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The Tycoon's Blackmailed Mistress

The Tycoon’s Blackmailed Mistress(12)
Author: Maxine Sullivan

He watched her with a measuring look. “You got out, that’s the main thing. It would have taken courage standing up to someone like Monica.”

She blinked rapidly even as a lump welled in her throat. He was admitting that he understood about Monica, at least, and that touched her deeply.

“Thank you,” she murmured. “It did take courage.”

He considered her across the table. “I gather this is the basis for your stand on independence?”

She inclined her head. “Yes. Having someone like Monica around really made me appreciate living alone.”

And Robert had been his mother’s son.

“Does she frighten you?”

She paused. “You asked me that last night, too, and I said no.”

“Are you sure that’s the truth?”

She tilted her head with a frown. “Why are you pushing?”

He shrugged. “No reason.”

“Tell me about your job,” he suddenly said.

She hesitated, confused by all the questions. “Er…what do you want to know?”

“You said yesterday Monica expected you to be home from work in time for her arrival. So I gather you work. I’m interested in what you do.”

Her brow lifted. “You mean, you don’t already know?”


She sent him a wry look at the one-word answer. “My friend Angie owns a boutique and I work there three days a week.”

“Have you been there long?”

“Long enough,” she quipped, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Just then, a curtain rolled back at the end of the dance floor to reveal a woman sitting at a piano. At the sound of applause, she burst into a song. Danielle appreciated the interruption and sent Flynn a wry smile, receiving a knowing look in return.

The songs continued while they ate their way through their meal, talking only sporadically. The singer had a very good voice so it was pleasant listening to her. Besides, it gave Danielle the chance to gather her thoughts before the next onslaught from Flynn.

Then the singing finished to further applause, but the woman continued to play. One of the couples rose from their table and strolled out to dance on the parquet floor, slipping into each other’s arms as if they knew exactly where they were supposed to be in this world.

Then another couple followed and another. She didn’t want Flynn to think she wanted to dance, so she looked down at her plate and began pushing the remaining salmon around with her fork.

“You’re not hungry?

She glanced up and gave a polite smile. “It’s delicious but I don’t seem to have much of an appetite lately.”

He placed his napkin beside his empty plate. “You’ll have dessert.”

She bristled slightly at the order. “None for me.”

“But you’ve got to have something for your birthday. What about some of that chocolate concoction the woman over there is eating?”

Danielle glanced at the other table and felt sick at the thought of more chocolate. “No, I couldn’t. Three o’clock this morning I was eating celery dipped in a jar of hazelnut chocolate. Lovely at the time but—”

“You should be doing other things at three in the morning,” he suddenly growled, bringing sensuality back into focus. Without warning, he stood up. “Dance with me.”

Her heart jumped in her throat as he helped her to her feet, then walked her out to the floor. She knew she went into his arms as if she were made to be there, just like those other couples had with each other.

He pulled her close and she quivered and gave a small sigh, giving herself up to the moment, unable to fight him this one time. He smelled so good, so wonderful, so Flynn. His hand was against her back, caressing her, holding her against him, as if he’d never let her go.

Long moments crept by as they danced slowly around the dance floor, a possessive gleam in his eyes that both thrilled and disturbed her.

“Did you know your eyes turn smoky-blue at certain times?” he murmured thickly.

Her throat went dry. “When I’m angry?”

“When something moves you. When you get passionate.”

Her breath caught in her lungs. “You shouldn’t talk like that.”

A muscle pulsated in his cheek. “We’re adults, Danielle. We’re allowed to talk any way we want.” His arms tightened around her. “And do anything we want to do.”

Her heart rate accelerated as if someone had pressed a button inside her and forgot to stop. There was a whole other subliminal conversation going on beneath their words…had been going on from the moment they’d met.

“I…um…need some fresh air,” she said, her heart thudding against her ribs.

His gaze rested on her heated face. “Let’s go for a walk.”

“Ye—” she swallowed “—yes.”

She didn’t look at him as she let him take control, while he paid the bill and ushered her through the restaurant and across the road to Bicentennial Park. She needed to get outside, to inhale some night air fresh from the ocean.

“Is this better?” Flynn asked as he tucked her arm through his and they began to stroll along the pavement.

“Yes, thank you. It was so hot in there.” She glanced away when he sent her another knowing look.

As they walked, she forced herself to concentrate on her surroundings. The world had grown a little quieter at this hour. Older couples passed by, others headed home for the night. Younger people were just beginning to gather for the bar scene. Out on the ocean, lights from a distant boat bobbed in the water. Just behind them, the city’s low skyline silhouetted itself against a black velvet sky.

And none of it could make Danielle forget that this virile man was beside her, the touch of his arm beneath her own shooting ripples of delight through her every step of the way.

Suddenly she noticed a commotion a few yards ahead and she automatically stopped dead. An old man was sitting on the pavement, crying. A younger man was trying to get him to stand up.

“Come on, Dad. Let’s go home,” the younger man said. “My car’s just over there.”

The father gave a sob. “I don’t wanna go home, boyo. I wanna stay here.”

“Dad, listen. You’ve got to come home. Mum’s had enough. She can’t take much more.”

Danielle’s heart went out to the son. The man obviously had a drinking problem. She went to hurry over to them, wanting to help if she could.

Flynn put a hand on her arm, stopping her. “Leave them.”

Her eyes widened and her heart dipped with disappointment in him. She’d never been one to ignore a cry for help and she wasn’t going to start now. “But they may need my—”

His face tightened. “They don’t.”

“Flynn, don’t be silly.”

“The man’s an alcoholic, Danielle,” he said harshly. “There’s nothing you can do for him.”


“Let’s leave his son with some dignity,” he said, his face hardening as a crowd began to gather around the other couple.

The younger man looked up and she saw the despair and shame in his eyes. Flynn was right. He didn’t need an audience.

“You don’t belong in that world, Danielle,” he said, taking her arm and leading her back toward his Mercedes.

She went without a murmur, the closed look in his eyes touching her deep inside, making her heart clench with a compassion she wouldn’t have said he deserved a week ago. Instinctively, she knew he had done this before himself, probably as a boy with his own father. It explained a lot about Flynn. He must have been so hurt and humiliated all those years ago. No child should have to grow up like that.

They rode back to her apartment in silence, not even talking as they came out of the elevator and walked along the hallway. Danielle surprised herself by wanting to slip her arms around his waist and hold him tight, ease his heartache, but she knew it wouldn’t be appreciated. He was a man who stood alone, no matter what the circumstances.

Their steps slowed as they reached her door. She swallowed as she turned to face him. “Flynn, about that man back there…”

“Forget him. I have.”

No, this was important. “I want you to know…that I understand.”

“Good.” But he was suddenly looking at her lips.

She moistened them, not deliberately, but it didn’t matter. She saw his eyes darken. “Thank you for dinner. It was a lovely evening.”

He moved closer. “Nowhere near as lovely as you.”

The breath hitched in her throat. She knew what he wanted. Knew the whole evening had been inching toward this in a silent, sensual way that had been sneaking up on both of them. “Flynn, no.”

“No?” he said huskily.

She tilted her chin, trying to fight his attraction, trying not to reach out and touch him. “I can’t let you make love to me.”

He stilled. “Because of your pregnancy?”

“No. It’s just that—”

He lifted his hand, ran a finger along her lower lip. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman, Danielle. Being with you tonight, having you in my arms, is driving me crazy.”

She gasped as his finger left her mouth and slid down the column of her throat. “There’s some things…you can’t have,” she murmured, loving the feel of his touch against her skin. “I’m one of them.”

He picked up the gold chain at her neck that had been her mother’s and held it loosely between his fingers. “Tell me you don’t want me,” he challenged. “Give me a reason to walk away from you right now.”

Her legs began to tremble as her stomach curled with need. “I…can’t.”

He dropped the chain against her skin, his finger sliding back up her neck, along her jawline. “I want you in my arms tonight, Danielle. I want the scent of you on me. But I want no regrets.” His finger stilled under her chin, waiting.

She shuddered but she knew what she would do. She couldn’t refuse him, not when every pore in her body was calling out to be embraced by him. Dear God, the only thing she’d regret right now was not making love to him.

“No regrets, Flynn,” she whispered, and his eyes flared with white-hot heat. “Not tonight.”

Tomorrow could take care of itself.


D anielle’s knees shook as she stepped inside her bedroom, with Flynn right behind her. She had no doubt this was meant to be, no doubt at all this was where she wanted to be, yet she was afraid.

Of herself.

Of Flynn.

Of the sheer breadth of sexual attraction between them.

“Look at me,” he murmured and put his hand on her arm, slowly turning her around to face him, making sure she could see the very masculine look in his eyes that said he was all male, all possessive. That he wanted her. That he would have her. She could not deny him. Or herself.

“Flynn, I think…” She paused, suddenly not sure what she wanted to say.

“Don’t think. Just feel, Danielle. Feel me touch you.” His fingers began to stroke her arm through the thin material, the light touch so powerful it made her feel him, all right. She felt boneless as those dark, smoldering eyes held her in place while his hand slid up and cupped the curve of her shoulder, savored it before sliding his palm around to the back of her neck.
