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The Pregnancy Test

The Pregnancy Test (NY Girlfriends #1)(23)
Author: Erin McCarthy

His erection nudged her. "Oh!" she moaned, then slapped a hand over her mouth. No moaning, Mandy. It would go to his head.

"Feel good?" he asked as he pulled back.

"Actually, it’s rather unpleasant," she said, even as she lifted her backside in an encouraging offering. Damn, it was so hard to stick to her principles when he was tickling his finger there.

He gave a low laugh as he dug a condom out of his pants pocket and opened the package. "I’m really sorry. Do you think you could suffer a little more unpleasantness for my sake? Just two minutes, tops. And next time, I promise to give your requests the attention they deserve."

Bereft without either his finger or his penis, she decided that was prettily said and she could forgive him for forcing shattering pleasure on her. After all, it wasn’t his fault sh was an easy mark, and she didn’t doubt that it would fee good to have him slip inside her, imbed himself deep in he body.

Mandy felt aftershocks of excitement fissure through he thighs. "All right. Two minutes. Tops." She tried for an in sufferable sigh, but couldn’t keep the corner of her moutl from lifting.

With a laugh, he said, "Ogre. Next you’ll have me in tears."

He nuzzled his nose along her thigh, then skimmed his lips over the slight bump of her belly with, a tenderness that made her throat tighten. He was momentarily distracted by her breasts, spending a good minute or two lavishing attention with his tongue on each one while she tried not to go cross-eyed. Then he moved to the curve of her neck, and finally, to her mouth.

Damien kissed her deeply, openly, while his hand brushed her hair back from her face. Then he murmured against her lips. "Thank you. I truly appreciate your generosity. I promise to make the next two minutes as painles as possible for you."

"Do get on with it," she said, though the effect of usinj her mother’s voice when addressing the maid was ruined by the groan she collapsed into at the end.

He was nudging her again, his pupils dilated, eyes glazed with passion, and Mandy exhaled a shaky breath. It felt so torturously good, the tip of his erection resting just inside her swollen damp flesh, and she involuntarily rocked he hips toward him.

Now he was the one swearing. She could tell Damien was clamped on tightly to his control, easing himself deeper in side her one slow steely inch at a time. It had been three years for him, and yet he held himself back, sweat beading on his forehead, shoulders straining, neck muscles bulging corded sinew and throbbing veins.

She didn’t understand, couldn’t think why he didn’t just plunge inside her like they both wanted him to, and her fingers snaked past his waist and settled on his rock-hard backside. Slowly, slowly he filled her until she was squirming and aching and pleading with him. "Damien, please…"

But he ignored her, sucking on the swell of her breast above her nipple as he rested inside her, only half buried. "I’m savoring again, that’s all."

Well, he needed to stop. Mandy grabbed his bum and shoved down, at the same time she rammed her hips up toward him. She may not be as strong as him, but she had surprise and determination on her side. The thrust sent them colliding together, and he filled her fully, stretching her sensitive muscles and giving rise to the speculation that maybe she could have another orgasm.

Bloody hell, that felt good.

Her body was taut everywhere, tingling and swollen, and she used her inner muscles to clench on to him, afraid he’d leave.

"Mandy, oh, damn, honey." His eyes were closed, a shudder rolling over him.

She knew the feeling. But after a long drawn-out second that felt like half her life, Mandy started to worry that he wasn’t going to do anything. That he was just going to sit there in her, like a parked car.

He was a complex man, who clearly had some issues in a past relationship, and he had more willpower than she could ever hope for, but now wasn’t the time for him to be exercising it. It was time for him to let it go, to allow himself pleasure.

"Damien, darling, aren’t you going to make love to me?"

He wanted to. God knew he wanted to. But Damien was afraid that if he moved, he would go careening into an orgasm that would embarrass the hell out of him. He was afraid that if he let go, if he unleashed all the passion he’d been withholding for three years, that other, uglier emo tions might rise along with it. He was afraid that if he moved, and it was over, then it would be, well, over. This was it.

But Mandy’s soft, coaxing words nudged him out of his indecision.

The way she felt, wrapped around him, under him, her body open for his, hot and slick, and the way her lips parted on a pant and her eyes glazed over convinced him. He’d risk it.

With a groan, he pulled back as a precursor to gently sliding into her, but Mandy dug her nails into his ass and cried out, "No, don’t leave!"

Mandy did some female trick that had her muscles tightening, holding him in place like she refused to give his cock up. His mouth went dry, blood thundering in his head, and he decided he didn’t give a damn about staying in control. He’d already gone this far, he’d already let his body feel passion again, he might as well take it all the way.

He slammed into her and forced a groan out of both of them. Mandy’s eyes rolled back in her head.

"I’m not going anywhere," he said through gritted teeth.

When he stroked again, he had to close his eyes. Jesus, she felt so good. So hot, so giving, so close around him, holding on and milking his cock with her tight body, agony and ecstasy intermingling in his mouth like a potent mixed drink. He felt drunk on pleasure.

"Fantastic," she murmured, her heels kicking him in the backs of his thighs as he moved over her, and she made no attempt to meet his erratic rhythm. Some strokes were quick and short, others slow and deep, and he didn’t know what in the hell he was doing, he just wanted to feel her every which way. But he forced himself to rein back in, get a grip on himself, and he found a spot that felt just right, so perfect that he had to keep hitting it over and over.

Mandy seemed to like it, too, since it had him pressing against her clitoris, and she gripped the bedspread and gasped. It spurred Damien on, made him pump harder, until he forced himself to an abrupt stop. Legs trembling as he held himself on the edge of orgasm, sweat running down into his eyes, the dim room brighter, the sounds of the fan sharper as he hovered in the high of anticipation.

The sound of frustration she gave was nothing short of a scream. "What the hell are you doing?"
