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The Pregnancy Test

The Pregnancy Test (NY Girlfriends #1)(50)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Lift your leg over my hip," he said, hands cupping her backside.

She did, and he slid inside her at the same time his tongue entered her mouth. A shudder tore through her, the groan she gave captured by his kiss. She had never been this close to a man, in this way, this total, complete joining of heart, body, and soul.

"Damien." She tore her mouth from his, unable to take so much at once. She buried her face in his neck, grasped his shoulders with trembling fingers as he moved inside her over and over, his thrusts coming stronger and faster.

Hands holding her in place on the bed, Damien moved inside her as he whispered along her cheek. "I love you, Mandy."

"I love you, too." Her swollen flesh wrapped around him, received him, and she came with a cry, jerking backward with the violence of her orgasm. "Oh, damn!"

He held her to him, wouldn’t let her leave him, escape him, as he sank into her again and again, stretching out her pleasure until she thought she couldn’t take another stroke. She ran her fingers into his hair, gasping for breath, certain she was going to die, when he paused. Then he exploded in her with a fierce growl wrenched out through clenched teeth.

Mandy watched him, reveled in the pleasure on his face as he pulsed deep in her body. Satisfaction, elation, power, love all coursed through her, and it wasn’t until she tasted her tears that she realized she was crying.

He noticed, too, as soon as his shudders slowed and his eyes refocused. "You’re crying. Oh, baby, why are you crying?"

She sniffled as she squeezed the small of his back, keeping him in her when he would have left. "Damn, I’m sorry. They’re good tears, honestly. I just can’t believe how happy I am."

Damien relaxed again, his chest sinking toward hers. "I believe it. And I know how to appreciate it now."

He pulled out of her, but now he arched a finger back and forth over her clitoris, which tingled with aftershocks. "I’d like to appreciate you all over again in a minute," he said.

She smiled at him. "Can you appreciate it in the morning instead of now? I can’t keep my eyes open. The orgasms you give me seem to act like warm milk."

With a laugh, he moved his hand to her belly and rested it there. "That’s not really a flattering analogy, Mandy. My lover is like a glass of warm milk – knocks me out cold every time."

"What did you say?" she teased, letting her eyes drift shut. "I’ve fallen asleep."

Damien laughed again, pulling the hot rumpled sheet over them. "Nothing. Go to sleep." His wandering hand traveled north to her breast, stroking over her nipple. "Dream of me between your legs, licking you, sucking your clitoris, and stroking my tongue along your hot wetness."

Oh, my, there was an image.

"Cunnilingus, you mean?"

He gave a wicked laugh, low and near her ear as they lay on their sides facing each other. "Oh, yeah. In your dreams just imagine me cunnilingusing the hell out of you."

Mandy fell asleep with an anticipatory smile on her lips.

Chapter 22

Damien was in the kitchen trying to rustle up some coffee when someone knocked on the door. He glanced toward it, debating whether to open it or not. Mandy was still sleeping. Caroline was gone from the couch and the second bedroom door was still firmly shut.

He didn’t want to disturb Mandy or be presumptuous in her place, but the knock came again, so he went to the door.

There was a thin guy standing in the hallway looking politely startled. "Oh, good morning. I’m looking for Mandy."

Mandy? Damien felt a green tidal wave roll over him. This was Ben, the Brit. Ben, the father of Mandy’s baby. Ben the bastard.

"She’s sleeping," he said in the voice that had made many an assistant cry.

"Really? Well, that’s a bit surprising." Ben glanced at his watch. "It’s a quarter of nine, and she starts at her office in fifteen minutes. I think you must be mistaken. Perhaps you can get Allison to check?" He held out his hand. "I’m Ben Hurst, by the way. You must be Allison’s new boyfriend."

He was a friendly enough chap. Too bad Damien hated his guts already. But he gave him a quick handshake, putting excessive force into the pump.

"No, I’m not mistaken. I just left Mandy sleeping in the bedroom five minutes ago."

Ben’s smile faltered. "You’re not Allison’s boyfriend?"

"No." Damien stepped back to let him in, thinking this was a golden opportunity to square things away between them. Let Ben know he was sticking around. He hitched up the wrinkled pants he’d pulled back on, in deference to Mandy’s roommates. He hadn’t bothered with a shirt, though, and he could feel the scratchy beginnings of a beard. He knew he looked like a man who had just dragged himself out of a woman’s bed. Good. "I’m Damien Sharpton. I’m here with Mandy."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you and Mandy are… involved?"

"Yes." Damien fought the need to cross his arms over his chest and spread out his legs like a bouncer denying admittance to a popular nightclub. Instead, he leaned against the arm of the couch and tried not to glare.

"But she’s pregnant." Ben glanced down the hallway toward the bedroom, apparently shocked.

Damien thought that was stating the obvious. And he had just about used up his ability to be nice before his first cup of coffee. "Pregnant women like sex, too."

Ben’s mouth fell open. "You’re saying…?"

"Yep." He just knew he looked smug, and he wasn’t the least bit ashamed of himself. Mandy was his. He loved her and her baby.

After a second, Ben laughed – not a raucous laugh, but a chuckle of amusement. "My ex-wife never did. She was forbidden territory for nine months."

Damien crossed his feet. "Not Mandy."

Then he shut himself up before he started bragging like a teenager in the locker room. Ben needed to know how serious they were about each other, but anything beyond that was private. "But look, I know you’re the baby’s father, and Mandy has every intention of letting you get as involved in her life as you want to be. But you should know that Mandy and I are very serious about each other, and I’m going to be around. Permanently."

Ben sat down and crossed his leg. He didn’t look perturbed by Damien’s announcement. "Damien Sharpton… that name is familiar. You’re Mandy’s boss, aren’t you?"
