Read Books Novel

The Siren

“Thought I was terrifying.”

“You were. Then I met him.”

“You’ve never met a Jesuit before, have you?”

Zach gave her a blank look.

“Søren was trained as a Jesuit. They’re an infamous militant religious order. Otherwise known as ‘God’s Marines.’ They used to eat Protestant heretics,” Nora said with a dark grin. “But these days they’re known more for their rather liberal stance on abortion, homosexuality and…priestly celibacy.”

“Very liberal stance, I see. Are you sure he’s on God’s side?” Zach asked.

Nora laughed. “Very sure. And believe me, God’s relieved that he is. But don’t overreact. Søren was just f**king with your head. It’s his favorite part of the body to f**k with. Well, maybe second favorite.”

“I can’t believe you’re defending him.”

“Well, he was defending me.”

Zach looked at her. “What do you mean?”

“Back there with you. He’s worried you’re going to hurt me if you and I get involved. I mean, technically you’re still married. Søren’s really protective of me still. He wasn’t just trying to be a bitch to you, Zach. He was making sure you knew that if you hurt me, you’d have to answer to him.”

Zach blanched a little. He remembered the day he’d had to answer to Grace’s father about what had happened between them. That had possibly been the second worst day of his life. And Grace’s father was a teddy bear compared to Nora’s Father.

“Nora, I’ll no more answer to him than you should have to. He dragged you away and ordered you around like you were his own personal property. You aren’t even with him anymore. House rules or not, he has no right to treat you like that.”

Nora took her keys out of her coat pocket and held one up.

“Here. Want to go back in and tell him that?”

Zach stared at the key and remembered the dread he felt around Nora’s priest.

“Yeah,” Nora said, spinning the key ring on her finger. “I thought so. How about this one?” she said, holding up another key.

“Is that the key to the Aston Martin?” Zach raised an eyebrow.

“It is. Forgive me for Søren?” she asked dangling the key.

Zach took the key ring from her hand. “I’ll forgive you for anything.”

“I’m going to hold you to that, Zach.”

Zach slipped in the driver’s seat while Nora entered on the passenger side.

“You can drive a stick shift, can’t you?”

“Of course. Just haven’t ever done it on the right side of the road,” Zach said and grinned at her.

Zach started the car and felt the engine’s gentle vibrations run through his body.

“Now behave yourself,” Nora said. “I’ve got a friend on the force, but he says he’s fixed all the speeding tickets he can for me.”

“If I get a ticket in an Aston Martin, I plan to frame it and put it on my desk.” And with that Zach gunned the engine and spun out of the parking garage.

“So what did Søren say to you tonight?” Nora asked. Zach looked at her. She sounded a little too casual.

“He did more showing than telling.”

“I suppose you approved of that. What did you think of my room?”

“I think you should clean it a little more often,” Zach said, pulling the white garter from his pocket and tossing it at Nora. “Yours?”

Nora laughed as she played with the delicate piece of lace.

“I see Sheridan left me a souvenir. Naughty little slut. Too bad she’s engaged now or we could have a threesome with her.”

Zach’s groin tightened a little at the erotic tone in Nora’s voice. He hated what a stereotypical male he was when it came to the thought of two beautiful women together.

Zach was silent for a few moments as he worked up his courage.

“Nora, talking with Griffin this evening—”

“Oh, God, Griffin. He’s the reason gags were invented. What did he say?”

“He told me about what it was like when you and Søren were together. About what he did to you. Why did you stay with him so long?”

Nora only laughed.

“Zach, there’s an alley up here on the left. Pull in and park. I want to show you something.”

Nervously, Zach obeyed. He turned the car off and looked at Nora. She unbuckled her seat belt and before Zach could react, she had reached across him, reclined his seat and straddled his lap. She ran her hand down his chest and unzipped his pants. Zach inhaled sharply as she took him in her hand.

“I’m flattered.” She grinned at him through the dark. “Is this for me or the car?”

“Nora, I told you—”

Nora ran her fingers up and down him so possessively he panted.

“Pay attention, Zach. I’m only going to say this once.” Bending close, she bit him lightly on his neck. She kissed a path from his throat to his ear as she stroked him with knowing fingers. “I know you want to f**k me. And I know you wish you didn’t. So how about we compromise and you can sit here and say, ‘No, Nora,’ ‘Don’t, Nora,’ ‘Stop, Nora,’ and I’ll ignore all those protests and slide right down on your c**k anyway? And I’ll do it because no and don’t and stop aren’t your safe word. So you can finally get f**ked and still sleep like a baby in your big lonely bed tonight feeling all clean and shiny and virginal because, after all, you did say ‘no’ and that awful Nora Sutherlin just wouldn’t listen.”
