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The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(66)
Author: Alice Clayton

“I might have to share that nickname with the rest of the cast, don’t you think, Bec?” Lane asked, elbowing Jack in the ribs as everyone found a place at the table.

“No way. No one calls him Sweet Nuts but me.” I glared at Lane, who took a seat across from Holly. I sat at one end of the table, and Jack sat at the other.

Introductions were quickly made for Michael, and soon everyone had a glass of wine.

“Before we start, I would like to say a little something,” I said, standing.

Everyone looked at me expectantly. I cleared my throat, which was suddenly thick.

“This has been an amazing year for me, personally and professionally. Every one of you has played a part in this,” I said, and as I spoke I looked from face to face, concentrating on each of them. “I’ve made new friends and renewed old friendships I thought I’d never have again. I fulfilled a dream I’ve had since I was very young. And, I was lucky enough to fall crazy in love. This has been a fantastic year. I hope I’m fortunate enough to spend next year with such incredible people.” I felt my eyes sting as my gaze settled on Jack’s sweet face. “You’re my family. Merry Christmas,” I whispered, and I sat down quickly before I made an ass of myself.

We were all quiet, looking at each other.

“And Happy Fucking Hanukkah!” Nick yelled through his own tears, producing a dreidel from his pocket and spinning it in his hand. We laughed, and Holly leaned over to kiss Nick on the mouth. The mood was festive as we passed the plates and dishes and loaded up. Everyone told tales of the holidays growing up, and as we laughed and talked, I looked around again at all their faces. They really were my family. Each represented something different that I cherished: Lane for pure comedy and his good heart, Rebecca for her power and loyalty, Nick for his passion and energy, Michael for his support and comfort, Holly for her strength and love, and Jack for everything. He was everything I’d ever wanted, and everything I hadn’t even known I needed.

What was I worried about? I had my family.


After dinner was over and the dishes were done, we went into the living room, gathered around the tree, and passed out presents. Holly and I gave each other the same thing: two days at a spa in Palm Springs, and Nick received an iPod from Holly and from me. He loved them both equally.

We drank more, ate dessert, and played games. The music got steadily louder, and as we consumed endless bottles of wine, we got crazier. Michael and Jack somehow ended up on the same team for Pictionary, and they did surprisingly well. I was so happy they were getting along.

Finally, Rebecca was the first to get up to leave. With hugs from Jack and me and a Merry Christmas, she took off. Nick was soon to follow, taking the time to hug me tightly at the door.

“So glad you’re back, my dear,” he said. “It was getting dreadfully boring without you.” He kissed me on the cheek.

“Oh, please. You just wanted me back so you could stare at the pretty close up,” I teased.

He looked over my shoulder at Jack, who was talking to Lane and Holly by the fireplace. “Yes, yes, it’s true. He really is quite pretty.” He sighed and hugged me again. Then he pulled back to look at me, his eyes suddenly serious. “Grace, let him take care of you, okay?” he asked, smiling sweetly.

“I will, Nick. Thanks.” I nodded and kissed him again.

He squeezed my ass, shouted to Lane and Jack that he was ready for the three-way whenever they were, and was gone.

Michael was next to leave.

“So you’re gonna tell me tomorrow why you’re out here, right?” I asked as I walked him outside.

“Yep, I’ll call you in the morning,” he said.

We stood quietly, taking in the darkness around us, and the peacefulness. There was a howl nearby, and he jumped.

“What the hell was that?” he asked nervously.

I laughed. “Coyote,” I answered, listening to hear another one.

“You have coyotes around here?” he whispered.

“Sometimes you can hear them. I even see them every so often when I’m driving the canyons at night.”

“Coyotes in the middle of Los Angeles. What a great place to live,” he said in wonder.

“I know. You see why I love it here now?”

He looked again at the night sky and lemon trees. A soft breeze blew through his hair, and he nodded. “I definitely see the appeal.”

We were quiet another moment, and then I said, “Thanks for coming tonight. It was nice to have us all together.”

“Thanks for having me. Call you tomorrow?”

“Yep. ’Night, Michael.” I hugged him. This time the wool and sage and lemons—from him and the nearby trees—was perfect and sweet.

“’Night, Grace,” he said, and he was gone.

Holly and Lane left together after taking a little ribbing from me and Jack. Now that the secret was out, or at least acknowledged by the four of us, they were the ones to be teased.

Lane swept me into a bear hug, once again lifting me off the ground. “Killer party, Sheridan. I told you we’d break this house in right.”

“Hell, yes! Glad you could make it. We’ll see you soon?”

“You got it.” He winked, taking one last peek down my dress.

“Knock it off,” Jack admonished as he and Holly walked over.

“Can’t. They’re fantastic,” Lane replied, with another wink and that huge smile.

I swear, I could live in those dimples.

“I’ll show you something fantastic,” Holly said, pulling her dress down a little in front and flashing Lane and Jack the top of her lacy black bra.

I laughed as their eyes bugged out. You wave a boob in front of a guy, and he’s perpetually thirteen.

Tucking her girls away, Holly turned to me. “Great party, asshead. Lunch tomorrow?”

“Yep, call me in the morning…Not too early, though.”

Jack slipped his arm around my waist and tucked me into his side.

“Deal,” she said, and gave me a hug.

She and Lane walked to their cars, and he opened her door for her.

“Olive juice, Holly!” I called as she started her car.

She leaned out the window. “Olive juice too, ya little fruitcake!”

The two cars left the driveway, and I noticed they both went the same direction, even though I knew for a fact Lane lived the other way…

Jack and I walked back into the house and surveyed the damage: board games all over the room, wine glasses and half-eaten pie covering the coffee table. I yawned against him as he started turning out lights.
