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The Rules

The Rules (The Millionaire’s Assistant #3)(2)
Author: Helen Cooper

“Well, everything good is?” He looked down at her and then bent his face to kiss her. “Everything worth living for centers around sex.” He quickly moved his face down her body and sucked on her clit. Alice tried to resist the heat in her body and attempted to weakly push him away but she knew she didn’t want him to stop. She came about 5 seconds after he stuck his tongue into her and tried to ignore Oliver’s triumphant groan.

“You see Alice. You feel the pleasure in your body? That’s from sex. Good old fashioned sex.” He grinned at her as she pouted at him.

“That’s not all that can make you happy in life.”

“But it’s the only thing that can pretty much guarantee satisfaction pretty quickly.”

Alice just stared at him. “Why do you think that way?”

He averted his eyes from her gaze for a second and changed the subject, “But don’t worry. We’re not writing a  p**n o. Like I told you before, this movie is not going to be about sex.”

“Have you ever been in love Oliver?” She looked at him curiously.

“Love is the least important emotion in the world Alice. Love causes pain and hatred and war.”

“Did you love your mom Oliver?” She spoke softly and watched as his gazed transformed into a dark mask.

“That’s none of your concern Alice. You are my assistant. Not my therapist. Not my friend.”

“Sorry, I forgot. I’m just your whore assistant.” She spat out at him, hurt beyond belief. She bit her lip to prevent the tears from spilling.

“If you consider yourself a whore, that’s your business Alice. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement, you have to do what makes you comfortable.” He spoke matter-of factly and she felt hatred running through her at his words. She didn’t know if she hated him or herself.

“Yes. Sorry I forgot it was meant to be mutually beneficial.” And with no other words she reached down and pulled his pants down and his c**k out. It was already hard; she sat on him and rubbed herself with his clit, and wasn’t surprised to find herself wet within seconds.

“I can’t forget I have to give you yours.” And with that she adjusted his c**k so that she could sit down on it. She heard him gasp with pleasure and moan as she rode him hard and fast. She didn’t break eye contact as she bounced up and down on him and he gazed intensely back at her. She was just about to come when she heard a knock on the door.

“Alice, Alice you there?” She heard Liz’s sleepy voice mumbling through the door and she jumped off of Oliver and quickly pulled the sheets out.

“Get into the bed and shut up.” She whispered to him as he grinned. They got under the sheets and she pushed his head all the way under.

“Yes, Liz. I’m just in bed.” Alice called out in a sleepy voice. She tried to hold in a groan as Liz opened the door.

“I thought I heard a noise, just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks.” Alice prayed that Liz would leave the room as she felt Oliver’s mouth sucking on her ni**les.

“How was the date with Oliver?” Liz grinned.

“Oh, uhm, it wasn’t a date. Just work stuff.”

“Was he a jerk again?”

“No,” Alice spoke a little louder than normal because Oliver had bitten her nipple really hard.

“Oh, so he is nicer though? What happened?” Liz made like she wanted to come further in the room and Alice yawned loudly.

“Can we talk in the morning? I’m soo exhausted.”

“Oh, okay. Sure.” Liz looked disappointed but she walked out of the room.

Alice reached down and pulled Oliver up from under the sheets as he was still sucking on her ni**les quite hard. “What are you doing?” She hissed at him.

“Pleasuring my whore.” He smiled at her wickedly and she resisted the urge to slap him.

“I’m going to sleep.” She turned away from him.

“Do as you will.” Oliver spoke softly and she was surprised that he took it so well. She gasped when a few minutes later she felt him up against her from behind slipping his c**k into her pu**y.

“What, what are you doing?” She gasped as she unconsciously moved rhythmically with his cock.

“Fucking you.” He said slowly as he reached around and squeezed her br**sts as he moved in and out of her.

“But I told you I was going to sleep” She whispered.

“And I told you that one of my rules is that you are available whenever I want you. I want you now.” He pulled out of her and got on top of her.

“Put your legs over my shoulder.” He ordered her. She complied and was gratified to feel him in her once again. He pounded her pu**y with his cock, going deeper and deeper every time he plunged into her. The both came quickly and sighed in contentment as they lay back.

“Satisfied?” He whispered to her tenderly.

“Yes.” She smiled up at him satiated and happy.

“Good.” He kissed her on the lips and pulled her into him and they fell asleep.

Chapter 2

Oliver was a lot more reserved the next morning. He had gone back to being haughty and arrogant and Alice wondered if she had imagined the soft sweet man who had held her and made love to her all night.

“We didn’t get to discuss the full rules last night.” Oliver barked at her after he had dictated an opening scene to her.

“That’s not my fault.” Alice barked back at him, annoyed at his attitude.

“Pay attention Alice.” He stared at her coldly. “You must never talk of our arrangement to anyone.”

“Why?” She looked at him stubbornly.

“America doesn’t want to find out that their favorite leading man doesn’t believe in love. That he has an assistant to pleasure him at all times.”

“I see.” She shivered. She couldn’t believe that she of all people was that assistant.

“As far as anyone is concerned, you are my assistant and my assistant only. You will never approach me in public as anything other than that. You must always remember your place.”

Alice bit back a retort. He was always able to make her feel cheap and used with his words.

“What you did last night with Maribel was unacceptable.”

She glared at him.

“Maribel Gold is someone very important to me. In fact she should be important to you too, seeing as her dad will be financing the movie, you are helping me to write.”

“I don’t want to hear about Maribel.” Alice spat out churlishly. She was upset and jealous and didn’t want to picture him with that perfect looking but dimwitted blond.”
