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The Proposal

The Proposal (The Proposition #2)(22)
Author: Katie Ashley

“I hope so.”

“Have faith. It’s all going to be just fine.” Once again his pager interrupted them. He glanced down at it and scowled. “Guess I better get downstairs.”

“Thank you so much for coming by.”

He nodded. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, and we’ll iron out our dinner plans.”


He cocked his dark eyebrows at her. “You didn’t think I would just come check your vitals and run out the door, now did you?”

Emma felt her cheeks warming at the insinuation. “Well no, but—”

He held up a hand and smiled. “We’ll talk about it later.” He turned to Casey. “Nice meeting you.”

“Yes, nice meeting you too,” she replied, her gaze honing in on his ass as he walked out the door. Once they were alone, she whirled back to Emma. “Holy shit, Em! You have precisely five seconds to fill me in on who the hell Dr. McDreamy Bollywood is!”

Emma laughed and then she proceeded to tell Casey everything. Once she was finished, Casey shook her head slowly back and forth. “Wow…I mean…just wow.”

With a dreamy sigh, Emma said, “Tell me about it.”

“So are you going to give him a chance?”

Emma shrugged. “Maybe.”

“I think a man like that warrants a little more than a ‘maybe’.” Casey gazed longingly at the door Pesh had only moments ago exited. “I mean, incredibly good looks aside, the man is compassionate and caring…and completely the opposite of the commitment-phobic dirt-bag.”

“I’m already too stressed, Case. I can’t throw in a potential new man to the mix right now.” When Casey started to protest, Emma shook her head. “Besides, I’m still not sure I’m ready to move on from Aidan.”

Casey rolled her eyes. “Seriously? You’re going to let your feelings for the douchenozzle screw up a potentially amazing soul-mate?”

“Aidan is the father of my child. I’ll always love him for that fact alone, but there’s still so much between us.” At Casey’s tight lipped expression, Emma said, “There’s no easy black and white here, Case. It’s all grey. Besides what I still feel about him, his actions in the last twenty-four hours are very endearing. He’s risking his job to take care of me. He came back last night so I wouldn’t be alone. He’s begging and pleading for my forgiveness. I can’t just ignore that.”

Casey’s shoulders drooped in defeat. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I know you don’t. And trust me, neither do I. But I have to at least let him try and see this thing through, or I’ll always regret it.”

Casey started to protest but was interrupted by Emma’s phone buzzing. She glanced down at it. “Aidan’s on his way up.”

Casey wrinkled her nose. “I better get a move on, or I’ll be late to work.”

“Hold down the fort for me while I’m gone.”

She grinned. “Will do. You just make sure to take extra good care of yourself and Mr. Noah, so you can get back as soon as you can.”

Emma smiled. “I sure will try.”

Casey leaned over and gave Emma a quick hug and a kiss. “I’ll be over to see you soon.”


As Casey started out the door, Aidan breezed in. He flinched and pushed himself as far away from her and her pocketbook as he could. “Easy Big Papa, your boys are safe this morning.”

He sighed in relief. “I’m glad to hear it. They’re still a bit traumatized from last night.”

Throwing a glance over her shoulder, Casey winked at Emma. “Bye.”

Emma waved before turning her attention to Aidan. “How’s Patrick?”

“Good,” Aidan replied.

Emma sighed in relief. “Thank God.”

“You’ll be happy to know the first thing he did when he got back to his room was ask about you.”

Tears welled in Emma’s eyes. “Really?”

Aidan nodded. “He said to give you and Noah his love, and he would be over to see you just as soon as he got sprung out.”

Emma laughed and wiped her eyes. “That’s so sweet.”

“Yes, sweetness runs in the Fitzgerald DNA, especially with the males,” Aidan mused.

She shot him an exasperated look. “Isn’t it a little early for you to be this cocky?”

Aidan chuckled as a nurse came into the room with Emma’s discharge papers. Once she had signed everything, Aidan said, “Guess that means we get to hit the road, huh?”

Emma nodded and started to get out of the bed. “As soon as I change clothes and run a brush through my hair.”

Aidan’s brows furrowed. “Don’t stand too long while you’re changing. Sit on the edge of the tub or the toilet seat.”

Emma huffed out an exasperated breath. “Are you going to be this overprotective when we get to your house?”

He bobbed his head. “Yep, at least until I know you and Noah are out of the woods.”

Her frustration evaporated a little at his sincerity. “Okay, okay, I’ll sit down while I get dressed.”

After she padded into the bathroom, she happily tore off the hospital gown and then threw on the yoga pants and long sleeve shirt Casey had brought. She then slid her somewhat swollen feet into the size bigger tennis shoes she recently had to purchase. She pulled her long hair back into a ponytail.

When she was done, she came out to find a nurse waiting with a wheelchair. She eased down in it while Aidan grabbed the bag Casey had brought along with her purse. The nurse then wheeled her down the hallway to the elevator. “Make sure you read your discharge papers about what to do and not to do. It also indicates when you need to go back to see your doctor.”

Before Emma could respond, Aidan replied, “I’ll make sure she does.”

The nurse gave Aidan a big smile. “I bet you’re going to take very good care of her.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be giving her lots of TLC.”

When Emma cocked her head at him, he winked. Once they got to the lobby downstairs, the nurse said, “We’ll wait here while your husband goes and gets the car.”

Emma made a slight strangled noise while Aidan skidded to a stop. “Um, okay,” she finally squeaked.

Aidan cut his eyes over to her before jogging out to the parking lot. It didn’t take him long to return with the car. “Good luck,” the nurse said before she closed the car door.
