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The Lover's Promise

The Lover’s Promise (No Exceptions #3)(28)
Author: J.C. Reed

“How do you know about Ti and Jett, if you don’t mind me asking?” I began.

“He told me,” Brian said matter-of-factly, as if that explained everything.

“He did?” My eyes widened in disbelief.

“Yeah,” he replied, his eyes never leaving me. His shoulders hunching and his expression hardening were all indications that Tiffany’s actions didn’t go down as well with him as he pretended.

“It’s not your fault,” I said softly, touching his arm. “Some people are better left behind. Jett should get his ass kicked for doing something like that to you.”

Brian’s hard gaze met mine again. “You know it isn’t his fault, right?”

“What?” I let go of his arm.

“Jett told me everything.” He paused, considering his words. “How Tiffany came on to him and that you had a fight. There’s no point in keeping secrets, is there?”

I took one step back, suddenly seeing him in a different light. “And you believed him? That it was Tiffany, who started it all?”

“I have no reason to doubt him.” Brian gave me a look as if I was the one with the problems. “If you had a lick of sense, you’d do the same.”

“I see.” I looked down, unsure what to say. It was hard to believe that Brian could be so casual when my streak of jealousy had broken me and turned me into an insecure bitch. Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe Brian really wanted people to punch the truth into his face. Maybe it was his way of dealing with life—rough, without any beautification or sugarcoating.

As I watched Brian walk to the large indoor gate that led downstairs to the training halls, my pulse started to race. Not out of fear, but with anger. Anger that he could deal with Tiffany so easily, and I couldn’t be the same way with Jett. Anger that I was so weak.

“I’m sorry,” I said, watching him when his back was turned to me. “You have to forgive my asking, but you weren’t there. How can you be so sure it wasn’t him who kissed her? For all we know they could still meet each other behind your back.”

And mine.

My voice didn’t betray the bitterness of thousands of needles poking into my heart at the memory of Tiffany’s voice on the phone. She had been there with him. Who knew what they had been doing the day before, when Jett cut me off? Behind my eyes, I could feel the dreadful swelling of gathering tears. Even knowing about their past felt painful, and knowing that she still was close to Jett, might be kissing him that instant, sleeping with him. Had a child with him.

“That’s an easy one.” Brian avoided my probing gaze as he typed in the code. A brief, low sound echoed as the red light changed to green, and the gate opened. With a blank expression, Brian turned to me, motioning me to enter. “Jett said you’ve been here before. So I’m thinking I can rely on you as a point of reference, right?”

Was he just asking me if Jett was telling the truth? I stared at him, unsure, faced with the fact that I kept hearing double-meanings. “Are you asking me?”


“That part is true, yes,” I said slowly, blinking away the tears. “I saw them kissing before I left. And yes, she might have started it. But still, it doesn’t change the fact that they met behind our backs, Brian. What’s to say they weren’t having an affair for weeks or months and we were clueless?”

What was to say they weren’t still?

My voice sounded so stricken, he eyed me in silence for a few moments.

“Were you in a relationship with Jett when they kissed?” Brian asked eventually.

“What’s that got to do with it?” I asked, frowning.

“Everything,” he replied. “I know Tiff. And I know Jett. And the only thing you need to know is that Jett isn’t a cheater.” He took a few steps toward me, his blue eyes looking at me in thought. In the narrow hall, his tall figure seemed to swallow up the entire space. “Jett has made some mistakes but I don’t think he ever cheated on anyone, Brooke. He’s as faithful and loyal as anyone can be. It’s part of the reason why I let him return to my gang. I knew I could trust his word.” He raised his eyebrows as if to convey the importance of his words. “Let’s face it. Trust is much harder to find than the next girlfriend. And Jett has always been a loyal dog. Tiffany on the other side—” he paused and something dark and menacing crossed his features “—she always does what she wants when she’s drunk. If she hadn’t been honest about her problems, I would have kicked her out of here a long time ago.”

I cringed at her name.



The thought that she was still living here drove me mad. Her being under the same roof as Jett made my blood boil. I hated her so much. Without her, I would have never ended things with Jett. In spite of any problems, I would have worked things out with him. Or at least I would have tried.

“So you knew all along.” The question was meant to be a statement and yet my tone came out accusatory. All the hurt started to seep through, and there was nothing I could do about that.

“Yeah, I did. I know all about her feelings for Jett.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “If you already knew, why did you ask me then? Is this some sort of sick joke to you?”

“Obviously to see if you’re lying. I’m not stupid, you know.” He caught my hard glance and returned it. “Maybe she believes she’s in love with him, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was always just a rebound and she’s an alcoholic. And Jett knows—better than anyone—that he can’t take her seriously.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, confused by the direction our conversation was taking.

“The kiss. What you assume is cheating. Drinking clouds her feelings, it changes her character.” He sighed, his gaze wandering to his black military shoes. “It’s happened before. A lot of times, and not just with Jett. It was just a matter of time until it happened again. So yes, you could say that I saw it coming. But then she’s an alcoholic.”

“And that’s supposed to make me feel better and forgive her?” I asked sourly.

“I don’t expect you to do anything.” He looked up. “But I hope you don’t let it jeopardize your relationship with Jett just because she made a mistake.”

“I’m not jeopardizing…” I trailed off.

I did, or at least had done.
