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The Proposal

The Proposal (The Proposition #2)(9)
Author: Katie Ashley

With a hesitant smile, Dr. Nadeen said, “Maybe we’ll get a chance to talk again.”

“She’s six months pregnant!” Aidan countered.

Dr. Nadeen jerked back like he had been slapped. He cleared his throat before he spoke. “Yes, I’m well aware of that. It’s what concerned me most when I met her. I didn’t want her to get so upset in her condition.”

Aidan grunted but didn’t argue.

Dropping his gaze to the floor, Dr. Nadeen said, “After she assured me there was no husband or boyfriend to call, I thought I had surmised she wasn’t with anyone. I apologize if my assumptions were wrong.”

“Don’t worry about my son, Doc.” Patrick stared pointedly at Aidan. “He has no claims on Emma’s happiness. Anymore.”

A sense of understanding seemed to pass over Dr. Nadeen’s face. “Oh, well, when you see Emma again, tell her to call me.” He took a card out of his iPad case.

Aidan snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “It’ll never happen. Em’s not the kind of girl who calls a man. She’s very old-fashioned.” His blue eyes narrowed at Dr. Nadeen’s dark ones, silently taunting him to give the card to Patrick.

Dr. Nadeen smiled. He took a pen from his coat pocket. He then turned his attention to Patrick. “Mr. Fitzgerald, would you happen to have Emma’s number? I’ll be happy to call her myself.” He held up a hand. “But only on the pretense of inquiring about her health after today’s incident.”

Patrick chuckled. “Why yes I do.”

After Dr. Nadeen had scribbled the number down, he gave Aidan a fleeting glance before looking back at Patrick. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

With a sheepish, grin, Dr. Nadeen said, “Now I suppose we should get back to business.” He peered down at his iPad. “If you’ll hang tight for just a few minutes, we should be ready to transport you upstairs. Surgery is set for…” he scrolled through something on the screen before wrinkling his nose. “Bright and early at seven am.”

“I figured as much.”

Dr. Nadeen laughed. “Well, I’ll wish you the best of luck then, Mr. Fitzgerald.” He leaned over and shook Patrick’s hand.

With a wink, Patrick replied, “Same to you, Doc.”

Cutting his eyes over to Aidan, Dr. Nadeen gave a slight nod before walking to the door.

When he exited the room, Aidan turned a wrathful gaze on Patrick. “After the last three weeks of experiencing my pure and total hell, how could you do that to me, Pop?”

“I didn’t do anything to you.”

Aidan gripped the rails on the hospital bed and leaned in closer. “Giving him Emma’s number? Pawning her off on him?”

Patrick grinned. “I’m glad to see I got you fighting riled right now.”

“Oh, I’m far from riled. I’m f**king livid!”

“Good. You need to be. It’s important that you keep up your fighting spirit.”

Aidan shook his head. “What will my spirit matter if she…” His heart shuddered at the thought of Emma being receptive to Dr. Nadeen’s charms. After all, he was a good-looking doctor who wasn’t even turned off by her being pregnant. That should be enough to make any woman swoon.

“There is not a doubt in my mind that Emma loves you, and while Dr. Nadeen’s interest might be flattering, it will only serve one purpose.”

“And what’s that?” Aidan croaked.

“To show her there’s no one else in the world for her but you.”

They were interrupted by Julia sweeping through the door with her husband, Tim. While Becky, Angie, and Aidan favored their mother, Julia and Liz both took after Patrick with their dark hair and eyes. She gave Aidan a quick hug before wagging her finger at Patrick. “Pop, I can’t believe it took a collapse at the VFW to finally get you checked out!”

Patrick rolled his eyes. “I was going to the doctor next week.”

“Always a stubborn ass,” Julia replied, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m just thankful you weren’t alone. Thank God Emma was there, and you were so close to the fire station.”

The mention of Emma’s name heightened Aidan’s senses. She had been gone an awfully long time to get a drink. “Speaking of Em, I better go find her.”

“You do that, son.”

“She was out in the hallway when we came in,” Julia replied.

As Aidan whirled around, he stumbled over his feet, almost knocking Tim over. Julia grabbed his arm to steady him. “Easy, Little Brother. I don’t think she’s running away. Yet.” She then winked at Aidan.

“Thanks, Jules,” he mumbled under his breath. When he stepped out into the hallway, he craned his neck left and right, but he didn’t see Emma. Walking briskly, he smacked the button for the Authorized Personnel Only entrance and walked into the waiting room. Slumped in one of the chairs, Emma’s fingers texted furiously on her phone.


She jumped at his voice. “I, uh, I thought you and your family needed some space.”

“That was sweet, but you could never be in the way,” he said.

Emma held his gaze until her cheeks tinged, and she dropped her head. “I was just seeing if Casey or Connor could take me to get my car.”

“I’ll will,” he offered.

Nibbling her bottom lip, he could tell Emma didn’t like his proposal at all. “Well, since it’s Saturday night, I can’t seem to get either of them to answer, so…”

“Good. Then it’s settled.” He held out his hand to her. She eyed it warily. “Let’s go tell Pop goodbye.”

Hesitantly, she put her hand in his. Crackling electricity surged from his fingers all the way up his arm. From her stunned expression, he wasn’t the only one to experience it. He refused to let go until she pried her grip from his. He didn’t argue with her. Instead, he pressed his hand into the small of her back, leading her to Patrick’s room.

When they got to the doorway, they found the room was empty. “Oh, they must’ve already taken him upstairs.”

The corners of Emma’s mouth turned down in a frown. “I didn’t get to tell him good-bye.”

“I’ll text Julia and get her to tell him I’m taking you home.”

Emma bobbed her head in agreement.

As they started back down the hall, he turned to her. “I could pick you up in the morning, so you could see him before the surgery.”
