Read Books Novel

The Proposal

The Proposal (The Proposition #2)(32)
Author: Katie Ashley

Fortunately, Aidan’s leave of absence had turned into more of a work from home situation. Emma liked the fact he was kept busy so he wouldn’t be hovering over her 24/7 acting like a deranged mother hen. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy having him around. She loved the fact he was willing to do anything and everything she asked him to. He was good company with the fact he ate all his meals with her and usually fell asleep watching movies, which meant he ended up sleeping by her side.

Every day they seemed to grow closer and closer. But worry gnawed deep in the pit of her stomach. She feared her hormones and the close quarters of her bed-rest situation were making her blind to the truths of Aidan’s character. After all, she’d been fooled by him once before. Could she really ever trust him completely again? Could she emotionally withstand building a life with him only for it to all fall apart if he cheated again?

On Monday afternoon, she had just settled in to watch a marathon of one of her favorite old series, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, when her phone buzzed beside her. At the name on the screen, her heartbeat accelerated so fast it threatened to beat out of her chest.

It was from Pesh. Would it be presumptuous of me to inquire about checking on you tonight?

She shook her head as she read and reread his text. Not only did he always sound so different than the men she knew, but he was always so kind and thoughtful. He had already called twice to check on her, but he had yet to broach the subject of coming by.

Sure. That sounds great.

I’ve even secured a portable ultrasound machine, so we can check on Little Man.

At the mention of Noah, Emma’s heart melted. Aw, thank you so much.

Is five too early? I have to go in at nine tonight.

That’s fine.

Wonderful. Do you like Indian food?

Emma nibbled her bottom lip before responding. Actually, I’ve never eaten any.



Wish you could see how far my mouth is hanging open right now.

With a giggle, Emma typed Sorry. Diehard Southern girl raised in the boonies.

We’ll have to remedy that. I’ll bring you several courses from my favorite Indian restaurant.

That sounds wonderful.

Just text me the address, and I’ll see you in a little while.

As her fingers punched out the street number of Aidan’s house, revulsion flooded through her. Was she seriously about to bring another man into Aidan’s house? A man whose very presence had the ability to confuse her about the depth of her feelings for Aidan? “Ugh, you’re a hateful, awful person, Emma Harrison!” she moaned, her head falling back against the pillows. Why did everything have to be so complicated?

She knew what Casey would say. It became complicated because Aidan almost banged another woman and broke her heart and her trust. If he hadn’t made such a mistake, she wouldn’t even be entertaining the idea of Pesh. But at the same time, Aidan had been trying so hard to win her forgiveness, and she couldn’t ignore the fact he was her child’s father.

“Heartless bitch,” she muttered as her internal monologue worked on overdrive of calling herself out.

But in all honesty, it wasn’t like she was inviting Pesh over to have sex with him. He was coming in a medical capacity for goodness sake. Just because he happened to be bringing dinner didn’t mean it was a date or anything special. She had told him at the hospital that she wasn’t sure she had anything to give him, so it wasn’t like she was leading him on…or being unfaithful to Aidan.

Now all she had to do was figure out a way to tell Aidan about Pesh coming over. Her stomach churned at the prospect. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long. He appeared in the doorway only a few moments later as she still sat staring at her phone screen.

“You need anything?”

She forced a smile to her lips. “No, I’m good.”

“Listen, I know you hate me hovering and all, so would it be okay if I ran some things down to the office? They don’t seem to understand this whole ‘leave of absence’ thing.”

“No, no, that’s fine.”

“I may run by the gym after that. I shouldn’t be gone more than two hours. I can pick us up some dinner on my way in.”

“Oh, um, that won’t be necessary.”

Aidan gave her a funny look. “Won’t you be hungry then?”

“Actually, Pesh is coming by for a house call in a little while. He’s bringing dinner with him.”

Emma sucked in a breath as Aidan’s blonde brows disappeared into his hairline. “You’re having a date with Pesh tonight?”

“It’s not a date!” she protested.

Aidan crossed his arms over his chest and countered, “He’s not just stopping by to take your pulse, Em. The f**ker is bringing dinner.”

She winced. “No, it’s not like that. Pesh knows that I’m not looking to start anything right now. He’s just checking on me to be nice. You know, friendly and all.”

“It sure as hell doesn’t sound like that to me.”

At his harsh tone, Emma stared down at her quilt. “Look, this is your home and your hospitality I’m imposing on. So if you really feel that strongly about Pesh, I’ll tell him not to come.”

When she dared to look up again, Aidan’s expression momentarily softened. “You mean you would do that? For me?”

“Of course I would. Give me a little credit for considering your feelings.”

After jerking a hand through his hair, Aidan gave a frustrated grunt. “And you’re sure you’re not trying to start something up with him?”

“The last thing I need right now is more stress in my life, and any relationship, especially a new one, is always stressful.”

“Even with me?”

She cocked her head at him. “I wasn’t the one who caused the stress in our relationship, remember?”

Aidan cringed. “I’m well aware of what I did as it continuously comes back to bite me in the ass. Like with this foreign f**ker sniffing around you.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “He has a name, and it’s Pesh. If you would take the time to get to know him, you would realize he’s not the type of man trying to take advantage of me or get in my panties.”

“No, it’s worse because he isn’t,” Aidan grumbled.


“I’d rather he be some douchenozzle trying to get in your pants because you’d be totally repulsed by that and tell him where to get off—just like you did me at first.” Aidan grimaced. “But it’s worse because he’s some honorable dude who doesn’t care that you’re pregnant with another man’s child. He reeks of commitment for God’s sake. Hell, you’ll probably be engaged by the time he leaves tonight!”
