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The Scandal in Kissing an Heir

The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (At the Kingsborough Ball #2)(35)
Author: Sophie Barnes

Overwhelmed by her honesty and how deeply she seemed to care for him, Daniel hugged her against him and pressed a kiss against her temple. “I promise,” he whispered, more concerned with making her happy than he was with the lack of income this would signify. They would find a way, she’d said. Hopefully she would be right.

Chapter 20

“I’m so pleased that you were able to join us,” Judy said as she welcomed Rebecca and Daniel into the Landboroughs’ private box at the Royal Opera the following evening. “May I introduce you to my husband?”

A lean gentleman with kind features stepped forward and offered Rebecca a bow. “My wife has told me a great deal about you. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Turning to Daniel, he said, “From what I gather, you’ve caused quite the stir, Neville. Ordinarily, I probably wouldn’t approve, but I also believe that every situation ought to be judged individually, as each is unique.” He looked pensive for a moment. “The ton has been trying to flog you for years on the basis of all your alleged exploits—the majority of which lacked merit, if you ask me. In fact, I never once saw any proof of the lowly character they were trying to paint you as, which means that eloping is probably your first viable offense. Considering who you’re up against, I must admit I’m on your side—can’t stand Grover myself.”

“It’s very kind of you to say so,” Daniel said, “and a relief to find someone who’s willing to keep our company.”

The duke’s expression turned remarkably serious. “I understand the threat of scandal all too well, but there are few who are brave enough to shoulder it as they fight for what is right and just. I admire your courage—yours too, Lady Rebecca. What you’ve been through cannot have been easy, and it is our hope, my wife’s and mine, that by offering you our support publically like this, you will soon be granted entry to the drawing rooms and ballrooms of Mayfair.”

“Thank you,” Rebecca said. She looked at Judy, who was smiling back at her. Rebecca was still surprised that she had been the one to come to their rescue, proving once again that help could come from the most unlikely places.

“Come,” Judy said as she took Rebecca by the arm and started toward the front of the box. “Let’s have a seat over here, right in the middle, where everyone can see us.”

“Are you not the least bit concerned about your own reputation?” Rebecca whispered.

“I have had the good fortune of marrying a very powerful man. There are few who would dare say a word against either of us, since doing so would mean exclusion from some of the annual events we host. But if anyone should decide, after seeing us together here this evening, that they would rather give me the cut, then that is their business. I for one mean to stick by my friends, and I will never forgive myself for not doing so sooner.”

“You mustn’t be too hard on yourself, Judy. Children can be cruel, not out of spite but because of their own fears and weaknesses. I cannot deny that what you and your friends did all those years ago hurt at the time, but I do believe that we can put it behind us and start a new friendship.”

The music started, and they settled into a companionable silence while their husbands took their seats next to them. Almost an hour later, they were all enjoying a bit of champagne during intermission when an elegant woman whom Rebecca did not recognize entered the box. “I hope I’m not disturbing,” she said, “but I thought it high time that I offer my brother and his wife my congratulations on their marriage.”

“Audrey,” Daniel said as he rose to greet her, “what a welcome surprise. Is Chilton here as well?”

“He was detained just outside our box by Lord Shelby, who wished to discuss something of a political nature. I decided to abandon the pair of them, so here I am.”

Daniel turned to Rebecca, who had come to stand beside him. “I would like to present my sister, Lady Chilton.”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Rebecca said. “Thank you so much for coming over.”

“Well, I had been thinking about paying you a social call at your home even though Uncle advised against it, but then I saw you here together with the Landboroughs, and I decided that anyone who disapproves of me talking to my own brother and his wife can go to the devil.”

“Dear me,” Daniel grinned. “Does your husband know about this rebellious streak of yours?”

“He condoned it,” Lady Chilton said with a proud tilt of her chin. “In fact, he’s quite impressed with the effort you’re making to, as he put it, become an upstanding citizen.”

Daniel laughed, and so did Rebecca. The way her ladyship had said it was just too comical. Her expression grew serious and she reached for Rebecca’s hand, clasping it in her own. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and I should like to help in any way that I can. We are sisters now, so if you need anything—anything at all—please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you, my lady, I—”

“Please call me Audrey. It is only fitting now that we are family. Don’t you agree?”

“Only if you will call me Rebecca in return.”

“I should be delighted to,” Audrey said as she made to leave. “Feel free to call on me any time. I love company, and yours will be most welcome.”

It was with an immense feeling of gratitude that Rebecca said good-bye to Lady Chilton. Yesterday morning, she’d had no friends at all besides Daniel. She now had two who were willing to be seen with her publically. It was nothing short of encouraging.

“I’ve been thinking about our conversation last night,” Daniel said after he and Rebecca arrived home and started getting ready for bed, “and I’ve decided that I’m going to sell the phaeton.”

She turned toward him so she could meet his gaze, her own appearing troubled beneath a slight frown. “But you love the phaeton, Daniel.”

“Yes, but taking care of you is my first priority now, so if selling the phaeton is what I must do, then so be it.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to be responsible for you having to give up on the things that you care about. Are you sure I can’t convince you to use my dowry?”

He nodded. “I’ve taken the easy route for so long, relying on those around me for support and shirking my duties. This time I’m going to do it the hard way.” When it came down to it, the phaeton meant nothing compared to Rebecca, and he’d gladly part with it if it meant that he would be able to take care of her.

There had been a time in the not-so-distant past when he’d thought of no one but himself, but this had changed dramatically since she’d come into his life, brightening his days with her cheerful disposition. It was difficult for him to imagine a life without her in it. Just thinking about it filled his heart with dread. He squeezed her hand again and placed another kiss against her cheek. For whatever reason, fate had smiled on him the night of the Kingsborough Ball, and Daniel was not about to risk ruining that. It was time he grew up and made whatever sacrifices necessary to ensure a happy future with his wife.

Chapter 21

Since Daniel had headed out with the express purpose of placing an advertisement about the phaeton in the paper, Rebecca decided to take advantage of the weather and go for a short stroll with Laura. She was still shaken from the other night’s altercation, but having spent two years trapped in a room, she wasn’t about to allow some low-life scoundrel to frighten her into confinement. Besides, this was Mayfair in broad daylight, with plenty of people about. It was unlikely that anything would happen, but just in case it did, she brought her pistol along with her, though she omitted telling Laura about this, just like she omitted telling her about her little adventure with Daniel the other night. Laura would only worry, and what good would that do?

Instead, Rebecca thought of Daniel and how proud she was of him for accepting to part with the phaeton. She knew the decision had not been an easy one, for he loved the vehicle. It only made his willingness to do what was best for them so much more admirable, and once they found a way in which to get back on their feet, they would buy a new one.

“You look very content,” Laura said as they walked past a milliner’s shop, stopping briefly to admire some of the bonnets in the window. “It appears you’ve settled into your new life quite nicely. I’m so very happy for you.”

“Thank you, Laura,” Rebecca said, aware of what Laura was describing. She was content and comfortable and happy for the first time in so very long. “I have no doubt that marrying Mr. Neville was the right decision. I find that we get along very well with each other.”

“I’m sure you do,” Laura murmured. “Indeed, your eyes have a tendency to sparkle whenever he is near.”

“Really? How curious,” Rebecca said. “I wasn’t aware.” In spite of how friendly she and Laura had grown with each other over the years, Rebecca had no intention of sharing her true feelings for Daniel with anyone, not even Laura. No, that was not a conversation she was prepared to have, for it would likely result in nothing but pity born from the sadness of unrequited love.

Rebecca refused to be sad when she really ought to be overjoyed. She’d escaped marrying the horrid Duke of Grover and was instead married to a man with whom she got along splendidly. He’d even allowed her to accompany him to Riley’s. How many husbands would be so accommodating? And then of course there was the attraction between them. Rebecca felt her cheeks grow warm at the thought of it and decided that she had no cause for complaint at all. Daniel had turned out to be a marvelous catch for her. It was quite unexpected, really, given his past, but he showed great promise of reforming, not to mention that from what she already knew of him, he didn’t seem to be nearly as bad as he claimed.

On the contrary, he’d been a perfect gentleman toward her so far. With all the talk about his tarnished reputation, she would have expected him to press his advances on her much sooner than he had. They’d had ample opportunity on their way to Scotland, but he’d waited until their wedding night instead. Clearly there had to be an inconsistency between the rumors and his actual character. Rebecca pondered it as she and Laura stopped in front of a haberdashery to admire some ribbons. He’d never ruined a woman as far as she knew, though he’d told her once that he’d taken great pleasure in flaunting a new woman on his arm each time he’d made a public appearance. They had been widows, actresses and opera singers of course, but the ton must have disapproved of how casual he’d been about it. Besides, he might as well have said out loud that he’d been bedding a different woman on each of these occasions, which was not something most parents wished their innocent daughters to bear witness to.

Still, Rebecca mused, deciding that she liked the red ribbons in the shop window best, it was all very ridiculous in her opinion. Daniel was such a fun and charming individual that she thought it a pity that so many had turned their backs on him. Well, perhaps once he proved to them all that he had changed, that marriage agreed with him and had encouraged him to calm down, things could be different.
