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The Scandal in Kissing an Heir

The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (At the Kingsborough Ball #2)(22)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“How did you avoid losing yourself these past two years?” Daniel asked, bringing Rebecca’s attention back to him. “I mean, to put on an act for so long cannot have been easy.”

“It wasn’t,” she said, his question guiding her helplessly back to the tower of Roselyn Castle and the table where she’d sat hunched over for hours on end while she’d mumbled her gibberish, ensuring that her voice carried beyond her sanctuary, confirming to those who might have been skeptical that Lady Rebecca had suffered severely from her fall. “I was lucky that the Griftons allowed Laura to remain by my side, though I’m sure that they did so only to avoid the trouble of figuring out how else to care for me. Had it not been for Laura’s company though—a normal conversation here and there amidst the pretense—I might have succumbed to the madness for good.”

“I can’t imagine being imprisoned like that,” Daniel said softly, “even if it was a prison of your own making.”

Rebecca shrugged. “I suppose I make it sound quite somber, but there were fun moments too, like finding new ways in which to shock my aunt whenever she came to check on me.” She smiled at the memory. “You should have seen her face when she arrived once to find me facedown on top of the bookcase flapping my arms as if I was flying, or when I chose to put my gown on backward,” Rebecca grinned. “I’m sure she thought my head had been twisted all the way around on my neck.”

Daniel laughed as Rebecca imitated her aunt’s horrified expression. “You have quite an impressive imagination, Becky.” His face grew serious, and he reached his hand toward her, his fingertips gliding across the soft rise of her cheek. Rebecca held her breath while the heat in her belly rose toward her br**sts. Her heart fluttered with rapid beats, and her skin felt feverish. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever known,” he muttered, the words leaving his lips with deep admiration.

Powerless against the lure of his touch, Rebecca leaned into it, her eyelids gently lowering until darkness settled upon her, enhancing the feel of his thumb as it roamed along her jawline to her chin. He paused, and Rebecca could feel his eyes upon her. She briefly wondered what he might be thinking, but then she felt him stir, sensed him rising up across from her until the warm caress of his breath washed over her. His fingers fanned out, cupping her face more firmly, and she felt his lips brush against hers. Her chest shuddered in response, reminding her of how much she wanted this, how she’d longed for it since he’d last kissed her in her wardrobe. Rebecca considered pushing him away. She hated how easily she responded to him, fearful of what it would lead to and dreading the truth that lurked beneath the surface—that she was falling fast for a man who would never be satisfied with her alone. It was a difficult thought to contemplate though, especially when he made her feel so mushy inside, her defenses crumbling like chalk beneath a booted foot. As he pulled her toward him, the pressure of his lips increasing, Rebecca had trouble recalling why she should stop herself from surrendering to him, and when she felt his tongue requesting entrance, she no longer had the will to resist.

Eager to experience the pleasure she’d known only once before, Rebecca parted her lips and gave him what he sought. He didn’t hesitate, dragging her body toward him until her chest was flush against his, the beat of his heart keeping pace with her own. This time, however, she knew what to do, her tongue gliding forward to greet his, and she thrilled at the low rumble that escaped his throat upon contact. Her arms slid up along the firm outline of his arms, his shirtsleeves bunching ever so slightly at her touch, and a sudden yearning to pull the fabric away and to feel the heat of the skin that lived beneath it overtook her.

Rebecca gasped as other thoughts assaulted her languorous mind, wicked thoughts brought to life by her own burning flesh. She wanted to feel his touch all over, craved it even, and wondered what that said about her own character. She ought to pull away and distance herself from him, to stop this before they ventured beyond the point of no return. There was only one problem with that; lost to Daniel’s ministrations, Rebecca hadn’t noticed as his expert hands had crept around to her back and loosened the buttons of her gown—not until her bodice and chemise slipped lower and cool air whispered across her br**sts.

She didn’t dare look at him, so she kept her eyes tightly shut while his hungry mouth continued its descent, his destination clear and utterly scandalous. Incapable of heeding her voice of reason and finding herself growing desperate with anticipation, Rebecca shut away the little voice that warned of what would happen if she continued down this path and gave herself up to the pleasure her husband evoked instead, but when he reached her br**sts he pulled away, increasing Rebecca’s sense of neediness tenfold. She arched toward him and was rewarded with the moist flick of his tongue against one of her n**ples, the groan that escaped her throat assuring him of her thirst for more. To her relief, Daniel acceded, his mouth closing over one breast while his hands dragged her gown lower to pool around her waist, but it was still not enough to satisfy the hunger that had taken hold of her.

Unwilling to just sit there and take the pleasure Daniel offered, Rebecca brought her arms around his neck, her fingers keenly burying themselves in the thickness of his dark brown hair. Hugging him against her while he diligently laved and nibbled, the sensitivity of each breast rose until the slightest touch sent sparks of pleasure shooting straight between her thighs. The pulsing ache that settled there was growing too strong and urgent to ignore. It evoked the most scandalous thought of wanting to be touched there by him, and as Rebecca allowed the thought to manifest, her breathing grew heavier. Was this normal? She couldn’t help but wonder if he would be repelled by her if she asked him to place his able fingers where she wanted them the most, but even she, as outspoken as she might be, couldn’t possibly manage such a bold request. When Daniel’s mouth returned to hers, his arms hugging her close, Rebecca sent her hands drifting over his back.

“God, you’re beautiful!” Daniel’s words broke through the silence that had settled over them. He still couldn’t believe that this wonderful creature in his arms was his. The thought of marrying her had never been an unpleasant one, quite the opposite, and yet the more they spoke and the better acquainted they became with each other, the more certain he was that marrying Rebecca was the best thing he’d ever done.

She was so different from any other woman he’d ever encountered, her resolve to thwart those who’d wished her ill by playing the part of a madwoman a feat he couldn’t help but admire. To have done so had taken great courage and strength, and rather than turn bitter and vengeful, she’d kept her spirits high. Daniel loved how easily she laughed, the way she joked without reserve and spoke her mind without wavering.

But when she’d spoken of the two years she’d spent trapped in the tower of Roselyn Castle, Daniel had felt his heart break for her. She’d forced a smile or two, pretending she’d remained unaffected by the confinement, but evidence of her struggle had been there in her eyes and in the gentle crease of her brow.

Unable to help himself and wishing to offer comfort, Daniel had done what came naturally to him and had reached out to her. She’d been ever so soft beneath his touch, and when her eyes had drifted shut, he’d taken a moment to study her face—the dark lashes that fanned out against her rosy cheeks, the delicate nose sitting proudly above a pair of full lips that reminded him of rose petals. Powerless against the temptation they offered, Daniel had leaned forward and kissed them, his stomach tightening with fear that she would reject him.

She hadn’t though, and pure masculine elation had swept through him, yet he was not about to fall victim to arrogance. He knew that she had reservations, for which he could not blame her, but because of that, he would have to be careful. If he managed to seduce her, as was his intent, then the last thing he wanted was for her to look back on it with regret. So he’d taken things slow, allowing her time to adjust or to pull away if she so desired, except it had become increasingly obvious that what she desired was something else entirely.

Now, as he felt her hands pulling at his shirt, freeing it from his breeches so they could venture beneath, his yearning for her—to possess her in the most elemental way possible—set his blood ablaze. It was with tremendous restraint that he held back, reining in the lust that urged him to toss her on her back and ravage her, and allowed her the chance to explore him instead.

Meanwhile, he had every intention of guiding her toward unparalleled bliss. Delighting in how proficient she’d become in her kisses, he met her tongue stroke for stroke while his curious hands roamed across the parts of her body that were bare to his touch.

“Will you take off your shirt?” she asked, her words sounding shy and so different from her usual confident way of being.

Daniel absently wondered how long she’d been trying to voice her question. He wouldn’t deny her for a second, however, and, leaning back, he went to work on the buttons.

Lifting his gaze, he was met with the fullness of her br**sts as they jutted toward him, sending a shock of scorching heat straight to his groin. He was hard already. Hell, when was he not when she was near? But the way she looked, with her nak*d torso emerging from the crumpled silk of her gown, the pink flush that shimmered upon her skin and the slight parting of her lips as she waited for him to make the next move, was turning his determination to do the right thing into undeniable torture.

Shrugging out of his shirt, Daniel wound his arms around Rebecca and eased them both down onto the bed, rolling over until she was lying on her back with him on top of her. Gazing down at her, he saw the expectant look upon her face. This was his area of expertise, yet he found himself worried that he would somehow disappoint her. It was of the utmost importance that he didn’t. He wanted to give her pleasure beyond her wildest imaginings.

Running his hand along the curve of her waist, he lowered his lips to her ear and quietly whispered, “I’m going to remove your gown now, Becky, and once that’s done, I’ll finally be able to give you the proper attention that you deserve.”

A tortured sigh was her only response, one that suggested that she’d likely expire from want if he didn’t follow through on his promise. He smiled to himself with devilish glee as he tugged on the bunched fabric and proceeded to slide it down over her slender legs, her chemise resisting only a little as he nudged it over her hips, discarding both garments at the foot of the bed. Only her stockings remained, so he went to work on them next, rolling each one down until her toes wiggled free. “Open your eyes,” he murmured as he lifted a leg so he could place a tender kiss against the arch of one foot. “Look at me.”

It took a moment before she complied, and even then she only opened her eyes a fraction and with great hesitation, as if she feared the sight that was there to greet her. Nuzzling her calf, Daniel met her gaze. “Don’t be shy,” he said. “I love it when you’re brazen.”
