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The Marriage Merger

“Hey.” He ran a knuckle down her heated skin. “How do you feel?”

“Good.” She rolled her eyes in self mockery. “That’s a lie. I feel incredible. Like gooey caramel—all warm and melty.”

His cock twitched. That was exactly how she felt when he slid into her—cloaking him in rich clingy heat. He thought about tumbling her back for one more orgasm but knew she had to be sore. Time to take care of her comfort needs first. “There’s a Turkish bath and steam shower in the bathroom. I’m going to start the water for you.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, then slid out of bed and padded naked to the connecting bathroom. The huge glass shower doors were framed in rich gold, and the walls boasted an elabo-rate mosaic of earth tones. Steam hissed from the walls and formed a thick cloud. He pulled onto another knob and warm water sprayed from the ceiling onto slate tiles and the specially carved matching bench. He laid out some snowy white towels and the hotel robes, then made his way back to the bedroom.

Humor twisted his lips. She sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped like a mummy in the sheets. Her face reflected a blend of shyness and aggravation. She’d soon remember who was in charge and lose some of her innate inhibitions.

Crossing one ankle over the other, he leaned against the door. “Shower’s ready.”

Her gaze flicked over his fully erect dick and nakedness.

Her teeth pulled at her lip, then she stood up in a flash, shoulders back, dark eyes gleaming with stubbornness. She marched across the room like the Queen of Sheba with the sheets trailing behind her. Hesitating when she got close, he refused to move aside, wondering what she’d do.

With a haughty sniff, she stalked past him, dropped the sheet, and stepped into the shower. The doors closed with a relieved click and he bit back the urge to laugh out loud.

His queen would soon realize there was no hiding from him. Anywhere.

He allowed her a few minutes of privacy as he went back to the main suite area and poured glasses of water.

Loading them on a tray with some crackers, cheese, and veggies, he placed it on the table next to the lounge chair.

He added two flutes of fizzy champagne and headed to the shower.

The expression on her face when he opened the doors and stepped in was priceless. Trying to look dignified with her hair wet and a deliciously naked body on display, she did a half turn, trying to hide her embarrassment. Sawyer was looking forward to blowing past every social nicety she ever had about sex. Including bathing together and what he could do with a shower nozzle.

His lips quirked. “Need some help?”

“No, thank you.”

This time he laughed. Grabbed the loofah sponge she held in a death grip, and poured some gel into his hands.

“Too bad.”

With nothing to hold, she mustered enough courage to snort and turn her back on him, obviously picking the least embarrassing position. Her gorgeous ass and grace-fully curving spine only made him thank God he was a man. There was nothing as sensual as a woman’s rear, and Julietta’s lean length and soft skin were made for his hands.

He stepped in and pulled her hips back to rest against him.

She sucked in her breath.

“I can wash myself.” Her body stiffened. “In fact, I’m all done, so if you will excuse me. . . .”

“Have you ever showered with a man before?” He dragged the soapy sponge over her breasts.

“of course.”

“Liar.” He dipped down, making wide circles over her belly, hips, and upper thighs. His cock throbbed in the notch between her thighs. “I’m glad you haven’t. I like showing you things for the first time.”

The temperature dropped a few degrees. every muscle tensed. “I’m not an inexperienced virgin, Sawyer,” she said coolly. “And I’m no charity case.”

He spun her around and grabbed her long, wet hair. She gasped, bringing her hands up to his chest in a halfhearted attempt to push him away. He dragged her head back and loomed over her. “Don’t ever say something like that to me again.” Temper bit his tone. “you’re a passionate, beautiful woman who had the unfortunate experience of meeting a bunch of assholes who wouldn’t know how to find their own dicks in the dark. your comment insults both of us.”

Her pupils dilated with a touch of fear that soon changed to lust. He eased his grip, noting her ragged breathing and stabbing nipples. oh, yeah. His bossy woman liked a man telling her what to do in the privacy of the bedroom. Sawyer lowered his head and spoke against her swollen lips. “Maybe I need to keep this mouth occupied as much as your brain.”

He crushed her lips under his, drinking in her taste and essence and conquering her mouth. each stroke of his tongue reminded her she belonged to him in every capacity.

She gave it all back. He groaned under her sweet surrender, her own thrusting tongue tangling with his. She grabbed onto his slick shoulders and hung on while Sawyer pressed her against his chest and dipped her back to keep her slightly off balance. When she was soft and pliable, he slowly tipped her face up and broke the kiss.

Her gorgeous dark eyes gleamed with a swirl of naked emotions. He let her process for a moment, expecting her to beat a hasty retreat he intended to halt.

“I feel stupid.”

Surprise made him draw back. “Why, baby?”

She squeezed her eyes shut and reached for courage.

“I’m thirty-two years old and I’ve never done this—this stuff before. I don’t know the proper way to be.”

Her honesty shook him. Something deep inside flamed to life in demand, but he didn’t recognize the emotion so he pushed it back down. She was a child-woman with more courage than most men he’d met.

Sawyer pulled her to him and rested his forehead against hers. He lifted her hands and pressed a kiss to both palms. “you don’t have to be any certain way. your only job is to feel and not worry about anything. I’ll take care of you.”

She shuddered. A bolt of need shot through him like a stray bullet tearing through vulnerable flesh. He didn’t know how to process the intensity, so he focused on the naked woman in his arms and what he could do to please her. This time, when he began the soapy trail over her skin, she allowed him full access. A rumble of pleasure purred from her throat as he washed every inch of her, using a gentle rotating motion that soothed and aroused. Her nipples were treated to the rough side of the loofah, and they peaked with interest, turning a beautiful ruby red that matched her Snow White lips.

He dropped to his knees. Her body was created to be lost in—from her endless length of leg and thigh, to the perfect patch of dark hair that masked her sex, down to her scarlet toes. He cleansed her with a tenderness he’d never experienced with another woman, urging her to part her legs for him.

With a hiss of breath, she obeyed.

Her arousal elicited a primitive rush of victory, her pink inner lips glistening from water and her own moisture. He pressed the sponge to her mound and rubbed, making sure to work back and forth in a light rhythm. She arched her back and moaned; her breasts thrust forward like a pretty present. God, he should give her a rest, but he’d already gone too far to stop. He had to make her come again, feel her splinter apart around him and surrender to what he did to her.

“Turn around.”

Her pause gave him what he needed. He slapped her ass with one hard strike. She jerked in reaction, her eyes wide with outrage. Sawyer looked beyond and waited.

yes. Her nipples tightened further and the pulse at her neck beat rapidly. He bet an erotic spanking would give her intense pleasure, but he needed to be sure it was something that didn’t scare or horrify her. A frown snapped her brow, but he stared right back and repeated the command. “Turn around. Now.”

She did. The lush curve of her buttocks was a beautiful flushed pink from the steam and his hand. Sawyer started at her heels and worked his way up, lingering on the backs of her thighs; hips, her lower back. He straightened and dragged the sponge over her shoulders, tickling the nape of her neck, switching back and forth from the smooth to rough side so she was constantly kept off balance. The slight tremble in her legs and the tension in her muscles told him she was ready.

He sank to his knees. Urged her legs farther apart. And pressed the loofah against her pussy.

She shook and tried to remain still, but he kept the tor-ture up by sliding the coarse side over her sensitive clit at the same time he bit the luscious arc of her ass.

Her hands reached out to grab onto something and found the granite wall. The steam and heated spray drenched them and only added to the eroticism. Sawyer growled low in his throat, dying for more. He spread her cheeks wide and ran his tongue along her dripping slit at the same time he rotated the loofah against her clit.

She screamed as the orgasm hit hard and long. He never paused, lengthening her pleasure as her cries mingled with the hiss of steam and his tongue licked without pause. Finally, she shuddered and sagged against the wall. Sawyer rose and pulled her against him. He pressed his lips to her temple and stroked her back. Mini convulsions shook through her and she snuggled against him as if she had found her home.

“yeah, you’re a real charity case,” he grumbled, trying to get his head back in the game and distract himself from his raging hard-on. Her husky laugh raked across his ears in a caress.

“And you’re a bully.”


“Sei un maniaco sessuale. ”

He lifted his brow. “Trust me. If I do my job correctly, you’ll be a sex maniac also.”

A cloud drifted over her face, and she tipped her chin up to look at him. “Am I a job, Sawyer?”

Her honest question demanded more from him than ever before. He pushed past the discomfort and answered.

“No.” The next words dried up and he was glad. He wasn’t ready for anything more.

Her features eased into relaxation and a teasing smile played about her lips. “Good. Now, what about you?”

He glanced down at his stiff member and shrugged.

“Forgot the condom while we played water sports. No big deal.”

“you really think I’m mouthy?”

He tugged on a wet strand of hair. “Hell, yes.”

“Then maybe I should do something to keep myself occupied.”

He had no clue until she knelt in front of him with a ballerina’s grace that took his breath away. Sawyer reached out to stop her—the night was not about him—but the moment her lips opened and slipped over his pulsing length, he was a goner. He swore he’d only allow her to experiment until she felt comfortable, knowing Julietta was unsure of her skills and needed to learn to trust her instincts. The lesson turned on him in a heartbeat. With long, deft strokes, she sucked and licked with a heady enthusiasm and purity that left him helpless to fight. Using her hands to fist his dick and pump up and down, she continued her ministra-tions until he exploded, the orgasm diving deep and radiat-ing through every pore in his skin.

When the room stopped spinning, the little minx rose to her feet. Tossed him a purely feminine, purely satisfied grin.

And walked out of the shower, her naked buttocks winking at him in sheer mockery.