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The Tycoon's Blackmailed Mistress

The Tycoon’s Blackmailed Mistress(15)
Author: Maxine Sullivan

Her hands trembled as she lifted the little vests and jumpsuits. So tiny and sweet. She found it hard to imagine something so small would even fit into them. Even harder to believe she was carrying that baby inside her and in six months she would be holding her child in her arms. She’d tried to prepare but there was no doubt a baby would make a huge difference in her life.

Unfortunately she wasn’t prepared for a bombshell the next day at work. Ben Richmond, the Realtor who’d offered her the apartment, called her at the boutique midmorning while Angie was out doing some bank business.

“Danielle, do you think I could come and see you? It’s important.”

“What is it, Ben?” Something was wrong. She could tell by his tone.

“How about I come by in an hour? Does that suit you?”

“Yes,” she agreed, but once she hung up the telephone she worried about what the problem could be. Ben had been so guarded on the phone.

He was even less cheerful when he pushed open the door to the store and saw her standing beside a row of clothes. His gaze behind the horn-rimmed glasses immediately dropped to her stomach, then back up to her face. “I’m sorry to ask you this, Danielle, but are you pregnant?”

Danielle frowned. “Yes, but—”

He winced then shook his graying head. “So you’re having a baby?” he said, as if he still didn’t want to believe it.

Frowning, she glanced down at her black trousers and sleeveless, body-hugging, cream-colored top that gave no hint of the baby beneath her stomach. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

A momentary look of discomfort crossed his face. “I hate to tell you this, but the lease you signed said no children.” He held out his hands in a helpless gesture and shrugged. “I’m sorry, but there it is.”

“Wh-what?” Her legs threatened to buckle and she made her way to one of the chairs.

Ben shot her a sympathetic glance. “If it were up to me, I’d let you stay. Unfortunately your landlord called us this morning after receiving a complaint from one of the other tenants and that leaves us no choice.”

Danielle tried to take it all in. “Are you telling me I have to leave my apartment? My home?”

He gave an encouraging smile. “Don’t worry. We’re not going to kick you out tomorrow or anything.” His smile faded. “But the landlord is insisting that you leave as soon as possible. He sincerely apologizes but he has no choice, either.”

“But…but…I don’t remember that clause in my lease.” She’d been so grateful to be moving in she hadn’t read it thoroughly.

“It’s there, but I can’t let you take all the blame. I should have pointed it out. I just didn’t think about it because I knew you and Rob didn’t have any children. I didn’t realize you were already pregnant.”

Her fingers fluttered to her neck. “It took so long to find something suitable that I jumped at it without thinking.” Tears pricked her eyes. “Now I’ve got to find somewhere else to live.”

Ben looked worried. “Don’t upset yourself. I’ll help you. I’ve got a couple of places in mind not far from where you are now. You’ll like them, I promise.”

The thought of moving again filled her with dread. What if they couldn’t find somewhere suitable? She’d have to return to Monica’s.

“Are you all right?”

His words stopped her panic in its tracks. She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. One step at a time. She’d manage.

“I’ll be okay.”

Ben’s face relaxed with relief. “Why don’t I call you tomorrow? We’ll go take a look at some other apartments.”

She tried to smile. It wasn’t his fault she’d been so careless. “Fine.”

His eyes filled with regret. “I’m so sorry about this, Danielle.”

“I know.” She started to rise.

“No, you stay there. I’ll see myself out.” He walked to the door.

All at once, she just had to know. “Ben, I don’t suppose you can tell me who complained?”

He stopped and turned. “I honestly don’t know. The landlord called my boss about it. That’s all he would tell me.” Ben left just as a woman customer entered the shop. The woman looked at her oddly, but Danielle couldn’t risk a smile so she stood up and went back behind the counter, leaving the woman to browse.

But as the numbness wore off she tried to think who was the culprit. The yuppie couple on the first floor? The businesswoman living next door to them?

Danielle automatically knew all of them would hate the thought of a baby living in the building, crying at all hours of the night. Why, even Flynn would object to…

She sucked in a sharp breath. Was it Flynn who had called her landlord? Would he stoop so low? She swallowed as something horrifying occurred to her. Had his intention been to force her into marrying him?

Suddenly it all made sense and she felt sick to her stomach. How could he do this to her? They’d shared a night together and now he thought he could manipulate her. She wouldn’t put any dirty tricks past him. God, were all men swines?

Just then, Angie returned. Not wanting to worry her friend who had enough on her plate, somehow Danielle managed to act normal as she stood up and said she needed to go out for a short while. Angie gave her a searching glance, mentioned that Danielle looked pale and asked if she was okay, then said to take the rest of the day off if she wanted. Danielle politely refused, though she was grateful for the offer.

And then she left the store and walked to an office block in the city center. Flynn Donovan was in for a surprise today. And she could guarantee he wouldn’t like it.

Only, when she reached his office, his secretary apologized and said he’d gone home to change before flying out to Paris later this afternoon.

Danielle swallowed hard, feeling the tears threaten. She was about to lose her home and the instigator was leaving town.

The older woman frowned. “Look, let me give you his address. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

Danielle knew that was one thing he wouldn’t be, but she couldn’t say that, in case the woman withdrew the offer. She just hoped the secretary didn’t get into trouble on her behalf.

“That’s very kind of you.”

“I’m glad to help.” The woman smiled encouragingly. “You’d better hurry. I’d hate for you to miss him.”

So would she.

Ten minutes later she stopped her car in front of one of the houses along the waterfront, thankful she could see Flynn’s Mercedes parked on the paved driveway. She glanced up at the luxurious, two-story residence with its expansive glass windows absorbing the view of the sea. Anyone who owned this placed never had to worry about having somewhere to live.

Not like her, she thought, pushing aside her despair as she got out of her car and stormed up to the house. She was just reaching the dozen or so steps when the front door swung open and there stood Flynn with an older couple behind him. For a moment she was disconcerted.

Then she remembered why she was here.

“There you are, you coward!”

To say Flynn was surprised by the woman on his doorstep was an understatement, but he didn’t show it. What on earth was Danielle doing here? She hadn’t just dropped by for a friendly visit, not with those lovely blue eyes blazing at him beneath pencil-slim brows, her glossy lips thin with anger, her chin tilted at an irate angle. She looked beautiful and feisty.

“Danielle,” he growled, stepping through the doorway toward her as she reached the top step. “Perhaps you should come inside.”

“Oh, that’s right. Be polite. Let’s not disillusion your staff about the type of boss they have.” Her furious gaze swept over the older couple. “I bet you think he’s a decent human being. Well, so did I and look where it got me?” She slammed her hands on slim h*ps covered by a clingy top. “I’m pregnant and Flynn Donovan doesn’t care if I have this baby out on the street.”

He swore under his breath. “I don’t know what your problem is but I suggest we talk about this in private.” Taking her by the elbow, he marched her inside past Louise and Thomas, then closed his study door behind them and turned to face her.

His eyes narrowed. “Now. What the hell is wrong with you? And what’s all this about you having the baby out on the street?”

She shot him a hostile glare. “Don’t pretend you don’t know.”

His mouth set in a tight line. “I’m not pretending. I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re going on about.”

“You told my landlord about me having a baby, didn’t you? You must have found out children aren’t allowed to live in the building.” Her voice suddenly broke on an emotional note. “Now I—” she swallowed, her eyes glistening “—now I have to leave.”

“You think I’d do that?” he rasped, striding toward her but she quickly stepped back, refusing to let him come any closer. He stopped a few feet away.

Her chin set in a stubborn line as she blinked back the tears. “Absolutely.”

“Even after last night?” he said in a brusque tone, a growing heaviness centering in his chest.

“Especially after last night,” she said without hesitation.

He drew himself up straighter, taut with anger. “I’m sorry but I don’t see the connection.”

“Then you’re the only one. You made me homeless so I’d have to marry you.”

He flinched inwardly. Was this the same woman he’d made love to last night? The same woman who had slid back into bed with him and begged him to make love to her?

“Danielle, you have my word that I had nothing to do with this.”

But he knew who did.


Thank heavens he’d put a guard on her yesterday as soon as he’d left her apartment…a woman who knew she’d better do a good job or else…until he could get back from Paris and protect Danielle himself.

Her eyes distrusted him but he saw a flicker of doubt. “How can I believe that?”

He drew himself up straighter. “In business, my word would be enough.”

“This isn’t business. This is personal.” As soon as she said the words, she flushed, a becoming tint highlighting her cheekbones.

“Yes, very personal,” he drawled, pleased by her reaction.

“You know I don’t mean it like that,” she said, her voice softer now, the look in her eyes more gentle.

His gut clenched. “I can’t help what you think about me, but getting someone thrown out on the street is not my style.”

She stared, her eyes assessing him as the seconds ticked by. Then her mouth relaxed a fraction. “Why do I believe you?”

Fierce relief launched through his veins. “Because you know it’s the truth,” he said, pulling her toward him, the scent of Allure perfume filling his nostrils, stirring his senses. He hardened with desire and pressed himself against her, letting her feel what she did to him.
