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The Trouble With Being a Duke

The Trouble With Being a Duke (At the Kingsborough Ball #1)(37)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Is distraught, by the way,” Anthony said. He returned his attention to Lady Margaret. “And so is your mother. Heaven above, did you even think to consider what your running away would do to them? They’ve been worried senseless about you.”

“My father,” Lady Margaret said, her words sounding measured, “is the reason behind all of this. If he wouldn’t have . . .” Her words trailed off as a shadow crossed her face. It was obvious that she was wrestling with the decision of how much to divulge.

Reflex pressed Anthony to encourage her with words, but he thought better of it and decided to hold silent instead. He was desperate for answers now, but he sensed that he would be more likely to get them if he gave Lady Margaret the time and space she required. So he leaned back in his chair and waited.

When she finally spoke, it was in such a soft whisper that Anthony had to strain to hear her. “When I turned eighteen and had my coming out, my parents did all in their power to ensure a good match for me. I have no siblings, Your Grace, so my dowry was astronomical. Naturally, every bachelor in England came to call on me, expressing a keen desire to court me, or my money, to be more precise. To put it in perspective, I received no fewer than ten proposals that first week. My parents were ecstatic, of course, but I . . .” She paused momentarily as she fidgeted with her gown. With an almost shy smile about her lips she looked to her husband. “I had already made my choice. I’d fallen in love with Walter and knew that he loved me in return.”

“Except he wasn’t a man your parents could accept,” Anthony muttered.

“No,” she said, reaching for her teacup and taking a small sip. “But I knew I had to try and fight for what I wanted, so I told them about my feelings for Walter—that I loved him desperately and wanted to marry him. My dowry would have allowed us to live a comfortable life, but my father refused to listen. He was furious, in fact. First, he told me that I was insane to think that he would allow me to marry his stable master, then he gave me a seething speech about how love was for children and about how I had a duty to adhere to, and then he sacked Walter. I was devastated and refused to leave my room for a whole week.

“My father eventually came to make amends with me. He told me how sorry he was for his outburst but that I must realize what a shock I’d given both him and my mother. Of course I could, so when he begged forgiveness for his rash response and told me he would let me marry Walter after all if that was what would make me happy, I believed him.” Anthony tensed at the sound of her ominous tone. “The Shrewsburry Ball was to take place that evening, and my father suggested we go together as a family. In the morning, he would send for Walter and give him his blessing.

“As was to be expected, given my successful debut, the gentlemen lined up to claim a dance with me the moment we arrived. One of these gentlemen was Lord Jouve. He was terribly charming with that crooked smile of his, and when he spoke to me he didn’t seem to have that same eagerness about him that all the other gentlemen had. He asked me to accompany him in a reel, and I accepted, thinking nothing of it.

“Once the dance was over, we toured the periphery of the ballroom together, during which he engaged me in the most interesting conversation about the stars. I was so enthralled by what he was telling me that it didn’t occur to me to say no when he offered to take me outside and show me some of the many constellations. It was terribly naïve of me of course, for he spared not a moment before taking advantage, and who do you suppose arrived on the scene just in time to witness my ruin?”

Anthony knew, and yet it was far too horrid to contemplate.

“As it turned out, Lord Jouve was in dire financial straits. He needed my dowry, so when my father went to him and suggested he compromise me, the two forged a plan that would see me married to an aristocrat just as my father wanted, while Lord Jouve would reap the benefits.” Lady Margaret expelled a deep breath as her eyes met Anthony’s. “I left home that same evening, still dressed in my ball gown.”

Silence filled the room. What Lord Deerford had put his daughter through was unpardonable—the ultimate betrayal. And to mask the disgrace, he’d concocted the kidnapping story. It didn’t surprise Anthony in the least that she’d stayed away all these years, though it must have taken great resilience for her not to have contacted her mother. Surely she must have suspected how deeply her absence had wounded Lady Deerford.

But, however regrettable Lady Margaret’s past was, it didn’t change the fact that Anthony wanted to marry her daughter. Society was still likely to frown—perhaps even more so with her blood ties to the infamous lady who’d taken up with the stable master so long ago. The scandal would probably rock the Kingsborough name, but there were also those who would stand by him, and besides, Anthony mused, it was worth the risk. “You have to tell Isabella,” he said.

“What?” the Chilcotts said in unison.

“As sorry as I am for everything that has happened to you, my lady, you have no right to impose yourself on your daughter’s future like this. Don’t you see that in doing so you’re doing to her precisely what your father did to you?” He saw the look of indignation on her face, but he pressed on before she had a chance to speak. “I love your daughter and have every intention of making her my wife, so if you don’t tell her the truth, then I will. Hell, she thinks herself unsuitable to be duchess when nothing could be further from the truth. She’s the granddaughter of a marquess, for heaven’s sake!”

“I . . . I cannot bear the thought of seeing him again,” Lady Margaret said. There was no doubt about whom she was referring to. “And I worry about what Isabella will say—what she will think of us when she learns the truth.”

“The sooner you tell her the better,” Anthony said. “And once that’s done, I hope you’ll give me your blessing. I’d like to propose to her before Mr. Roberts does.”

“You know, I’m still not clear on why you disapprove of him so vehemently,” Lady Margaret said. “Is there something we ought to know, or is your dislike for the man based purely on the fact that he’s competing for her hand?”

Anthony looked to Mr. Chilcott. “You haven’t told her, have you?”

“I must admit that I found your claim hard to believe and decided to confront Mr. Roberts directly. He assured me that he has every intention of seeing to Isabella’s comfort.”

Of course he did. What Mr. Chilcott had apparently chosen to ignore was that once Mr. Roberts married Isabella there would be nothing to stop him from doing as he pleased with her.

“Would one of you please enlighten me,” Lady Margaret insisted.

Since Mr. Chilcott looked unlikely to do so, it fell on Anthony’s shoulders to inform Isabella’s mother that Mr. Roberts’s definition of comfort was likely different from their own and that Isabella would in fact become his maid.

“I can’t believe you knew this and failed to tell me,” Lady Margaret said, addressing her husband.

“I know how fond you are of Mr. Roberts and didn’t want to place him in a negative light unless I knew that what His Grace had told me was true. But when Mr. Roberts denied the accusation I . . . well, I believed him.”

Lady Margaret closed her eyes momentarily. When she opened them again she looked at Anthony. “Are you telling us the truth, Your Grace, or is this a trick to have your way?”

“On my father’s grave, I swear to you that I am telling you exactly what Mr. Roberts told me.” He paused, regarding them both in turn. “As I’ve said, I love Isabella with all my heart and know that she feels the same about me. Please don’t get between us the way Lord Deerford got between the two of you, but give us your blessing and let us be happy—I beg you.”

“We cannot let her marry Mr. Roberts,” Mr. Chilcott murmured. He turned to his wife with distress. “I know that we have an agreement with him and that he won’t be the least bit pleased if we go back on our word, but I cannot in good conscience allow Isabella to marry him when there’s a chance he will demean her in such a way. If he’s really looking to treat her like a servant, then it’s no wonder that he was so adamant about her being the judicious and trustworthy sort when I initially suggested he court her. I’m sorry, my love, but I will not sacrifice her happiness like this—not even for you.”

Lady Margaret held silent for a moment as she gazed back at her husband with misty eyes. Composing herself, she eventually said, “I haven’t made your life easy, Walter. In fact, I’ve many a time wondered if you wouldn’t have been better off with someone else . . . someone less spoiled.” He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a staying hand. “You’ve gone to great lengths to make my life as comfortable as possible, providing me with a maid when there were times when we could barely afford to put food on the table. And now, with Isabella, when you suggested we seek out my parents and ask them to aid us in finding her a good match and I refused . . . you gave in to my selfish demands—demands that should have no bearing on the lives of our children.

“What happened, happened to me, not to her. She deserves to know of her heritage, as does Jamie—they both deserve to marry whoever they want, the same way I did.” She met Anthony’s gaze then and, reaching out her hand, clasped Anthony’s with her own. “We will tell her everything, and once that is done, you may make your offer.”

The sigh of relief that Anthony expelled in response to those words was immense. “Thank you, both of you. I know how difficult it was for you to make this decision, and I am also aware that there are a few things that concern you. Rest assured that you will never want for anything, and neither will your daughters. We will be family, and as such, we will take care of each other.” A thought struck him and he anxiously said, “Speaking of which, my mother asked me to extend an invitation for tea to Isabella on her behalf. Perhaps I can persuade you to join us?”

There was a wariness about Lady Margaret’s eyes, telling Anthony that she wasn’t quite ready to venture back into the upper crests of society. The lady within her, however, must have found it difficult to refuse without appearing rude, for she answered in the affirmative. “We would love to—thank you.”

“And tomorrow afternoon I shall have a word with Mr. Roberts and explain the lay of the land,” Mr. Chilcott said.

“I’ll be happy to join you for that discussion if you like.” Anthony rose to his feet, eager to get home and tell his mother the good news. Offering Lady Margaret a perfectly executed bow followed by a handshake for Mr. Chilcott, Anthony headed for the door.

Pausing, he turned and said, “If you don’t mind, I’d rather you don’t speak of this to Isabella just yet—I’d like to ensure that everything regarding Mr. Roberts is aboveboard before we start celebrating her engagement to someone else. A courtesy, if you will.” The Chilcotts both agreed and were complimenting his thoughtfulness when the parlor door opened and Isabella popped her head inside. Her eyes widened when she registered Anthony’s presence. “Your Grace,” she said as she entered the parlor and dropped a curtsy. “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”
