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The Marriage Mistake

She nodded and he lifted a hand to press a kiss against her palm.

Raw need rose up and choked Carina. She stuffed her mouth full of pasta instead and hoped it would feed at least her physical hunger. Victoria tapped her fork thoughtfully against her Botoxed lips. “I can’t wait to have children,” she announced. “I’m exhausted from the endless dating and partying. Don’t you agree, Max?”

A flush crept to his cheeks as everyone stared. Carina held her breath. “Sure.” She seemed as if waiting for him to expand. “I’m looking forward to settling down in the future.”

Victoria cocked her head. “Future? What does that mean? How far into the future? You know Daddy needs me to marry soon, right?”

Alexa and Maggie put down their utensils. Even Nick and Michael leaned forward to catch his answer.

Max cleared his throat and reached for his wine. He took a sip but the silence still pulsed around the table. Like a trapped wolf, his gaze scurried in panic around the table, then locked with hers.

Pure heat blazed from blue eyes and stung. The truth hit her full force. He wanted Victoria to be The One. But she wasn’t. He also had no clue she was in love with another man. Perhaps he sensed her obvious distance and decided she’d be another safe bet.

Slowly, Carina relaxed and began to enjoy the show. “Max adores children,” she said. “His mother has been wanting him to settle down for a while now. But where would you guys live?”

A strange sound emitted from his throat then died.

Victoria jumped in. “Oh, we could work that out. I need to be in England for a few months of the year, but the rest of the time we can be in New York. Of course, we’d visit Italy so I could meet Max’s mother. Doesn’t that sound wonderful, darling?”

“Yes, of course. One day.”


Carina tamped down on a giggle. She’d finally seen a full fledged-male panic attack. “Soon.” Max grabbed a napkin, wiped his mouth, and rose from the table. “Umm, excuse me for a minute. Be right back.”

He launched himself down the hall and disappeared. Victoria drew back in surprise.

Carina rose from the table. “If you’d excuse me for a second, I’ll be right back.”

She followed.

• • •

Max closed the door to the house’s library. What was wrong with him?

He fisted his hands and pressed them against his eyes. Victoria was the perfect woman. She was beautiful, smart, and wanted to settle down and raise a family. He always enjoyed her company when she came to town. Proving Carina wrong was important. Her words mocked and danced in his head like an evil joker gone wild.

You always pick the wrong women.

Impossible. Sure, she had great examples, but Victoria finally proved her wrong. So why was there no real connection or any desire to take the relationship to next level?

The image of his fingers diving into wet fire shimmered before him. The sharp pain of her heels in his back. The sweet, sassy taste of her mouth and the smell of her arousal. Pushing that postage stamp skirt up her thighs had been the sweetest fantasy come true. If they hadn’t been interrupted, he would’ve laid her back on the desk and dived in.

Jesus, one time could be forgiven. Barely. Twice?

He needed his own carved slot in hell.

A light tap at the door was his only warning.

His nose twitched as the clean scent of cucumber and melon rose in the air. Awareness prickled down his spine. The relaxed, scholarly air of the library suddenly crackled with electricity. The soft soles of her Keds masked her progress, but her body heat burned right behind him. Damn her for screwing up his head.

Damn her for making him want.

He turned around to face her. “I’m coming,” he said. “Just needed a minute.”

She moved closer. He stepped back. A touch of a smile curved her lips. “Was it the marriage or the kids that freaked you out?”

He bucked up and took her jab like a man. “I don’t know.”

Max expected a sarcastic comment but she nodded as if she understood. “I understand.”

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Go ahead. Aren’t you going to tear her apart?”

She had the nerve to look surprised. “Why? If you like her, I’m happy for you. She actually seems kind of nice, once I got over her food limitations.”

Her ease with him dating other women after that kiss mocked him. Why did he want to drag her against him and prove it meant something? “You won’t be able to find anything wrong with her. I already checked—she loves animals.”


“She believes in charity. Can run a business. Has a solid family foundation. I’m telling you, she’s perfect.”

Her lips actually twitched. “I’m thrilled for you. Here’s hoping you commit and settle down. Better you than me. I’m looking forward to some fun. Hot sex now. Babies later.”

He stretched to full attention. Her pouty lips poured the words out like honey. Hot. Sex. Anger balled in his gut and curdled. “Stop saying crap like that.”

“Why? Can’t make you any more uncomfortable than what happened a few days ago.”

He flinched. Because he wanted to do it again so bad he told her the opposite. “That was a mistake.” His voice came out strangled. “Both times.”

“So you’ve said.”

Her thoughtful words twisted his gut. How did a woman in Keds suddenly control the situation? Her mind and body pummeled his will full force. He grabbed for the ultimate excuse. “Anything physical between us would be a complete betrayal of trust. Wouldn’t it?”

The old Carina would have blushed and stammered. Looked at him like he was God and skittered away. The new Carina closed the distance and tipped her chin up. All five feet shimmered with feminine power. “Would it?” she murmured.

His dick strained the fabric of his pants in disagreement. With all the blood leaving his head, it took him a second or two to respond. “Yes. It would.”


“Don’t play games, Carina. We can’t sleep together. The night I kissed you was a horrible mistake. So was the episode in the office. I still feel guilty about it.”

Those dark eyes simmered with mystery and secrets he’d kill to reveal. Her tongue snuck out and licked her lower lip. Amusement played over her face. “Sorry to kill your illusions, Maxie. But I’m just looking for a bad man to play with.”

Her innocent white shirt and ridiculous sneakers only made him want to rip off the fabric to reveal her siren curves. The taste of her haunted him. And as if she knew, she leaned in, and her breath whispered across his lips in a teasing caress. “Wanna play?”

A beat passed. The blood rushed to his dick and filled his head with a roaring sound. He was an experienced man well versed in the art of seduction. But this powerhouse knocked him out and left his head swimming. His head screamed Hell, yes.

“Can’t.” The word stuck in his throat. “I’m dating Victoria.”

Slowly, she pulled back. Her shoulders lifted. “Understood. I’ll respect your new relationship and won’t bother you again.” She walked to the door, and her hips swung in a graceful dance. The luscious curve of her buttocks winked good-bye. “Just one more thing. Something you should probably know.”

“What’s that?”

“Make sure you stay close to Richard.”

He frowned. “Richard is one of her friends. There’s nothing going on between them. He’s dealing with a divorce.”

“She’s in love with him. Always has been. Always will be. Ask her.” She winked. “See you out there.”

Max stood rooted to the floor and wondered when his life had gone completely to Hades.

Chapter Eight

“I need you in Vegas. Tomorrow.”

Max groaned, tossed his cold cup of coffee in the trash, and pulled out his bottom drawer for the good stuff. Taking out two shot glasses, he poured grappa, handed one to Michael, and saluted.

A quick snap of the glass and the liquid went down hot and smooth. “You’re killing me, Michael. I’ve got the opening in New Paltz next week and you want me to leave now?”

Michael rubbed his fingers over his face in his trademark gesture of frustration. “I’m sorry, my friend, I hate to do this to you. The Venetian Hotel in Vegas is interested in putting in our store, and I need someone to get my buyer to commit. Sawyer Wells is in charge now. Aren’t you two friends?”

“Yeah, known him for years now.”

“Good. I planned to make the trip myself, but Mama decided to fly in early. I can’t leave this week.”

He frowned. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, but Maggie can’t travel at this stage and I don’t want to leave her. Mama’s coming in tomorrow. She wants to see Maggie with her own eyes before the birth.”

“How’s her health? Is she still having heart problems?”

Michael shook his head. “She always needs to be watched, but Julietta says she’s doing quite well. The doctor examined her and said she will have no trouble making a long flight. I need you to stay in Vegas for a few days, Max. Close the deal.”

Max nodded. “Done.”

Michael’s face relaxed and he let out a deep sigh. “Thank you. I’ll handle any issues here. Oh, and I’m sending Carina with you.”

He shot out of the chair like his ass was on fire. “What? Absolutely not.”

His friend shot him a confused look. “Why?”

He decided to pace and work off the sudden tension that pulled uncomfortably at his muscles. “She’s not ready for something like this. I need to concentrate and I can’t worry about watching over her.”

Michael leaned back and waved a hand in the air. “Understood. You do not have to babysit her.” He grinned. “I’m sorry the thing with Victoria didn’t work out, but I bet within a few days you’ll have some lovely Vegas showgirl on your arm. Carina won’t cramp your style. This is an opportunity for her to learn from the beginning how we go about signing the initial deal. She needs to see all the steps and will be there to assist you in any paperwork, errands, etc. I can send Edward with you. He is an excellent salesperson. He can help show our commitment.”

The grappa came back up from his stomach and choked him. He coughed violently while his head spun. Michael got up to pound him on the back. “Not Edward,” he managed to gasp. “I’ve been having some, er, issues with him.”

“Do I need to step in?”

“No! No, I have it under control. I don’t need anyone else on the trip. I can handle it. We’ll be fine. I can lock this up by myself. No need for a salesperson at this stage.”

“Yes, I know you can.” Michael placed a hand on his shoulder. “This business would never have happened without you, my friend. Thank you for always being there.”

An image of Carina backed up against the door with her dress pulled down flashed before his memory. Sweat pricked his forehead. “No problem.”

“I’ll tell Carina to be ready for a morning flight.” He reached into his briefcase and gave him a thick file. “Here is the paperwork. I’ll have the jet fueled and ready by nine.”