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The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(40)
Author: Alice Clayton

Very nearly.

“No, no. But I am pleasantly lit, so back the f**k up, pretty boy,” I said, loudly enough to attract the attention of a few people walking in to take their seats.

“Oookay, let’s get you inside,” he said and took my arm.

We went down almost to the front, then slipped into the second row. I saw Rebecca talking to the director and waved exuberantly. She smiled and waved back, then whispered to him. I could tell she said the word “girlfriend,” and they turned to look at me.

Ah, well.

I saw Jack enter the theater with his father and Holly, and they all walked down to the front row. He winked at me as he passed and gestured me over. Nick helped me out of my chair, and I leaned across the back of the front row.

Jack stopped in front of me and went through the introductions with his father. This was now officially the most f**ked-up night of my life. I was meeting my twenty-four-year-old boyfriend’s father at the Hollywood premiere of a movie in which he had the starring role. And I was also well on my way to public intoxication.

“So, I finally get to meet the mysterious Grace who has my son so thoroughly charmed,” Jack’s father said as he reached for my hand, which he quickly brought to his lips.

I was the one thoroughly charmed. “And I get to meet the man from whom Jack obviously got his good looks. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet you, Mr. Hamilton.”

“Alex. You must call me Alex. I must be on a first-name basis with any woman who has swept my son off his feet the way you have, yes? Although I dare say that if I’d met you first, my son would have had a little competition.” He chuckled, and Jack rolled his eyes.

“Well, Alex, I dare say that I’ve always had a thing for older men, especially those from across the pond,” I bantered back. Jack’s father was still holding my hand.

“Well, there’s something to be said for those of us who have a little more life experience, isn’t there? Something Jack will no doubt learn as he gets a little older as well.” He smiled again and released my hand to slap Jack on the back.

I might be more than a little tipsy, but I could still small talk with the best of them. At least, as far as I knew. According to my internal drunk-o-meter, I was cool as a cucumber and not at all showing the effects of my numerous cocktails. No effects at all…

The three of us chatted warmly for a few more minutes until the director headed up to the stage to make a little speech before the movie began. I accepted a kiss on the cheek from Alex before returning to my seat in the second row, behind Jack. He turned and leaned in just as I was about to sit down.

“I got this for you. I know you like a little snack while you watch a movie.” He smiled and handed me a box of Milk Duds.

“Candy!” I exclaimed, ripping the box out of his hands with a little too much enthusiasm. I heard Nick sigh next to me as I tried to open the box. Then Jack offered to help me.

“I got it, I got it!” I insisted. I finally wrenched the top off and spilled Milk Duds all over the place. I smiled to everyone sitting around us. “Sorry, I just thought you might all like some candy,” I joked, finding myself hilarious.

“Funny, I thought Grace never shared candy,” Jack said, looking at me more carefully.

“Nope, I just don’t share candy with you.” I laughed back loudly, and Holly turned from talking to Jack’s father.

“What the f**k?” she mouthed at me, and I dropped into my chair.

I saw her and Nick exchange glances, and that pissed me off. I wasn’t going to be handled. I started to stand up and say something to Holly to that very effect when the lights dimmed. The film was about to start.

“Are you okay?” Jack asked.

“Fine, love. I’m fine,” I said, shoving a Milk Dud in my mouth.

He glanced at Nick as well, and now I was really starting to get pissed. He sat down, directly in front of me.

I was sitting behind my boyfriend on the biggest night of his life. I couldn’t even hold his hand, whisper to him, or give him a congratulatory kiss—although apparently the entire entertainment news community now knew Jack Hamilton had a granny fetish.

I sighed loudly and slipped my shoes off.

Nick leaned over and whispered, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“The next person who asks me that will get their balls handed to them. I’m not kidding,” I whispered back through clenched, caramel-coated teeth.

He backed off.

The movie started.

I watched the back of Jack’s head watch his movie.

Ten minutes in, after fussing about in his seat the entire time, he took off. Literally. As soon as Jack saw himself on the screen, he bailed.

I’d tentatively reached out with my fingertip to touch the back of his neck when I saw him begin to fidget. I was not the only one who fidgeted when nervous. Nick had slapped my hand down. He was well versed in Holly’s rules for the night.

For f**k’s sake. I’d had about enough.

When he stood to get up, I almost did too. As it was, I had to force myself to wait five whole minutes before I stole out of the theater. Nick tried to grab my arm to stop me, but I was the one slapping his hand now. I was going to follow my Brit.

I found him by the bar. He was not alone. Marcia had already found him, and they looked to be sharing a cocktail. They were laughing. He looked calmer already. She was calming him. I saw a rogue photographer draw close. I no longer cared.

I turned and walked swiftly toward the ladies room, the sounds of their mixed laughter following me.

The lighting in the bathroom would have worked equally well for interrogation. The bags under my eyes were highlighted nicely, as were my laugh lines, which were suddenly not as funny as they used to be. My faced look haggard, tired, and sad.

So sad.

As I looked in the mirror, I saw a different image than earlier in the evening. My skin that I’d thought looked tanned and glowy now looked streaky and orange. My hair that I’d thought looked curly and wavy now looked frizzy and obnoxious. My eyes were puffy from the cocktails and had begun to resemble the cabbages they’d surely turn into tomorrow. They always did.

My phone beeped. It was a text from Jack.


Where are you?


I also had a text from earlier. I hadn’t heard it come through.


The Village Voice is raving about you!

New York misses you.

When are you coming home?


I smiled. It was the only thing that had made me smile in more than an hour. New York was a world away from where I was tonight. And New York was a world I understood. A world I was kind of rising to the top of, actually. Not this ridiculous charade. I smiled again, in spite of myself, and the door to the ladies room opened. It was Marcia.
