin’ to convince her you’re the better one out of the two of us, then good luck. She isn’t as stupid as your usual clientele.”

I start forward, and Ryan puts a hand on my chest. “Dude, no. Go and chill.”

I take a deep breath and nod once. “Fine.”

I kick the ball away and turn back to the girls.

“Can’t you even play a game of football without turning it into a pissing contest, Bray?” Megan laughs.

I shoot her a look, grab my shirt, and take my water from Maddie.

“Everything okay?” she asks softly.

I sip the water and look down at her. “Yeah, everything’s okay, Angel.”

“Good.” She smiles up at me, and Kay sighs.

“I’ll move over,” she says in a mock annoyed tone.

“Oh, Kay,” I say and sit in the spot she just vacated. “How did you know?”

“You look like you could rest your back against the wall.” She winks and Megan laughs.

“Or against Maddie.” Lila giggles.

I look at Maddie, and her cheeks flame a little. “I’d rest a whole lot of things against Maddie, none suitable for public viewing, though.”

Her mouth opens and closes once. Megan, Lila and Kay all roar with laughter, and I nudge Maddie.

“I’m sorry. Did that embarrass you?”

“Nope.” She squeaks the word out. “Not at all.”

I laugh and put an arm around her shoulder. “I think it did, and I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention.”

“It’s okay,” she replies, a little tense in my hold.

“No, it’s not,” I insist.

“Game’s over!” Megan calls, and they all stand. I get up and offer Maddie my hand. She places hers in my larger one, and I pull her up, grinning down at her.

“Thank you.” She smiles and takes her hand from mine, making to follow the girls.

“Hey, Maddie?” I ask.

She stops and turns back to me, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “Yeah?”

“We have English Lit together tomorrow, right?”


“Do you have a class before?”

“Nope, it’s a free. I usually head to the library to study.”

“Make an exception tomorrow?” I ask, leaning against the wall, facing her.

“What for?” She smiles a little.

“We could grab a coffee before class. I hear you like the muffins in Starbucks.” I tug a lock of her hair and amusement shines in her eyes.

“Braden Carter, are you asking me on a date?” She raises an eyebrow.

“Um.” I look around, and Megan has her back to me. She nods once, sharply. “Yes. I am, yeah.”

“Say it,” she demands.

“Say what?”

“I wanna hear you say you’re asking me on a date, ’cause this has to be a historical moment.”

“Hey!” I protest. “Fine. Maddie, would you like to go on a date to grab coffee tomorrow before English?”

She smiles widely. “I’d love to.”

“Meet you outside Starbucks about half an hour before class, then?”

“It’s a date,” she agrees and turns around, heading towards the girls.

I let out a breath and shake my head. Fuckin’ hell.

Chapter Five – Maddie

I detour to the dorm room after my morning class. I shut the door behind me loudly and lean against it, shaking my head.

I’m about to go on a date with Braden Carter, resident playboy, all because of a stupid dare. But is it the dare that’s stupid, or me for agreeing to it?

I think I’m voting for both.

I run my brush through my hair and touch up my make-up, glancing at the sheet on the wall. Stage One, Attachment. Today’s goal is to leave him wanting a little more, to make him come back tomorrow. I sigh and leave the room, running down the stairs and out into the California sunshine. My floaty skirt swishes as I walk towards the campus Starbucks, butterflies going crazy in my stomach. Why do I have butterflies? I hate this guy. It’s not even a real date.

That thought doesn’t stop the extra loud beat of my heart when I see him. He’s leaning against the wall outside, headphones in, and his head is bobbing to whatever he’s listening to. His hands are in the pockets of his slim fit, dark blue jeans. As if he can feel me watching, he looks up and electric blue eyes collide with mine.

He smiles as I approach him, and the butterflies turn to stampeding elephants. I feel sick.

“Hey there, Angel,” Braden says and reaches to open the door for me.

“Hey,” I reply, walking through the door. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He puts a hand on my back and guides me towards the counter. “What are you having?”

“A grande double chocolate chip frappucino, please.” I smile at his confused face. “What?”

“Chocolate chips in coffee? Why?”

“Why not?” I shrug. “It’s yummy.”

“Okay, I’ll try that.”

“What do you normally have?”

“Uh, normal coffee. You know, like a normal person drinks?” He laughs.

“Are you saying I’m not normal?” I raise an eyebrow as we reach the counter.
