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The Scandal in Kissing an Heir

The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (At the Kingsborough Ball #2)(37)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Would you like to have some tea brought in?” Molly asked. Her chirpy voice sounded forced. “Perhaps some sandwiches too?”

“Thank you, but I think I’m more inclined to have a glass of brandy,” Rebecca said, her watercolors once again forgotten as she stood gazing out the window. It was more difficult to discern the faces of those passing by now, but if Daniel arrived . . . when Daniel arrived . . . it would probably be by hackney anyway.

“He will return, my lady,” Laura said, sounding very confident indeed.

She didn’t know what had happened the other night or what Starkly had said about Grover, though, and Rebecca couldn’t help but worry that something terrible had occurred. In fact, she was certain that it must have, or Daniel would surely have sent her a note to inform her of his delay. The unbidden notion of him enjoying the afternoon in the company of another woman entered her mind. She tamped it down, for she knew in her heart that this wasn’t what had happened. He’d promised to be faithful to her, and she knew that he had meant it. It would do her no good to allow irrational fears to gain a foothold.

“Yes, I’m sure you’re right, Laura,” she said. “All the same though, I do feel as if I’m in need of something a little stronger than tea.”

Laura did the honors and poured a glass at the side table, while Molly took her leave of them. “I didn’t realize that you liked the stuff.”

Rebecca turned to look at Laura. “I can’t say that I do.”

Laura chuckled as she handed Rebecca the glass. Taking a small sip, Rebecca winced and set the glass on the table.

“I doubt I’ll live long enough to acquire a taste for that particular stuff.”

“Would you like a sherry instead?”

“No, thank you. But I would like you to take a seat and keep me company the way you used to.” She could feel her agitation growing by the second, and attempting to paint had become impossible when all she could think about was Daniel and what might have happened to him. “If he’s not back within the next half hour, I’m asking Hawkins to call the runners.”

“Surely he will return soon,” Laura said. “I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t.”

Rebecca could, and she was now beside herself with worry because of it.

Chapter 22

Opening his eyes, Daniel squinted up at the darkened sky, or what little he could see of it from between the buildings that towered over him. Raw pain pierced his insides, and his eyes slid shut once more. Dear God, he was going to die. A groan escaped him and he grasped at the spot that pained him, only to be met with the warm wetness that saturated his shirt. He was going to die here in this alleyway with his back pressed against the ground, and not a soul would be there to bear witness.

What a spectacular ending to a perfectly unremarkable existence. He groaned again and wondered if he would be missed. Not bloody likely. On the contrary, there were probably those who would happily dance on his grave and celebrate his passing. He would no longer pose a threat to those unmarried daughters that everyone always expected him to seduce, and as far as his uncle went . . . well, he’d probably find someone more suitable of bearing the Wolvington title. Daniel winced. Nobody wanted him around, so why the devil should he even bother to try and stay alive?


Her face appeared before him like a vision and his heart filled with despair. She would miss him, of this he was certain, and the more he considered how much his death would probably affect her, the more he realized that she was the only one who truly mattered. He thought of her smile, and then he thought of her not smiling and all dressed in black. The image greatly disturbed him. Who would care for her once he was gone? She would have her dowry, of course, as well as the freedom that came with being a widow, but her money wouldn’t last forever. Perhaps she would sell the house, he thought, which would be just as well really. He ought to have sold it himself years ago.

He took a gulp of air, and his chest heaved while his wound burned. She should have had children, he thought. Rebecca would make an excellent mother. A thought struck him. What if she was already expecting? It was certainly possible, considering the number of times they’d been intimate and, in the end, all it took was one. And then a new image flickered through his head, one of Rebecca holding a dark-haired infant in her arms, and he was quite suddenly overcome with dread. How could he die and miss the chance of seeing his child? What sort of existence would such a young being have without a father? Unless of course . . . Bloody hell! What if Rebecca chose to remarry? The very idea of her in another man’s arms ignited such a fury within him that he became momentarily oblivious to the pain he was in. He couldn’t allow that to happen—he simply could not.

With a groan, he moved to sit up. He winced again. Christ, it hurt! But he was determined now, determined to see Rebecca again and to stop her from marrying someone else, determined to start a family with her and to laugh and play with his children. He would not abandon them the way his parents had abandoned him. No, he would love them and cherish them, and he would tell them that he did so every second of every day until they were sick of hearing it.

Staggering to his feet, he leaned against a brick wall and gasped for air, his hand clutching at his wound. Was this how bad it had been for Rebecca when she’d been shot? He shook his head with disbelief. What a remarkable woman. It wasn’t the first time he’d thought so, for there were many things about her that he admired, but it was the first time he allowed himself to analyze his feelings for her, and he was stunned to discover that what he felt didn’t terrify him nearly as much as the thought of never being able to tell her did.

He loved her.

Such a simple and uncomplicated thing, really. He shook his head in amazement and wondered how long he’d loved her. The answer surprised him more than the acknowledgement itself. It had happened quite suddenly really on their way to Scotland, when they’d sung that silly song together. Daniel blinked. He’d always had an innate fear of loving a woman who would do as his mother had done—love him back until one day she simply didn’t. But perhaps he hadn’t seen things for what they really had been. Perhaps his parents’ marriage had not been as happy as he’d always thought it to be. They might have had problems that he, as a child, had been unaware of. One thing however was certain—his mother’s departure had been extraordinarily selfish, not just because she’d left her husband for another man but because she’d left her child with no more than a simple sentence. Forgive me. She hadn’t even had the courage to face him.

And in that instant, Daniel knew that whatever future he might be able to have with Rebecca, she would never do what his mother had done, for she possessed the characteristics his mother had lacked—bravery and selflessness. He had to see her.

Using the wall for support, he managed to make his way out into the street. He felt light-headed, but somehow he kept himself upright, his arm rising to signal an approaching hackney. The vehicle slowed to a stop and the driver stared him up and down for a second before saying, “Where to?”

“Number ten, Bedford Square,” Daniel said, hoping his voice wasn’t quite as weak as it sounded to his own ears. The driver nodded, so he must have heard him, and Daniel gathered what little strength he had left and climbed in.

“A carriage,” Rebecca muttered as she stared out of the window for the hundredth time. And then, with more force behind her words, “A carriage! Laura, there’s a carriage!” She flew to the parlor door and out into the hallway, where she almost ran right into Hawkins, who was presently opening the front door.

Side by side, they stood in the doorway and looked out at the hackney that stood parked in the street. “Where is he?” she asked, not caring how urgent her words sounded. “It has to be him, right? But why doesn’t he alight?”

“Wait here,” Hawkins said, his words firm and decisive.

Rebecca watched his back as he strode down the front steps toward the awaiting carriage. He greeted the driver, then knocked on the door. The driver said something, but Rebecca couldn’t hear him. What on earth was going on? Where was Daniel? She stepped forward, intent on finding out for herself, but was stopped by a staying hand upon her shoulder.

“Let Hawkins help if help is needed,” Laura said. “Whatever has happened, I suspect the last thing you’ll want to do is cause a scene.”

“What are you talking about?” Rebecca asked, angry that Laura would prevent her from going to greet her husband. “I hardly think my presence on the pavement in front of my own house and in my husband’s company will result in a scene.”

“Perhaps not ordinarily, but have you taken a look at yourself in a looking glass lately? You’re hysterical. If anyone sees you in such a state, they’ll think the worst, not of you but of your husband, given his reputation. You must protect him and let Hawkins deal with this until they’re both inside the house.”

On a quivering breath, Rebecca nodded. Laura was right. If she ran frantically into the street to greet her husband at such a late hour, people would be inclined to believe that she’d just found him guilty of adultery. She couldn’t allow that to happen, not even if it might be true. It wasn’t a thought she wished to entertain and it tore at her heart to even consider it after all the promises he’d made, but there was still that little piece of doubt demanding to be heard: what if?

But then she saw him, and whatever fears she’d had of him being with another woman flew right out the window. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! “We’ll need supplies, Laura,” she said with a calm that belied her thumping heart and quaking nerves. “Hot water, towels, linens, brandy . . . and whatever else you can think of. Go.”

Laura departed with quick efficiency and Rebecca flung the front door wide to make space for Hawkins, who was helping Daniel up the steps, his arm flung around his valet’s shoulders for support. That was when she saw just how bad it was. There was blood, and it seemed to be everywhere—smeared across Daniel’s left cheek, on his cravat, and most notably on his shirt and hands. Dear God! What had happened? More importantly, would he survive it? She dared not think of such an outcome and tried to ignore the tightening in her throat and the welling of tears in her eyes. He needed her help, not some useless female who was going to cry over his injuries.

“Are you able to get him upstairs?” she asked Hawkins, who was doing his best to keep Daniel upright but having a difficult time of it. Hawkins was a tall man, but so was Daniel, and right now he appeared to be dead weight as he leaned against Hawkins.

With a stiff nod, Hawkins started toward the stairs, half dragging, half carrying Daniel along with him. “I’ll manage,” he muttered, and to Rebecca’s amazement, he did, though he looked as if he was at death’s door himself by the time he hauled Daniel onto the bed.

“Thank you,” Rebecca said, her hands already pulling Daniel’s jacket aside so she could get a better look at the wound.
