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The Ruby Circle

The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines #6)(43)
Author: Richelle Mead

And I understood with a shocking clarity why Olive had been afraid. Why she’d turned her back on everyone she knew and run off to a hole in the woods. What had happened, what I was holding in my arms, shouldn’t exist. Two dhampirs couldn’t make another dhampir. It went against one of the most basic rules of biology in our world. It was impossible, yet here it was.

He was a miracle.

But Olive had been right that there were people who’d want to study Declan, who’d want to possibly lock him up and experiment. And while I was ready to acknowledge that his birth was a wondrous, joyous thing, I wasn’t ready to let his life be a series of experiments and finger-pointing—especially when his mother had died to protect him from that.

Dimitri spoke to Lana privately, and either because of that dhampir tradition or his own reputation (maybe both), she acceded to all our requests. She gave us a vacant cabin to stay in until dawn. When we asked for supplies, she sent them via Rose or Dimitri so that Declan would have as little exposure to others in the commune as possible. I needed him to be out of their minds. I needed them to forget him.

Of course, that meant Sydney and I were in charge of his care that night. And in a few short hours, I learned more than I’d ever expected to about babies. She was able to look up some information on her phone, taking comfort in logic and facts. The signal out here was bad, though, and sometimes we found it was easier to take a guess on something than wait for an answer. Declan, fortunately, was a forgiving guy and proved pretty accommodating as we figured things out together. He was patient as Sydney and I painstakingly read the instructions on the can of formula Lana sent. He made little complaint when I initially put his diaper on backward. When he grew tired again and started crying, I had no instructions to follow. Sydney gave a helpless shrug when I looked at her. So I just walked him around the living room, crooning classic rock songs until he dozed off and could be set down.

Rose, who’d stayed with us off and on but looked more terrified of the baby than a Strigoi, watched me with amazement. “You’re kind of good at that,” she remarked. “Adrian Ivashkov, baby whisperer.”

I looked down at the sleeping baby. “I’m making it up as I go along.”

“Are you ready to tell us what’s going on?” she asked, her face growing grave. “You know we just want to help.”

“Not yet. But if we can leave when Dimitri gets back, that’d be—”

Sydney’s phone chimed with a text message. She looked surprised that anyone would be reaching out to her until she took a look at the display. “It’s Ms. Terwilliger. She’s mobilized the witches in Palm Springs. They’re ready to start searching.”

Rose stood up. “For Jill?”

“For Alicia, technically, but also for Jill,” said Sydney. “She says we can join them . . .” She looked at me uncertainly, and I could guess her thoughts. We’d made this Michigan detour because we had time to pass while waiting for things to be ready for us in Palm Springs. Having a baby in tow hadn’t been part of anyone’s plan.

Sydney, Jill, now Declan, remarked Aunt Tatiana. So many people counting on you. So many people to let down if you fail.

“I hope you’re including me in that ‘we,’” said Rose fiercely. “I’m ready to bring Jill home.”

“Palm Springs,” I murmured, still rocking Declan. “That might be perfect. We can hide him away there.”

“We can’t take a baby on a witch hunt,” warned Sydney.

I nodded in agreement. “Here. Take him, he’s asleep.”

Sydney carefully lifted Declan from my arms and looked at me quizzically as I reached for my phone. I had a bad signal too, but it was good enough to get a call out to my mom.

“Adrian?” she answered in a panic. “Where are you? I’ve been so worried, ever since that Nina girl had a fit! Are you okay?”

“Yeah . . . well, no. It’s complicated. But I need you to meet me in Palm Springs as soon as you can. I’m going there soon. Can you do that?”

“Yes . . .” she began uncertainly. “But—”

“I can’t tell you what’s going on,” I said swiftly. “Not yet.”

“I know, darling. That wasn’t what I was going to ask. I was wondering what I should do with the cat and the dragon while I’m gone?”

Good question. “Oh. Um, see if Sonya will watch them.”

I disconnected and saw that Dimitri had stepped back inside. “We’re going to Palm Springs?” he asked.

“Time to look for Jill,” said Rose.

“If you’re up for it,” I added.

Dimitri held up a car seat with one hand, which was almost comical. “We can go whenever you’re ready. Lana gave us this and swears it’s easy to install.”

Rose laughed at that. “Oh, this I’ve got to see, comrade. Dimitri Belikov, badass god, installing a baby’s car seat.”

He smiled good-naturedly, and we scurried around, gathering up things. Sydney had to call Jackie back, and since my hands were full, she handed Declan off to Rose. “Just rock him,” I said, seeing her panic.

Rose blanched but complied, earning laughter in return from Dimitri. “Rose Hathaway, notorious rebel, showing her maternal side.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Enjoy it while you can, comrade. This is as close as you’ll ever get to it.”

I nearly dropped my bag as a startling thought occurred to me. Olive had said she and Neil had been together before he’d been injected with spirit. That meant whatever had happened to bring about Declan’s conception had been the result of her being restored from being a Strigoi. Would that apply to Dimitri as well? Did that restoration only work on women? Rose and Dimitri were laughing now, joking because children were an impossible future for the two of them . . . but did they realize they might actually be capable of such a future? Did they want it?

You hold a lot of power over them, Aunt Tatiana whispered. Power to make or break their future happiness.

“Adrian?” asked Rose, seeing my astonished face. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, slowly moving again. “Just trying to get used to all this.”

When we finally made our way out, with Declan in my arms once more, it was impossible to entirely avoid notice as we walked through the rest of the community. People were out and about, trying to recover from the terrible aftermath of the Strigoi attack. Most were too caught up in their own affairs, but a few saw me and wanted to talk to me—because I’d healed them.
