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The Playboy

The Playboy (Chandler Brothers #2)(40)
Author: Carly Phillips

Hannah started to speak and Rick put a warning hand over her mouth. “Not now.”

Pearl turned to Hannah just as Rick released her. “I’ll go get those brownies and bring them over, okay?” Without waiting for an answer, she took off for the house.

“I’m Eldin,” the older man said, sticking out his hand toward Hannah. “And Pearl means well.”

Hannah stared until Rick gently nudged her arm with his elbow. Taking the hint, Hannah shook his hand quickly, then dropped it again. She was probably afraid he’d grab her into a bear hug like Pearl had done. Instead Eldin shook once and dropped Hannah’s hand.

Satisfied, he nodded and started back up the driveway, more slowly than his significant other, probably because of his bad back.

Warmth filled Kendall as she’d watched Rick not just taking charge with Hannah, but handling her well. Kendall was merely in a state of complete shock. One she’d have to get over and quickly.

“Bye, Eldin,” Hannah called toward the older man, surprising Kendall.

Maybe she’d be okay here after all, Kendall thought.

Then Hannah turned back to face her sister. “No way am I living in this hick town with your cop boyfriend and two old people. And the old lady stares at my chest.” She folded her arms tight. “That’s sick.” She narrowed her gaze, then stormed off in the direction of the guest house.

Kendall looked at Rick and sighed. “She’s a joy.”

He laughed. “She’s a teenager. I’ve seen worse.”

“God help me.” Kendall rolled her eyes heavenward. “Her hair’s fluorescent purple.”

He grinned. “Yours was pink.”

“Would you stop mentioning all the similarities?” The truth was enough to drive Kendall mad.

He glanced at his watch. “Much as I hate to leave you on your own, I have to get to work.”

“You’re probably relieved.”

“Kendall, Kendall.” His gaze met hers. She saw the conflict in his eyes as he fought the attraction for a second before, with a groan, he reached out and cupped his hand around the back of her neck, bringing her within kissing distance. “What am I going to do with you?”

His breath was warm and a hint of spearmint teased her senses, making her wish he’d kiss her already. “I don’t know. What did you have in mind?”

“Convincing you I’m a good guy would be a start. Making you believe in sticking around would be an even better ending,” he admitted with obvious reluctance.

Before she could respond, he sealed his lips over hers, initiating a kiss. He tasted more delicious than she’d imagined as his tongue swirled inside her mouth.

“Mmm.” The moan came out without permission but she wouldn’t call it back even if she could because his body shook in reaction and he pulled her closer.

“Oh, gag me.”

Kendall jumped back to see Hannah, her expression set in a grimace, glaring at her and Rick.

“Pardon me for interrupting but the house is locked. Just how did you expect me to get in?” she asked.

Kendall raised an eyebrow Rick’s way. Apparently the honeymoon was over and reality had set in—in all its teenage glory.

Kendall changed into her favorite sleepwear, a matching tank and shorts set, yawned, and crawled into her bed. She’d barely been living with a teenager for a few hours and exhaustion had already set in. Hannah hadn’t come out of the room she’d appropriated as her own, not even for dinner, and Kendall figured she had only herself to blame. She’d not only made the guest room livable, she’d made certain to stop in town today for another air-conditioning unit for her sister. She couldn’t even count on the heat to drive Hannah into civilized company. But even a teenager couldn’t stay in her room forever.

Tomorrow Kendall would force her sister to sit down and talk.

Kendall’s eyes drifted shut. Since coming to Yorkshire Falls, she’d gotten into a routine of sorts. She’d turn the air on early and close her door until the room chilled like the Arctic, then she’d shut the unit at bedtime and the refrigeration would last until about midnight when she’d begin the routine again. In silence now, she listened to the sound of quiet, so different from the New York City hustle and bustle she’d heard for the last couple of years. The birds chirping and the peace had grown on her. She’d actually begun to take comfort from expected sounds of . . . nothing. So when the unusual noise of a car motor broke the stillness of the night, sounding close as if in her own backyard, Kendall bolted upright in bed.

She had the distinct sense something was wrong and an even stronger hunch what that something was. Running to the window, she yanked up the old shade in time to see her red car pulling out of the driveway onto the street.

“Dammit, Hannah.” Fear streaked through Kendall and without thinking twice, she grabbed for the phone. Kendall had never been great at memorization and she still hadn’t committed Rick’s various phone numbers to memory so she dialed 911 and was connected to the Yorkshire Falls Police Department. “Officer Rick Chandler, please. It’s an emergency.”

She tapped her fingers against the nightstand while she waited.

“Officer Chandler speaking.”

Rick’s voice instilled some form of comfort. “Rick, it’s Kendall. Hannah took my car.

She’s only fourteen. I don’t know if she can drive and I don’t want her in an accident or causing an accident and I don’t know where she’d go. I mean she doesn’t know anyplace or anyone in this town.” Kendall ran a frustrated hand through her hair. “I don’t know anyone or anyplace in this town. Well, I know more people than Hannah knows but—”

“Kendall, stop!” Rick’s stern voice halted her rambling.

“Sorry.” She blinked and was startled to realize a tear dripped down her cheek. “I’m sorry. She locked herself in her room for the night. I figured she’d stay there. I never thought to lock up the car keys. I mean she’s fourteen.”

“I’ll take care of it, okay?”

She sniffed and nodded, realizing he’d hung up before she could answer him anyway.

Which was fine. She needed him out looking for Hannah, not consoling her. And when he returned her sister home safe, Kendall would absolutely throttle her.

Then first thing tomorrow, she’d head to the bookstore or library for a How-To book on raising teenage hellions.

