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The Proposal

The Proposal (The Proposition #2)(42)
Author: Katie Ashley


The rest of dinner went smoothly, and she actually enjoyed being out with Shevta and Sanjay. Of course, Pesh was his usual charming self, and she couldn’t help feeling a tiny fluttering in her chest each time she caught him looking at her or whenever he winked playfully.

Once they finished their meal, they walked across the street under the flashing lights of the illuminated Fox Theater sign. When the usher led them to the third row in the orchestra, Emma turned back to Pesh with widened eyes. “These seats are amazing!”

He smiled as he took her coat. “I’m glad you like them.”

“Like them? I don’t think I’ve ever been this close. I’ll feel like I’m back on the stage. Well, not like I was ever on a stage like this.”

“You were involved in the theater?” Pesh asked as they eased down into the plush velvet seats.

“Oh yes.” Emma then spent the remaining time before the lights dimmed regaling Pesh about her musical roles.

From the time the curtain rose, Emma sat mesmerized in her seat. The costumes, the score, the performances—they were breathtaking and so much better than she remembered. When the cast came out for their curtain calls, she clapped until her palms stung and turned red.

As they started up the aisle, Emma felt Pesh’s hand on her lower back, guiding her from being knocked about in the crowd. Blustering cold air met them as they pushed through the lobby doors and under the awning.

“It was very nice meeting you,” Sanjay said.

“Same to you,” Emma replied, shaking his hand again.

Shevta leaned over to whisper in Emma’s ear. “We hope to see you again soon. I haven’t seen Pesh so happy in a long time.”

At the insinuation, Emma’s chest caved, and she found it hard to breathe. How could she explain to Shevta that she didn’t reciprocate Pesh’s feelings, and that no matter how hard she tried not to, she was only going to hurt him in the end? Or was she only lying to herself by ignoring the tiny flickering building within her whenever Pesh smiled at her or did something sweet or thoughtful? With Pesh, she would never have to worry about unfaithfulness or not being able to say how he felt. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and he was so old-fashioned, he would never think of cheating.

Finally, she murmured, “Thank you.”

As they waved good-bye to Sanjay and Shevta, Pesh linked his arm through hers. “So did you enjoy Aida again?”

“Oh I adored it! It’s such a beautiful love story, even the sad parts.”

“You had me worried with all the sniffling.”

Emma grinned. “I couldn’t help it. It’s a mixture of me being a hormonal ball of mush as well as the fact I always cry in emotional parts of movies, books or the theater.”

They were about to round the corner to the parking lot when Pesh stopped. “What’s wrong?” Emma asked.

Pesh motioned to the horse drawn carriage at the curb. “How about a ride?”

Emma widened her eyes at both the romantic sentiment and the prospect of getting into the carriage. “I would love to, but…”

“You’re afraid you can’t get up there?”

She furrowed her brows. “How did you…?”

He laughed. “Lucky guess. But have no fear. I’m pretty sure we can manage it.” He took her hand and put it on the carriage side. “Now put your foot in the stirrup.” His hands went to her waist and tenderly hoisted her up. She pulled her other leg up and then pitched forward onto the seat. “Oomph,” she muttered, as she tried rearranging her dress.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Okay, we’re ready,” Pesh called to the driver.

“Yes, Mr. Nadeen.” With a crack of the reins, the carriage lurched forward, sending Emma collapsing back against Pesh’s chest.

As she pushed herself off of him, Emma asked, “How does he know your name?”

“If you want a carriage ride after ten, you have to hire one.”

“You hired a carriage ride for us?” Emma questioned incredulously.

“Yes, well, at the time, it seemed like a good idea—another way for me to woo you. Of course, that was before I picked you up and experienced the whole scene with Aidan.”

Emma ducked her head. “I’m so sorry.”

Pesh’s fingers tenderly cupped her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Please don’t apologize. I’m just happy to have had this lovely evening with you.”

At his earnest expression, Emma smiled. “So am I. And thank you for being so understanding.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

They took in the sights and landmarks while the traffic and people bustled around them. To combat the cold, she snuggled closer to Pesh. He momentarily tensed before wrapping her in his arms. Although she hated herself for it, she couldn’t help noticing how he felt entirely different than Aidan. He was taller, more muscular. She felt almost tiny wrapped in his embrace, even with her ever expanding belly.

“Emma,” he whispered.

She jerked her head off his chest to stare up at him. The intense longing burning in his eyes took her off guard and sent the tiny flickering within her to start crackling and building. Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward, giving Pesh the invitation he sought.

His warm lips brushed tentatively against hers. When Emma didn’t pull away, he pressed them harder. Ever the gentleman, he didn’t try to deepen the kiss by seeking entrance for his tongue. Instead, he pulled away to stare into her eyes. The flickering had sent flames shooting below her waist, and she brought her lips back to his. This time she slid her tongue along his lips. Pesh gave a moan low in his throat before darting his tongue against hers.

In that instant, Emma couldn’t get close enough to him or get enough of him. Her hands were in his hair while she shifted to almost sit on his lap. She whimpered in frustration when Pesh’s hands came to her shoulders to push her back. “Emma, no.”

“What?” she muttered through her haze.

He shook his head. “This isn’t you. It’s your hormones.”

“Wait, no. That’s not it at all.” She gazed up at him. “Trust me when I say, you’re a really, really good kisser.”

Pesh chuckled. “And in five minutes, you’re going to hate yourself and me, just like I do right now.”


“Because I feel like a giant jackass for even putting the moves on you considering you’ve just come off bed rest, we barely know each other, and your emotions are with someone else.”
