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The Return of Ursula

The Return of Ursula – A Peaches Monroe Short Story(8)
Author: Mimi Strong

Dalton pulled away just enough to look down at me, his green eyes bright and gleaming.

“I care about those people, too.”

Mitchell squealed, then declared, “Family hug!” He wrapped his arms around the two of us as far as he could reach and squeezed us in a group hug.


Dalton took us for a quick tour of the studio, then dropped us off at the main security office so we could get official ID badges. He kissed me goodbye and returned to the ballroom for more shooting of the same scene.

Mitchell and I got our ID badges, and then hit Craft Services, the catering division. We hit it hard.

We had just finished eating, and were at a table in the corner trying to stay out of trouble, when a confident-looking woman, tall and elegant, came over to introduce herself.

“Jamie Adair, executive producer,” she said. “Peaches Monroe, at last we meet.” She looked me over and pursed her bright red lips. “I prefer you as a blonde, just FYI.”

I introduced Jamie Adair to Mitchell. I called him my “best friend in L.A.,” which made him blush.

She joined us, and the three of us talked about the show.

Jamie is not just the executive producer of One Vamp to Love, she’s also Dalton’s aunt. She used her fairy godmother magic to get him an audition for the show, back when nobody else knew they were related. Dalton didn’t even know, because his mother’s side of the family had disowned them.

Jamie Adair was also the mastermind behind the whole plot to get me and Dalton married, which makes her pretty awesome in my book.

Someone came rushing over to the table to pull Jamie away. I stood to shake her hand again, and said, “Thank you for everything you’ve done for Dalton. You’re incredible. I’m completely in awe of you, and I am at your service, for anything you need.”

Her immaculate red lips curled into a sly smile. “Careful what you wish for.” She refused my handshake and gave me a quick hug instead. Then she hugged Mitchell as well. “You’re family now,” she explained, and then she walked away.

Mitchell stared after her. “I think I’m straight again, and I’m into older women with red lipstick.”


Mitchell and I watched the filming for hours. Thanks to my recent experience shooting a TV spot for a plus-size underwear line, I wasn’t surprised by how slowly things progress on set.

Connor, Dalton’s cousin who plays his vampire brother on the series, came over when he wasn’t needed.

“When’s Shayla coming to visit?” Connor asked. “I barely got to say hi to her at the wedding.”

Mitchell raised his eyebrows and cheekily said, “That’s not what I heard.”

I kicked Mitchell under the table. Connor quickly excused himself, which was for the best.

Around eight o’clock, Mitchell got a phone call from his roommate, with a drag queen emergency.

“Good grief, now what?” I asked Mitchell.

“Luscious Hilda Mae Sparkles needs her wigs. Don’t worry, you can keep that one for the night.” He winked. “She needs the red one, though, so I’m off.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I stuck around, watching the actors and crew shoot the same scene, over and over. They finally finished at ten o’clock, and Dalton came over to me.

“Things don’t usually run so late, but one of the principal actors took a week off to get married.” He grinned, revealing pointy vampire fangs.

I let out a scream of alarm, because I hadn’t been expecting to see him with the vampire teeth, and we were alone in a dark corner, and… vampires are kind of scary.

“I totally got you,” he said with a serious face. He leaned in closer and flashed his eyes at me. “Now I’ll take you back to my vampire lair and make you my vampire bride.”

Fear and anticipation rushed through me, energizing every bit of my body, including Miss Kitty.


Vern brought the car and picked us up from the set.

The whole ride home, Dalton and I flirted with each other in the back seat, with him pretending to be a lusty vampire, and me pretending to be a lusty personal assistant named Ursula.

We got to the house, up to the front door, and he swept me off my feet again.

In his arms, I asked, “Are we going to do this every day?”

He carried me over the threshold. “Every day until we get it perfect, and then maybe a few more times.”

I kissed him. “Ursula will go make bedroom ready.”

“No more stalling.” He carried me down the hall, into the master bedroom, and set me on the big bed. “You stay there. Don’t move.”

He went into the adjoining washroom and ran the water in the sink for a moment. He came out with his face scrubbed free of the vampire makeup and the fangs removed.

He carried a hairbrush, plus wash cloths and dry towels, which he set on the bed beside me.

Gently, he lifted off my black wig, removed the bobby pins holding my blond locks up, then lovingly brushed through my hair. He used the wet wash cloths to remove my dark-penciled eyebrows and other makeup.

He unzipped and peeled off my black dress, and then my underwear.

“I need a shower,” I whispered. “This stalker girl got sweaty when the security guards were interrogating her.”

His voice low and husky, he murmured, “Save your shower for later, when you’ll need it.” He used the other wet wash cloths to refresh every inch of my skin.

He dragged each damp cloth over me slowly. I melted under his touch, and then shivered when he blew air on my damp skin.

“When did you know it was me?” I asked.

“Not until I saw Mitchell. He snuck back onto the set and got my attention without alerting the guards.”

Dalton dropped the towels on the floor, removed his clothes, and kneeled before me. I sat on the edge of the bed, and both of us were completely naked.

He bowed his head and kissed one of my bare knees, and then the other.

I shivered at his kiss, even though the room was warm. He’d been so terrifying on the set, charming and seducing the actress. I could still feel his power, radiating from him.

He kept kissing my knees and murmured, “You’re quiet now.”

“Just thinking about what a good actor you are,” I said. “People probably don’t say that to you enough, because they focus on how damn gorgeous you are, but it takes more than good looks to do what you do.”

“You’re just saying that.” He moved closer, his hands on my knees, and leaned forward to kiss my breast, flicking his tongue over my nipple. “It’s still nice to hear.”
